Your 2023-24 payroll calendar is now available for review on the Employer Reporting website. The dates on your calendar were created following the schedule used in your fiscal year (FY) 2022-23 payroll calendars. Please review your online payroll calendar dates to ensure they correspond to the pay period begin and end dates that you will use for your retirement detail reports in FY 2023-24.
You can view your calendar by clicking the View Payroll Calendar link. Under Existing Calendars, locate the FY 2023-24 calendar link(s). This will open the Create/Edit Payroll Calendar Details screen. Verify the pay period start and end dates listed under Option 2 – View Payroll Period Dates.
Important: Adjustments to your payroll calendar will result in changes to your pay cycle report and payment due dates.
ORS will not accept calendar changes in the event a pay period end date falls on a holiday or a weekend. Changes in a payroll calendar are allowed only in the instance of changing the frequency of pay (biweekly, semimonthly, or monthly) or in the case of a fiscal year with 27 pay periods.
Only ORS can make changes to your payroll calendar. If your 2023-24 calendar needs to be changed, you must contact ORS no later than Friday, June 9, 2023. Please submit any changes by completing the Payroll Calendar Submission and Change Request (R1073C) form located on the Employer Information website under Reporting Resources, Forms.
For more information on payroll calendars, please see RIM section 7.00.01 Payroll calendars and due dates.
On the Employee Information website (PSRU) is the Resources for New Members page, where we have posted a video link to share with your employees who are new to MPSERS. That’s also where you’ll find a sample email you can use to create your own new hires email, with links to resources new employees can use to make their plan elections.
We updated the sample email to include the video link and updated the link to If you use the sample email for your new hires, please visit Resources for New Members to copy the language again, ensuring you have the latest version of the email and working links.
If you don’t yet use this sample email to create your new hires email, we encourage you to do so. It’s an easy way to connect them with the information they need to choose the retirement plan that best fits their needs.
We are asking that all reporting units verify if your new employees had a tax-deferred payment (TDP) agreement on file with their previous employer. If so, then they must complete a TDP Agreement Addendum (R0625C) so that the payments of their service credit purchases can continue.
Often, the employee may be unaware that this form must be completed for continued payments.
This will prevent the member from losing their purchase agreement when they switch employers. Employees have 90 days after termination from their previous public-school employer to submit the TDP agreement addendum. Some employers find it helpful to include the form with their onboarding materials for new hires. Please see 10.08.01: Processing the TDP agreement addendum in the Reporting Instruction Manual for directions on how to complete form.
You can be an advocate for your employees and your reporting unit through accurate reporting of demographic data. Accurate data ensures employees receive correct retirement eligibility information, pension calculations, and targeted communications. And it makes your job easier by reducing the number of Detail 1 records that fail to post and require further work.
For more information and how to submit a Detail 1 record and to correct issues causing error messages, see the RIM chapter 7.02.01: Reporting member demographics data on a Detail 1 (DTL1) record and 7.06.03: Completing DTL1 records for new employees.
On Monday, April 10, we sent invitations to complete our survey. Your responses help ORS understand better how we can improve our processes and build a stronger relationship with you.
For those who have completed the survey, thank you for your valuable feedback. If you haven’t yet responded, there’s still time to complete the survey for payroll staff or the survey for administrative staff before the deadline at 6 p.m. Friday, April 21. Completing the survey shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes.
The retirement evaluation campaign evaluates retirement readiness based on savings in the State of Michigan Plans and pension data (where applicable). Participants can schedule a one-on-one appointment with Voya to review their retirement evaluation.