Updates I Monday, April 6
Latest COVID-19 Update Videos I Public Health | County Operations & Spanish Media Contact: Kristina Wieghmink, OCDPH public information officer kwieghmink@miottawa.org I mobile/text 616-510-8523
 Ottawa County COVID-19 Statistics
As of April 6, 2020, Ottawa County has 46* positive COVID-19 cases, zero deaths and approximately 26% of positive cases have been hospitalized. Data are updated daily by 4 pm at miOttawa.org/miHealth.
Since there is evidence of COVID-19 community spread, every location should be considered a potential risk. People of any age, even those who do not have any symptoms, could be a carrier of the new coronavirus that causes COVID-19. We all must do our part and Stay Home – Stay Safe – Save Lives. To slow the spread of the virus, we must adhere to social distancing and exceptional hygiene to minimize exposure and break the chain of infection.
*Case counts may differ from MDHHS if a case gets reassigned to another jurisdiction.
Can mosquitoes or ticks spread the virus that causes COVID-19?
At this time, CDC has no data to suggest that this new coronavirus or other similar coronaviruses are spread by mosquitoes or ticks. The main way COVID-19 spreads is through close contact from person-to-person in respiratory droplets from someone who is infected. How Coronavirus Spreads I CDC FAQs
However, mosquitoes and ticks can spread other diseases such as West Nile Virus and Lyme Disease. LEARN MORE
 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) continues to study the spread and effects of the novel coronavirus across the United States. We now know from recent studies that a significant portion of individuals with coronavirus lack symptoms (asymptomatic) and even those who eventually develop symptoms (pre-symptomatic) can transmit the virus to others before showing symptoms.
This means the virus can spread between people interacting in close proximity—for example, speaking, coughing or sneezing—even if those people are not exhibiting symptoms. In light of this new evidence, CDC recommends wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain (e.g., grocery stores and pharmacies) especially in areas of significant community-based transmission.
It is critical to emphasize that homemade cloth face coverings are not considered personal protection equipment (PPE) since their capability to protect is unknown. These can only be effective when used in combination with frequent hand-cleaning (soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub) and maintaining 6-feet social distancing among people to slow the spread of the virus.
The cloth face coverings recommended by the CDC are NOT surgical masks or N-95 respirators. Those are critical supplies that must continue to be reserved for healthcare workers and other medical first responders, as recommended by current CDC guidance.
MDHHS Factsheet
Click to watch the video.
Helpful Guides
I think I've been exposed Guide
When is it safe to leave home Guide
 Ottawa County Emergency Operations Center is requesting donations for first responders
- N95 or KN95 Masks
- Surgical Masks
- Gowns (all sizes)
- Face Shields
- Hand Sanitizer
- 2 or 4 oz plastic bottles to fill with hand sanitizer
To make a donation, contact OCEM@miottawa.org or (616) 738-4050.
Call ahead for drop off at 12130 Fillmore St, West Olive 49460 (Fillmore Complex Storage Building)
NEW: MDHHS Resources
Mental Health Toolkit First Responders
Supporting Emotional Health Healthcare Workforce I Behavioral Health Workforce
Call 2-1-1
Community COVID-19 Resources List
English | Spanish
Other Local Resources List - English I Spanish (Please call first as many services may be limited at this time.)
Use the hashtag #OttawaStaysHome on all your social media platforms and tell us why you stay home and what you’re doing to occupy the time. The county will share its favorite posts, images and videos. Be creative! Visit Facebook.com/OttawaCounty.
Click the featured image to share.
Stay Home - Stay Safe (EO 2020-21) Violation Reporting
If you feel it is necessary to report a violation of EO 2020-21, please see the reference links below to see if your questions can be answered first. To report violations, send an email to StayHomeStaySafeComplaints@miottawa.org. Include the date/time, business name, address and description of the violation you believe is occurring. Emails submitted will be reviewed by an officer and evaluated to determine appropriate action. 911 is for emergency calls ONLY.
