This moment has been 30 years in the making. Mike Bronkema and his wife, Lona, bought the property in 1992 - long before the County had a farmland preservation program - from a farmer that wanted to see his land continue to be used for agriculture.
"He wanted us to buy the farm because he knew we were going to farm it instead of subdividing it," said Bronkema.
Covering 123 acres over five parcels, Shady Side Farm is unique because of the diversity of products its operators produce, including beef, lamb for meat and wool, organic dry beans, and grains including corn, einkorn, spelt, and barley. The Bronkemas do all of this while employing conservation practices such as planting tree rows to prevent wind erosion, creating pollinator habitat, grass waterways, buffer strips, cover crops, rotational grazing, and composting. The farm has been MAEAP (Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program) verified since 2004.
"Farmland preservation is just an extension of some of those conservation practices," said Bronkema. "They're interconnected. One feeds the other."
Shady Side Farm is unique because of the diversity of products its operators produce, including beef, lamb for meat and wool, organic dry beans, and grains including corn, einkorn, spelt, and barley. These products can be purchased at area farmers markets, or directly at their farm store. [Images courtesy Shady Side Farm]
Shady Side Farm is the first Olive Township operation to be protected through the County's PDR Program. To be able to apply for the program, a property must be within a participating municipality. This means the city or township where your property is needs to have adopted a resolution supporting the program before you can even begin the process. So far, 10 townships - including Olive - have approved such a resolution.
"Our township wasn't on board with it right away," said Bronkema, reflecting on the process. "We had to work our township up to it and get it (the resolution) approved before we could go through the ... program."
Ottawa County's Agriculture Preservation Board continues to have conversations with the remaining townships and cities to garner more support for use of this particular tool.
Application cycle open through March 31
Do you own property and are interested in preserving your farmland or know someone who might be? Now through March 31, farmers and other landowners may apply to preserve their eligible, agriculturally zoned property by selling its development rights.
Considering March is Michigan Agriculture Month, there's no better time to take that first step toward protection! You can get the process started today by completing a preapplication at Not sure if your property is in a participating township? Visit Have additional questions? Contact the Department of Strategic Impact at 616-738-4852 or email