Reform Alert # 16 - Testing System Changes - ACTION REQUIRED

MPSERS reform


October 5, 2012

Reform Alert # 16 - Testing System Changes - ACTION REQUIRED

ORS is providing a test environment that will be available to reporting units that will allow your reporting unit to submit and process reports after you or your service providers have made the necessary programming changes (see Reform Alert # 13 - 2012 MPSERS Reform Requires System Changes). Testing can also be performed by those reporting units who submit payroll reports using the empty report or copy forward submission process. The main focus of the testing process is the enhanced DTL4 record.

Testing will begin October 29, 2012, and end at 5:00 p.m. November 16, 2012. Batch processing will run nightly, Monday through Friday. ORS will notify you when testing is ready to begin.

Action Required Now

Connect to this link as soon as possible to verify you have access. If your network cannot access this site, please consult your technology partners to check your network’s filter settings.

Getting Ready To Test

For more details about the required system changes go to > 2012 MPSERS Reform and click on Reform Alert # 13 - 2012 MPSERS Reform Requires System Changes. Please provide this Alert message and its attachments to your software vendor. Your vendor should then provide your reporting unit with a test payroll report incorporating the system changes for you to upload to the ORS test website. Security protocol requires that only valid reporting unit personnel should have access to this test environment.

Ready to Test

Once ORS has notified you that you can begin testing, you will use the testing environment to

  1. Test load a report using your preferred method (upload, copy forward or blank report).
  2. Include DTL4 records in the test report.
  3. Test formatting changes to the DTL4 record.
  4. Test editing uploaded and manually added DTL4 records.


Please review the following testing schedule.


Testing Schedule for Reporting Units






Submit a report with Begin Date of 9/15/2012, or later. Submit the report using your preferred loading method: 1) copy forward, 2) create an empty report, or 3) upload a report.

Make sure the report contains DTL4 records in the new format that includes added fields for the Personal Health Care member and employer deductions.



After the report has been uploaded or created; manually add at least one DTL4 record populating the new fields.



Let report run through the nightly batch processing.




Find and review DTL4 records. Make sure the new fields appear on the DTL4 and that each field is populated with data in the correct format.



Edit Flagged and Suspended DTL4 Records



Verify that the manually added DTL4 record(s) appear on the report and edit if necessary



Let report run through nightly batch process




Verify that all DTL4 records are in valid status. If not, you can edit the records again by repeating step 2.2. Wait for overnight batch processing and check the record on day 4



When all DTL4 records appear in Valid status testing is complete