Ottawa County COVID-19 metrics continuing to show signs of improvement
We continue to feel encouraged about the improvement in positivity, case rates, and hospitalizations for COVID-19 in Ottawa County. Across the state and nation, similar trends are being observed. Ottawa County hospitals are reporting less strain than previous weeks – staffing challenges are resolving, less emergency department diversion is being used, and some facilities are returning to usual care processes.
The data continues to support vaccination, particularly a full series and a booster for those eligible, to reduce the risk of symptomatic infection, hospitalization, and death.
Although we continue to feel optimistic about the current metrics in our County, please remember that COVID-19 is still very present, is unpredictable and will be part of our lives for a while, perhaps even indefinitely. Continue to use layers of protection to keep yourself and your loved ones healthy. Additional surges are possible; please be prepared to take measures in the future to protect yourself, your loved ones, and your community.
You can view this week's epidemiology report here.
MDHHS Updates Mask Guidance as State Enters a Post-Surge Recovery Phase
 On February 16, 2022, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) updated its mask guidance for public settings, including school settings, to reflect that Michigan is entering a post-surge, recovery phase.
Moving forward, the COVID-19 cycle can be broken into three key phases:
Readiness - A surge in cases is expected, with implications on severity of illness and hospital capacity. Increased communication to the public regarding possible new risks.
Response - Local and state public health implement rapid response to a surge. The public may be advised to increase masking, testing, and social distancing.
Recovery - Post-surge. No immediate resurgence predicted. Local and state public health will monitor conditions that could lead to future surges.
Currently, decreases in cases and hospitalizations and increased access to vaccines, testing and treatment indicate that Michigan is entering a post-surge, recovery phase of the cycle.
During this phase, MDHHS recommends that all individuals, regardless of vaccination status, continue to practice universal masking in high-risk congregate settings including long-term care facilities, homeless shelters, correctional facilities, jails and health care facilities. All individuals, regardless of vaccination status, should wear a mask during isolation and quarantine periods to stop further community spread of COVID-19.
Boosters Bring You Up-to-Date on Vaccination
As of February 2, 2022, more than 88 million people across the United States have received a COVID-19 booster dose. However, 50% of people eligible for a booster dose have yet to get one. Booster doses are recommended for everyone age 12 and older.
"I got the booster because I could potentially be asymptomatic in the future without knowing and spread it to someone else. I want to minimize the possibility of spreading the virus to someone who may be vulnerable. I'm doing my part by getting the booster and now I am able to say that I've gotten all three shots," said David, Ottawa County Community Member.
Get up to date on your COVID-19 vaccination today. Booster shots can be found at local pharmacies, health care providers and OCDPH's vaccine clinics. We have an upcoming vaccine clinic on Monday, February 21, from 2:30 - 6:30 pm at our Holland clinic located at 12251 James Street.
Appointments can be made by visiting vaccinatewestmi.com/clinics.
Ottawa County Rescinds Public Health Order, dated January 11
OCDPH's COVID-19 Prevention in Educational Settings Order, dated January 11, 2022, will expire at the conclusion of the school day today, February 18, 2022. Ottawa Area Intermediate School District school leaders were notified of the recession on Thursday, February 17. More details can be found here.
Honoring Black Health and Wellness during Black History Month
 To celebrate Black History Month we would like to honor Black scholars, scientists, medical professionals and practitioners, and other individuals who have influenced and shaped public health, particularly because of their achievements in improving the health and wellness of Black communities.
- Dr. Charles Richard Drew - worked in blood banking and logistics to perform blood transfusions which continues to save the lives of millions of people in the U.S.
- Dr. Patricia Bath - In 1988, she became the first Black female doctor to receive a medical patent. Her patented work to help improve the eyesight of visually impaired individuals reminds us to ensure inclusivity in medical product development.
- Dr. Helen Dickens - became the first Black woman admitted as a fellow to the American College of Surgeons. Throughout her career, she helped her colleagues address patient experiences, beliefs and preferences.
- Dr. Jane Wright - she focused on patient care that helped improve and advance chemotherapy techniques. Her contributions help us understand how patient response is vital to effective cancer treatment.
