 April 2024 | Volume 14 | Issue 4 | 
As National Work Zone Awareness Week approaches, the Ottawa County Road Commission is emphasizing the critical importance of safety in roadway work zones. With the week of April 15 designated as a time to raise awareness about work zone safety, the Commission urges all motorists to pay close attention, eliminate distractions, and reduce speed when approaching work zones.
According to recent statistics, work zone crashes remain a significant concern.

In 2021 alone, 956 individuals tragically lost their lives in work zone incidents, with the majority of casualties being drivers, their passengers, and pedestrians. In addition, 108 roadway workers were killed in work zones.
These sobering numbers underscore the urgent need for increased caution and adherence to safety protocols while navigating through construction areas.
To ensure the safety of everyone on the road, the Ottawa County Road Commission offers the following general work zone driving safety tips:
Stay Alert: Keep your eyes on the road and remain attentive to changing conditions. Reduce Speed: Follow posted speed limits and be prepared to slow down in work zones. Eliminate Distractions: Avoid using electronic devices or engaging in activities that take your focus off the road. Obey Signs and Flaggers: Follow directions provided by signage and construction workers to safely navigate through work zones. Maintain a Safe Distance: Leave ample space between your vehicle and construction equipment or workers. Expect the Unexpected: Be prepared for sudden stops, lane closures, or detours within work zones.
As National Work Zone Awareness Week approaches, the Ottawa County Road Commission encourages all motorists to heed these safety guidelines and play an active role in promoting work zone safety. By working together to prioritize caution and awareness, we can help prevent accidents and protect the lives of both road users and construction workers.
Road commission crews reshape or “pull” shoulders on paved roads throughout the county every spring before the grass begins to grow on the side of the road.
This maintenance helps restore the shoulder shape and function.
A typical problem that develops is that the gravel surface of the shoulder does not meet the paved edge of the roadway.
If the shoulder is too high, the road will not drain properly; if the shoulder is too low, a hazardous drop-off condition can result.
Reshaping a gravel shoulder is a routine maintenance activity performed by Road Commission staff using a motor grader. This maintenance is done to reclaim gravel that has been pushed into the shoulder as well as to remove the berm which keeps the water from flowing off the road.
A similar process is done on gravel roads where gravel is displaced onto the shoulder from either rain washing it off the road or from vehicles kicking it up from normal driving. By pulling shoulders on gravel roads and reclaiming it back into the roadway surface, the Road Commission saves thousands of tons of gravel each year.
Throughout the year, maintenance crews check on both paved and gravel road shoulders and regrade them as necessary.
 Grand Haven Charter Township will be constructing new 20-inch ductile iron water transmission main on Ferry Street/172nd Avenue from Grant Ave to 300 feet south of Robbins Road in the City of Grand Haven and Grand Haven Charter Township.
The new water main is being constructed to ensure water system reliability as the region experiences continued growth. The water main will be installed in the west lane of Ferry Street between Grant Avenue and just south of Robbins Road. Both lanes of Ferry Street will be re-paved. The project is a partnership between Grand Haven Charter Township, the Ottawa County Road Commission, and the City of Grand Haven.
The Ottawa County Road Commission is funding the project through the sale of bonds on behalf of Grand Haven Charter Township.
Stage 1 will include construction in Grant Avenue. Ferry Street will be closed to through traffic between Pennoyer Avenue and Colfax Avenue
Stage 2 will include construction between Grant Avenue and Taylor Avenue. Ferry Street will be closed to through traffic between Grant Avenue and Taylor Avenue
Stage 3 will include construction between Taylor Avenue and 300 feet south of Robbins Road. Ferry Street will be closed to through traffic between Taylor Avenue and Robbins Road.
More information about this project can be found at: Grand Haven Charter Township - Contract 1 Transmission Main No. 03 Archives - Prein&Newhof (preinnewhof.com)