2020 Census Population Counts for Apportionment Data Release

Ottawa Update

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On April 26, 2021 the US Census Bureau released the 2020 Census Apportionment Results which include new figures for state resident population counts, apportionment population counts, and overseas population counts. This post contains a summary of the population count updates and apportionment updates. Apportionment population results are used to calculate the number of seats in the US House of Representatives to which each state is entitled.

According to the new population count data, Michigan has gained 193,691 residents since 2010  a 2.0% increase — for a total population of 10,077,331 residents. Because of the population increases in Georgia and North Carolina, Michigan has dropped from the eight most populous state in 2010 to the tenth most populous state in 2020.

This map from the Census Bureau shows the change in resident population for each state:

Population Change Map

Despite a gain in resident population, the increase in other states' populations will result in a decrease of 1 seat for Michigan in the House of Representatives for a total of 13 seats.

This map from the Census Bureau shows the change in apportionment for each state:

Apportionment Map

There is currently no official release date for 2020 Census county population data, but it is likely to be released this year. 

Please reference the following links for more information:

Source: US Census Bureau Press Release on 2020 Census Population Counts for Apportionment

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