ORS is adopting the state of Michigan single sign-on standard for ORS applications including the Employer Reporting website. This will provide stronger security for your personal information, including multi-factor authentication (MFA). MFA is a security method that requires a person to provide two or more credentials to authenticate their identity.
This is similar to the procedure you may use with other state of Michigan applications with the Secretary of State or the Department of Education, called MILogin. You’ll be asked to log in with your userid and password, and a code will be sent to your email address or phone number to authenticate the login.
Join us for a focus group for the new MILogin procedure, Aug. 3- 20, by registering here.
We’ll provide more details this fall on this new procedure as we get closer to the transition, and we’ll update the Reporting Instruction Manual at that point as well.
The annual Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) data project is underway. The data schedules (tables) needed for your reporting unit’s financial reports will be published in early August on the Employer Information website (in the GASB section, under Administration and Compliance). We expect to publish the full MPSERS GASB report (Schedules of Employer Allocations and Amounts for FYE Sept. 30, 2020) in late August.
Your reporting unit will receive an email the day this year’s GASB tables are ready for use. Until you receive the email notification, please do not download tables from the GASB section of the Employer Information website, so that you don’t accidentally use last year’s tables. Most reports and tables for this year’s financial reports will refer to fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 2020.
In late July, an urgent Tax-Deferred Payment (TDP) notice will be sent out to 497 members who have previously entered into a Tax-Deferred Payment Agreement and:
- Have interest charges that exceeded their annual payment amount; or
- The scheduled deduction amount is not enough to pay off their agreement within the recommended 15 years.
The letter includes their current TDP information and encourages members to increase their current TDP deduction amount by completing and submitting the Supplemental Tax-Deferred Payment Agreement (R0654C) form to you. The form is available on the ORS member website (Michigan.gov/ORSSchools) under Forms and Publications. Members can also use the TDP calculators on the member website to calculate a payment that fits their budget and also pays off the agreement before they terminate employment or retire.
For more information, see RIM section 10.08.02: How to Process the Supplemental TDP Agreement.
Interest has been posted to Michigan Public School Employees Retirement System (MPSERS) member accounts effective as of July 1, 2021.
The interest rates are as follows:
- Basic and MIP members: 6.15%
- Pension Plus members: 6.86%
- Pension Plus 2 members: 5.79%
ORS invests defined benefit contributions from both members and employers to fund future retirement benefits. Each year ORS credits each defined benefit member's account with an interest payment on their contributions that have been held on account for one full year.
You may refer employees to the full list of the Defined Benefit plan interest rates dating back to July 1, 1988, available on the ORS member website (Michigan.gov/ORSSchools): Defined Benefit Plan Interest Rates.
ORS Employer Reporting has completed the 2020 payroll audit. We thought it would be helpful to share with all reporting units the top five findings along with the Reporting Instruction Manual (RIM) articles to assist you in avoiding reporting errors related to these topics.
DTL4 records and gross earnings – review RIM sections:
Retiree reporting – review RIM Chapter 9 Retirees Who Return to Work and sections:
Bonus payments – review RIM sections:
Merit pay – review RIM section 4.04.06: Merit Pay
Other payments – review RIM sections: