October 14, 2022
Pup-ular Dog Names of 2022
It's the top ten list you've been waiting fur all year: the top dog names of 2022* based upon the licenses issued by the Ottawa County Treasurer's Office. The most pup-ular dog names in Ottawa County were:
- Bella
- Luna
- Charlie
- Daisy
- Lucy
- Bailey
- Buddy
- Max
- Molly
- Cooper
Retrievers maintain their top dog status among the leading breeds in Ottawa County. The Shih Tzu strayed from the top five list this year, making way for the Chihuahua.
- Labrador Retriever
- Golden Retriever
- German Shepherd
- Goldendoodle
- Chihuahua
Since the year 1919 Michigan law has required that dogs be licensed. Additionally, the law requires that to get a dog license, proof of a rabies vaccination by a veterinarian must be provided. Along with ensuring that pet owners keep rabies vaccinations up to date, dog licenses save time, money and emotional distress. If a dog is lost, the license will make the return of the pet simple. When a stray is picked-up by animal control (or a friendly neighbor), a dog wearing its license will be returned to its owner quickly for a tail-wagging, slobbery reunion. Unlicensed dogs risk being brought to the animal shelter. The owner may face fines, redemption fees, boarding costs and vet bills. Pets who remain unidentified could be put up for adoption.
Dogs must be licensed at four months of age. In Ottawa County, dog licenses can be purchased at any time but are issued to expire the month of the dogs’ rabies vaccination. New licenses are available for either one or three years and will expire in the month of the rabies vaccination. Owners can purchase licenses through participating veterinarians, some units of government or online at www.miottawa.org/DogLicense. More information about licensing dogs in Ottawa County is available on the https://www.miOttawa.org/ or by calling 616-994-4501.
*Fiscal Year 10-1-2021 through 9-30-2022.