December 3, 2019
Online Voter Registration is Live
We are pleased to announce that the Online Voter Registration website is now available and can be found at by selecting the “Register to Vote” option located on the left panel of the page. The tool can also be reached directly by going to Residents across the state can take advantage of this convenient way of registering to vote. Current voters can easily change their address using this website.
Registering to vote has never been easier and can be accomplished by navigating five easy screens:
- Welcome screen
- Qualifications
- Personal information
- Address
- Congratulations screen with receipt option
To use this convenient website, visitors must currently have a Michigan Driver’s License or Personal Identification Card and qualify to vote in the state of Michigan (i.e., citizen, age, residency).
New registrations and changes of addresses will be passed to the Qualified Voter File (QVF) in real time! Because the online registration system requires the voter to provide all information necessary for voter registration and uses the voter’s electronic signature (already on file with the Secretary of State), there will be no need to track down voters who have provided incomplete forms. The site also enables (but does not require) voters to provide their e-mail address or phone number, which we will expect will result in more voters providing this contact information to clerks. Your Inbox and the Voter Registration History tab will display the user name “MVIC” as the source of these transactions.
The website utilizes responsive design meaning that it can be used on any computer, tablet, and smart phone. We encourage you to share information about this tool and promote its use. Additional features will be added in 2020.
 If you experience or if voters report any errors or problems using Online Voter Registration, please promptly report those issues to
November Election Data Series #3
This is the third in a series of data sharing communications with a summary of the voting activity for the Nov. 5, 2019 election. These statistics are current as of Nov. 20.
The statistics show a slight increase in turnout and a significant increase in the percentage of votes that are cast absentee, rather than in precinct. This is consistent with previous findings in the May and August elections. Clerks should prepare for a significant increase in absentee ballots in 2020 elections.