NaturE-mail from Ottawa County Parks

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Kayak Launch at Hemlock Crossing

Visit the Ottawa County Parks Program and Events Calendar for details and registration. Call the Nature Education Center for more information: 616-786-4847.


Pigeon Creek Trail Conditions

While we have received quite a bit of snow, there isn't enough for winter equipment rental to begin at Pigeon Creek and Hemlock Crossing. Hopefully we can begin winter operations and rentals very soon! The best way to find ski/snowshoe conditions and Pigeon Creek Lodge hours is online:

*Please note that there is no longer a Pigeon Creek hotline. This information will be reported online.

NOD Closed for Hunting Sign

Please note that North Ottawa Dunes & Ottawa Sands will be CLOSED for an annual wildlife management hunt on Friday, November 22 – Monday, November 25. Access is by permission only; those in the parks without permission will be ticketed. The parks will re-open Tuesday, November 26.

*Hunters are chosen each year by lottery. If you are interested in participating in this hunt in the future, sign up for our hunting email alerts. The lottery opens in August and hunters are chosen in September. 

This Week's Programs & Events


Wildlife Encounter - The Winsome White-tailed Deer

November 16, 3:00 PM- 4:00 PM at Hemlock Crossing 

Admired for so many reasons and yet sometimes regarded as a pest, the White-tailed Deer holds an iconic place among Michigan's Wildlife. Deepen your knowledge of the natural history of this common Michigan mammal of which many are only merely acquainted.

The Wildlife Encounters series aim to introduce people to the amazing natural history of the wildlife found in our own yards, parks and region. These 30-45 minute presentations are geared for older children and adults. An optional guided nature hike or local field trip will follow after the program.

No registration required.

Birding Walk

November 16, 10:00 AM- 12:00 PM at Grand Ravines - North

Whether you are an avid birder or are just desiring to experience birds beyond your backyard, join us as we walk for warblers and search for sparrows on these birding walks highlighting parks all around the county.

Easy to moderate terrain includes dirt and mowed grass trails. Waterproof footwear may be helpful on dewy mornings.

No registration required.

Bird on a Tree Limb

Kayak Launch in Winter

Snow on the Pigeon River by@pilcherkent

We want to see your park photos. Connect with us on Instagram by tagging your park photos @OttawaCountyParks or #OttawaCountyParks