Read below to find out all about our current and upcoming construction projects and closures.
You can view all of our construction projects for the season at:
You can also view all of our current and upcoming construction projects and road closures on our Interactive Road Work Map: and the most up to date list of closures at
Cottonwood Drive work continues to progress in Georgetown Township.
 Construction crews have been busy out on Cottonwood Drive the past several days, starting back up in full force on the project this past Monday.
Here’s the latest project update:
- The 84-inch drain pipe being worked on at Village Lane was completed mid week.
- Additional concrete curb and gutter installations are expected to begin the week of Monday, Oct. 8.
- A lane closure on the right lane of westbound Baldwin Street as you approach Cottonwood will begin Monday, Oct. 8, as crews work on curb and gutter, and drainage installation on the northwest corner of the Cottonwood Drive/Baldwin Street intersection. The lane closure is expected to last through Friday, Oct. 12.
- Contractors will be grading the western side of Cottonwood, with a tentative goal of paving a base course of asphalt on that side of the road the week of Oct. 15.
- Contractors continue to work on water main and water service tie-ins along Cottonwood ahead of anticipated paving on the west side of the road.
As a reminder, even with the culvert work at Village Lane completed this week, Cottonwood Drive is still closed to thru traffic. Please follow all posted detour routes.
The detour route for the project is Baldwin Street to 20th Avenue to Bauer Road to 24th Avenue to Fillmore Street.
Be sure to check our website for the latest Cottonwood project updates.
Update on other work affected by labor impasse:
Osborn/Bass/Warner Resurfacing Project
Resurfacing work on Osborn/Bass/Warner is scheduled to resume the week of Monday, Oct. 8, weather permitting.
Originally slated to begin at the end of August, this project stretches from 104th Avenue in Robinson Township to 68th Avenue in Robinson and in Allendale Township.
Contractors tentatively plan to complete the resurfacing work by Friday, Oct. 19.
Click here to learn more about the project.
James St. Resurfacing Project
We also have a new date for the planned resurfacing of James Street from U.S. 31 to Chicago Drive.
According to the contractor's updated schedule, the project will now take place April 22, 2019, and wrap up June 14, 2019.
The project was originally scheduled to begin Aug. 27.
Although no actual work had commenced on the James Street project before the labor impasse last month, the traffic control signage had already been delivered to the site. This signage will be collected for the season, and then brought back out in the spring at no additional cost to the project.
Click here to learn more about this project.
Road Closures:
Road name, start and estimated completion date:
- Cottonwood Dr. -- Please click here for details
- Tyler St., 72nd Ave. to 96th Ave. -- Feb. 21-Oct. 19
- Acadia Drive, Jasper to Yosemite Ct. -- Aug. 6-Oct. 19
- Edson Drive, 18th Ave. to 22nd Ave. -- July 5-Oct. 30
- Barry St., just west of 144th Ave. — Sept. 27-Oct. 31
- Port Sheldon St., just west of 144th Ave. — Sept. 27-Oct. 31
- 120th Ave., intersection at Lakewood Blvd. — Oct. 2-Oct. 6
Road Resurfacing:
- Osborn/Bass/Warner St., from
104th Ave. to 68th Ave. -- Oct. 8-19
Note: Resurfacing does not close the road. It will remain open to through traffic, with temporary lane closures.
Remember: drive safe and stay alert in work zones!