These are only a handful of individuals out of many who have made a positive impact on public health and whose legacies continue to impact health care well beyond Black History Month.
Myths and Facts
 Myth: Infection-induced immunity is superior to vaccine-induced immunity.
Fact: Between January 1 and February 16, 2022, one out of every 17 residents in Ottawa County was counted as a positive COVID-19 case, likely due to the Omicron variant.
If you are any of the residents represented in that statistic, you now have a level of protection from COVID-19 reinfection. What is unknown about that protection is the strength of your body's immune response, how long it will last, whether it is impacted by age or other underlying health conditions and whether it will continue to protect you from reinfection from a new variant.
Emerging evidence shows that getting a COVID-19 vaccine after you recover from COVID-19 infection provides added protection to your immune system. One study showed that, for people who already had COVID-19, those who do not get vaccinated after their recovery are more than 2 times as likely to get COVID-19 again than those who get fully vaccinated after their recovery. Vaccination and infection-induced immunity will provide you with the highest level of protection against reinfection.
Ottawa County Data Hub
Ottawa County publishes recent COVID-19 data relating to community transmission, counts, descriptive statistics and test positivity. The data hub is updated every weekday from Monday - Friday by 4:00 pm. View Data Hub
Weekly COVID-19 Data Reports can be found on miottawa.org/epireport.
Ottawa County Case Rates
 As of February 17, 77 new cases of COVID-19 were reported each day on average over the last 7 days, down from the 138 daily reported cases over the previous 7-day period. Case counts, incidence rates and test positivity are currently in a downtrend. Because these reports do not include results in people tested with antigen test kits at home, true case counts may be underreported.
COVID-19 Vaccinations in Ottawa County
 Coverage: 68.8% of all Ottawa County residents aged 5 years or older have received their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, as of February 17, 2022. More vaccine data from MDHHS can be found here.
Michigan Vaccination Rates
 Coverage: 64.9% of all Michigan residents aged 5 years or older have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, as of February 17, 2022. More vaccine data from MDHHS can be found here.
Progress is based on the CDC data tracker, which includes Michigan residents vaccinated by providers not currently reporting to the state dashboard below: Veterans Affairs, Department of Defense, Bureau of Prisons, and most out-of-state providers. Data provided in the Michigan COVID-19 Dashboard slightly undercounts the true number of doses administered to Michigan residents. LEARN MORE
COVID-19 Vaccinations in the United States
Where to Find COVID-19 Vaccines
The OCDPH is listing all of its COVID-19 vaccination clinics on VaccinateWestMi.com. Click on the calendar to find scheduling and walk-in opportunities in Ottawa County and the surrounding area.
- The Pfizer two-dose vaccine is available for individuals aged 5 years or older.
- The Moderna two-dose vaccine is available for individuals aged 18 years or older.
- The Johnson & Johnson one-dose vaccine is available for individuals aged 18 years or older.
- Boosters are now recommended for anyone 12 years or older.
- Proof of date of birth is required (driver’s license, state ID or birth certificate). Parental consent is required for minors. Find more details and requirements on each clinic's page.
- Learn more about COVID-19 vaccines for children and teens.
 The Macatawa Area Express (MAX) and Allegan County Transportation are offering free rides for residents to vaccination appointments. To schedule a trip, call MAX at 616-355-1010. LEARN MORE - Kent County Vaccine Transportation Access Information HERE.
COVID-19 Testing
Need Testing? No-Cost Community Sites. Rapid antigen testing for anyone with or without symptoms (parental consent required for minors). Samples are taken by nasal swab. Results within 15-30 min. No appointment needed • No doctor’s order needed • No insurance needed • No fee • Please bring a form of ID • No pets allowed • Wear a face covering. Find locations, dates and times at www.miOttawa.org/covid19
MDHHS Resources
Vaccine Information I MI Vaccine Locations I FAQs
More COVID-19 Vaccine Information Resources
VaccinateWestMi.com FAQs I Deaf & Hard of Hearing FAQ Videos CDC COVID-19 FAQs Flyer I CDC FAQ Website
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Click to learn more from the CDC's COVID-19 Webinars and Partner Calls Videos
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