Attorney General's Critical Infrastructure Guide
COVID-19 Guidance for Businesses I FAQs I Factsheet
Stay Home-Stay Safe one-page summaries English I Spanish
 Ottawa Area Schools provide free meals to school families during remote learning period
Schools throughout the Ottawa Area Intermediate School District service region continue to serve free meals to students while they continue their schooling outside the classroom. The week of March 22, the eleven K-12 public school districts combined served 94,688 meals to students, with breakfast making up nearly half of those meals. It’s important to note that the total number of meals served is actually much higher, as several charter and nonpublic schools are also distributing meals to students.
An interactive map of meal distribution locations is available on the Ottawa Area ISD website. The map is searchable by address or “use my location” information and may be accessed at oaisd.org/covid-19-freestudentmealsmap. If you or someone you know is experiencing food insecurity, ways to receive help can be found at www.oaisd.org.
Families should check with their local school or district for verification on times and locations before heading to meal distribution locations. Some addresses are "approximate locations" because they are at an intersection of roads, rather than a specific address. READ MORE
 April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month
Since 1983, April has been designated as Child Abuse Prevention Month, and in 2020 we once again take this month to discuss how we each have a role in preventing child abuse and neglect. However, this year our efforts take on a different feel. With the COVID-19 pandemic, we are physically distancing ourselves from one another. While this type of isolation is helping to keep us all safe, for some families the isolation, stress, and economic uncertainty can create a higher risk of violence. In 2019 in Michigan, 33,060 children were abused or neglected – roughly 91 each day. Due to the research around the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), we know that this early trauma has detrimental health impacts throughout a person’s life.
In April, we look to the solution. Prevention of child abuse and neglect is necessary to change these difficult outcomes and create bright futures for our children. Since 2009, the blue pinwheel and the Pinwheels for Prevention Campaign have been the focus of April’s child abuse prevention awareness efforts. The pinwheel stands for the strong childhoods each child deserves and reminds us that we each play an important role in Standing UP for children. Together we can create change in our communities.
Learn More I Get Involved I Share on Facebook
 News & Information from the State
Governor Whitmer's Press Briefing - April 6, 2020 here.
Read the latest news from all state departments here.
Twitter.com/MichStatePolice I Facebook.com/MichiganStatePolice
Governor Whitmer Reissues Executive Order Restricting Entry into Care Facilities, Juvenile Justice Facilities
Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed executive order 2020-37, which renews the restrictions on entry into care facilities and juvenile justice facilities the governor issued on March 14, 2020 until May 3, 2020. The order now requires facilities to use best efforts to facilitate remote visitations between individuals under their care and their loved ones, using phone or video conferencing software. The order also clarifies that “residential care facilities” include, but are not limited to, homes for the aged, nursing homes, adult foster care facilities, hospice facilities, substance abuse disorder residential facilities, independent living facilities, and assisted living facilities.
Most State Park, Trail and Boating Facilities Remain Open, but Social Distancing Must be Maintained
LANSING - To help slow the spread of the coronavirus and in accordance with Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s "Stay Home, Stay Safe" Executive Order, the Department of Natural Resources continues to monitor visitation and adherence to social-distancing requirements at DNR-managed facilities. This means continually assessing needed adjustments to services and closures that best protect visitors, staff and the local communities.
A vast majority of state parks and recreation areas, state-managed trails and boating access sites remain open to provide local opportunities to get outdoors; however, all locations have modified services and/or closed amenities.
"Throughout the stay-at-home order, we’ve seen an influx of visitors at state parks, boating access sites and trails," said Ron Olson, chief of the DNR Parks and Recreation Division. "In order to continue to keep state parks and trails open, we expect everyone to follow effective social distancing practices, to not litter and not travel long distances to enjoy the outdoors.
“If concerns continue to build, the DNR will have to look at closing or further limiting access to our state-designated trails, state parks, boating access sites and other outdoor locations,” he said.
As the COVID-19 pandemic evolves and additional information has become available to state, health and DNR officials, the following reminders and announcements are in place. READ MORE
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