Birding Update: Newswire

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March 28, 2020

Bird Feeder Update!

Bird Traffic Ramps Up


Bird Traffic Ramps Up!

After a bit of slow activity at first, the feeder traffic picked up the other day and I was able to capture videos of some of the visitors to my backyard.

Click the link below for a short video compilation of the bird traffic at my feeders!

NEW!  Bird Traffic Ramps Up



*NEW* Virtual Woodcock Walk Video!

Virtual Woodcock Walk

As promised, here is the "live action" Virtual Woodcock Walk that further explores Woodcocks, their habitats and habits as well as includes going on an evening Woodcock Walk.  Click the link below to watch.

Virtual Woodcock Walk

If you didn't already catch the full PowerPoint video presentation, click the link below.

All About Woodcocks PowerPoint Video

Stay Tuned - Owl


As I catch footage of the birds in my backyard, watch for more videos.  And as I said in my first video, we hope to develop a way for you to share with us what you are seeing at your feeders and in your backyards!  In the meantime, make sure to take some pictures or short videos of the birds visiting your backyard and....

COVID-19 Related Birding Information & Options Below


Birders Coping With COVID-19 Pandemic

Everyone is currently a mix of emotions and confusion due to the current outbreak of the COVID-19 virus. The Birding Update is not the place to heighten the anxiety about the virus, but rather we want to provide healthy ways to cope with this most unusual of times.

Click the link below to take you to the Birding Update from 3/20/20 that includes options of things birders can do to fight cabin fever during the pandemic.

3/20/20 Birding Update

Ottawa County Parks & Recreation & EO 2020-21

Local, state, and federal officials repeatedly emphasize the health benefits of physical activity while spending time in nature and the outdoors, especially while many are feeling anxious by the recent implications of the pandemic. Jason Shamblin, Ottawa County Parks and Recreation Director, stressed that while Ottawa County Parks and Open Spaces are open to help meet those needs, he wants to make sure our local Parks and Open Spaces remain open.

“The Governor’s executive order allows people to leave their home to ‘engage in outdoor activity, including walking, hiking, running, cycling, or any other recreational activity consistent with remaining at least six feet from people from outside the individual’s household,’” Shamblin said. “We want residents to use and enjoy our parks and open spaces, but we plead with them to do so responsibly and safely, whether on a beach, in a forest, on a trail or in a parking lot.” It is extremely important that parks are not areas of congregation at this time. “If it becomes evident that people continue to disregarding effective social distancing while visiting the Ottawa County parks and open spaces, we will have no other choice but to close them to protect the health of our community.”

The Parks & Recreation Commission is working closely with the Ottawa County Department of Public Health and Emergency Management to ensure remain parks safe spaces for the physical and mental wellbeing of citizens during this difficult time. 

You can find our most recent COVID-19 announcement by clicking here.

Click here to sign up for Ottawa County Department of Public Health alerts related to COVID-19.