Work includes routine tasks such as fluid changes, tire changes, and tune-ups to more in-depth work and repairs due to unexpected damages and winter wear and tear.
Keeping vehicle downtime to a minimum is a must during the winter when we rely on having nearly all equipment out removing snow. The OCRC team of mechanics work hard each day to make sure the fleet stays on the road.
The OCRC also relies on this skilled team to help fabricate the trucks that you see plowing the roads throughout the community.
The team takes delivery of barebone truck chassis, and outfits them with all of the parts and equipment that are needed. This ensures that the OCRC can customize its trucks so that the fleet satisfies the budget expectations of county residents.
This process also gives mechanics the firsthand knowledge they need to know how the vehicles are put together so, when repairs are needed, they can get right to work.
Did you know that each year, the Ottawa County Road Commission and road agencies across the state enforce seasonal weight restrictions to help protect roads from the impacts of freeze and thaw cycles?
The intent of the restrictions is to protect the integrity of the road when frost is coming out of the ground.
With the onset of warmer weather, more thawing is occurring beneath the road’s surface.
This creates a saturated roadbed, with water trapped between the pavement and the remaining ice layer below. Heavy trucks and equipment traveling over inadequately supported road surfaces can result in permanent cracks and damage.
Enacting seasonal restrictions is based on multiple factors including solid frost depths, pavement and air temperatures, visual signs of pavement bleeding, pavement distress, saturation levels of roadbeds, and the ten-day forecast.
Neighboring cities and counties work closely together to discuss these factors and align enforcement when possible.
The OCRC has a 24-hour Seasonal Weight and Speed Restriction Hotline that can be reached at 616-842-0086 or 1-800-394-0290. The OCRC also posts information about the status of seasonal weight restrictions on its website:
More information regarding OCRC's seasonal restrictions and transportation permitting is available at
As winter tightens its grip, so does the perennial challenge of potholes on our roads.
Ever wondered how these craters form? Let's uncover the mystery.
Freeze, Fracture, and Thaw: Michigan's weather plays a role. Winter's freeze-thaw cycles cause water to infiltrate road surfaces, cracking and weakening them.
Traffic's Toll: Constant traffic adds stress, hastening pavement deterioration. The dynamic duo of freeze-thaw and traffic sets the stage for pothole formation.
Salt's Impact: To combat ice, salt is used, but it accelerates corrosion, further compromising road integrity. The weakened pavement becomes a hotbed for potholes.
Endless Cycle: Come spring, melting snow and ice worsen the situation, as water seeps into the weakened pavement, hastening pothole formation. It's a perpetual challenge.
Our Call to Action: Though we can't control the weather, proactive road maintenance, durable materials, and innovative infrastructure solutions can mitigate pothole impacts.
Have a pothole to report? Visit our website and use our online service request form to report any issues you may find.
The Lower Grand River Organization of Watersheds (LGROW) offers the following tips this winter to help you make sure your snow removal is also environmentally responsible this year.
Here are several tips from LGROW to keep your snow removal sustainable:
Recycle Your Salt
After a snow storm, don’t let leftover salt on your sidewalks or driveways go to waste.
By sweeping or vacuuming the solid granules, you can collect unused salt and store it for the next snowfall.
Not only does this practice save you money by stretching your supply, but it also reduces environmental impacts by preventing excess salt from washing into storm drains and nearby waterways.
A quick cleanup after the storm can make a big difference for both your wallet and the environment!
Shovel Snow Smartly
When clearing unsalted snow from sidewalks and driveways, consider shoveling it onto vegetated areas such as lawns, gardens, or other landscaped spaces.
These areas act as natural filters, helping to capture and absorb the water as the snow melts. By doing this, you reduce the volume of runoff that flows directly into storm drains, which often leads straight to rivers, streams, and other water bodies.
This simple practice not only protects aquatic ecosystems from excessive pollutants and sediment but also provides your plants and grass with much-needed moisture during the drier months. A little forethought in snow management can go a long way toward protecting the environment!