OCTOBER 20, 2020
Making a PLAN for voting on November 3
Ensure you’re ready to exercise your right to vote this Election Day by developing a voting plan.
Sound daunting? Don’t worry - the Ottawa County Clerk’s office is here to help! This week, we’re sharing facts and links to assist voters with planning ahead of the big day.
Additionally, if you plan on returning your absentee ballot in person but aren't sure where to go, the department has launched a new search tool: 'Find My Dropbox.'' Powered by GIS, this searchable map makes it easy to know where to return your completed ballot.
Week 2: Plan
Absentee voting, often referred to as mail-in voting or even early voting, allows you to vote without having to head to the polls on Election Day. All Michigan voters have the option to vote absentee for any reason. If you plan on absentee voting, here’s some things to keep in mind:
• The deadline to request an absentee ballot by mail or online is 5 p.m. Friday, Oct. 31. You can still request an absentee ballot in person at your local clerk’s office through November 2 at 4 p.m.
• To ensure your ballot gets to the right place, you need to return it to your local clerk’s office by mail or by drop box. If you’re mailing in your absentee ballot, we recommend doing it as soon as possible, but no later than 10 days before the election. You can then track your ballot at michigan.gov/vote. You can also deliver your ballot to your city or township clerk’s office, or use their drop box, by no later than 8 p.m. on Election Day.
• Not sure where your local clerk’s office or ballot drop box is located? Visit gis.miottawa.org/ottawa/wab/findmydropbox and enter your address.
For more information on the November 3 election, visit miottawa.org/Elections or text “Ottawa Votes” to 468311.
 Before you venture out to the polls on Election Day, make sure you know where to vote! Your previous polling place may have changed for a number of reasons.
For example:
- If you’ve moved recently – even if it was just across town - you may now reside in a different precinct.
- If it’s been a while since you’ve last voted, it’s possible precinct lines have changed or a polling place was not open because of COVID.
Visit https://gis.miottawa.org/ottawa/wab/findmypollingplace/ to find your polling place.
 Join Ottawa County Clerk/Register of Deeds, Justin Roebuck, and Ottawa County Elections Coordinator, Steve Daitch, at 1 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 21, for a Facebook Live stream as they share how Ottawa County is planning for the November Election and how voters can make a plan for the upcoming election. Participants will also have the opportunity to ask questions.
 Your local poll workers work hard to keep the voting process moving as smoothly as possible on Election Day. However, just like highway travel and eating out at your favorite restaurant, Election Day has ‘rush hours.’
All polling places across Michigan are open from 7 a.m.-8 p.m. on Election Day. But to avoid potential longer waits at your precinct on November 3, consider coming in during mid-morning or mid-afternoon.
What if I have more questions?
For more information about voting in Ottawa County, go to miottawa.org/elections; follow us on Facebook @OCClerkRegister; Twitter @OttawaElections; or call us at (616) 994-4535.
With accurate information, #OttawaVotes.