
March 21, 2022
For Immediate Release
Ottawa County administrator finalist interview to be held in public
Following an extensive national search, a selection committee is recommending that the Ottawa County Board of Commissioners move forward with a familiar candidate, John Shay, for consideration as the next County Administrator. Shay is currently serving as the Interim County Administrator and has been in the role of Deputy County Administrator since 2018. As part of its regular meeting, the Board will be conducting a Public Interview Session on March 24 at 5PM with Shay. The interview will be held in the Board Room located at 12220 Fillmore Street in West Olive. The public is invited to submit potential interview questions via miOttawa.org. On March 24, residents can watch the interview unfold live online or in person.
There were 36 applicants for the post of County Administrator. Four of those applicants were interviewed for the position. The selection committee for the County Administrator included outgoing Board Chair, Roger Bergman, current Board Chair, Matthew Fenske, and current Vice Chair, Allen Dannenberg plus citizen representative from each of the four county quadrants. Those individuals were Monica Verplank, northwest; Michelle Fare, southeast; Jose Gomez, northeast; and Jennifer Owens, southwest.
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Shannon Felgner, Communications Manager sfelgner@miottawa.org | O 616-738-4672 | M 616-610-4401