MPSRS Employer News - September 2020

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MPSERS Employer News

September 2020

Contribution Rates

Fiscal Year 2020-21 contribution rates go into effect Oct. 1

Use the contribution rate table with the effective date of Oct. 1, 2020 for DTL2 records with a report end date on or after 10/01/2020.

You’ll find the contribution rate tables for FY 2020-21 (published in March 2020) on the Employer Information website under Reporting Resources, Contribution Rates. Be sure to use the correct table, depending on the type of reporting unit: 

For a description of each of the elements of the contribution rates, please see Employer Contribution Rates: Terms, Definitions and Descriptions, found on the Contribution Rates page as well.

Caution! Important payment information ahead!


Payment processors: please pay attention to the “cash receipt type” (DB Contributions & TDP or DC Contributions) when making payments. 

Correction requests increased in 2019 and 2020, leading to a change in the ORS policy to allow a once-per-year waiver of fees for accidental errors. Beginning in October, fee and interest reversals will no longer be granted for payments that are paid using the incorrect Cash Receipt Type (DC payments made to DB or vice versa).  Please make sure the UAAL rate stabilization payment is paid under your DB Contributions & TDP statement.

cash receipt type

See Reporting Instruction Manual (RIM) section Make a Payment for further clarification.

It is the reporting unit’s responsibility to make sure that payments are made timely and correctly. It is the responsibility of the Office of Retirement Services to administer Public Act 300 of 1980 (38.1342), assigning and collecting fees for contributions not paid according to the schedule, and in the manner determined by ORS.

DTL2 Record with four fields highlighted

Use correct codes and pay information on DTL2 records

Using the correct information on the DTL2 record is important when reporting your employees because this information can make a big difference when the employee retires. To avoid adjustments in the future, be sure you are using the correct employment class and wage code. Refer to RIM sections 7.12.00: Using Employment Class Codes  13.01: Detail 2 Employment Class Codes and Definitions and 13.03: Detail 2 Wage Codes for information about these codes.

The pay rate and the pay frequency must also be correct on the DTL2 record. When reporting regular wages, the pay frequency must be the number of pays that the employee will be paid for their normal salary (ex. 20, 24, 26, 27, etc). The pay rate field should have either the hourly rate or the annual salary amount based on the employee’s contract.


Compensation Corner

According to Executive Order 2020-65 (COVID-19) and Executive Order 2020-142 (COVID-19) (June 30, 2020), the following provision is currently scheduled to extend through September 30, 2020:

Mandatory closure of schools relating to COVID-19 shall not affect an employer contribution, employee contribution, or the accrual of service credit under the Public School Employees Retirement Act of 1979, 1980 PA 300, as amended, MCL 38.1301 to 38.1467.

When employees are working a partial schedule at the same position due to COVID-19, please report full contracted wages and hours through September 30, 2020, as specified in EO 2020-142. Please watch for further communications from the state of Michigan regarding any change of this date.

For employees who are unable to perform their regular duties due to COVID-19 and are repurposed to alternate duties, please do not report more than their contracted hours and wages.  Please follow these examples:

Full-time employee:

Wages Hours  
$200 16 Repurposed to clerical (1800-Sub Clerical)
$800 64 Regular position of Aide (1630-Aide)
$1,000 80 Total regular wages and hours under contract or agreement


Part-time employee: 

Wages Hours  
$100 8 Repurposed to clerical (1800-Sub Clerical)
$400 32 Regular position of Aide (1630-Aide)
$500 40 Total regular wages and hours under contract or agreement


For any situations other than repurposing, or if you have any questions, please email Please include as much detail as possible.

Employees who take a leave of absence from work due to Covid-19
Separately, if an employee needs to take time off work due to COVID-19 as stipulated under the U.S. Department of Labor guidelines, Families First Coronavirus Response Act: Employee Paid Leave Rights, we have consulted with the Attorney General’s office and determined that the wages paid for the Expanded FMLA offered April 2, 2020 through December 31, 2020 as a part of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) are reportable compensation.  As a result, these wages and hours should be reported on both a DTL2 and DTL4 record (report it like sick leave). Please report 100% of the hours the employee would have earned if they had been working.

Employees receiving hazard pay
While Executive Order 2020-65 is in effect, extra pay for school employees who are actively working is reportable for both wages and hours. This can be on an hourly basis or as a stipend. It is understood that this is above and beyond the regular pay that all employees are receiving whether they work or not. Going forward, please report these wages using the Supplemental Employment 9510, 9520, or 9530 class codes.

In This Issue:

October 2020 calendar

Important Dates & Reminders

Oct. 1
Begin using new contribution rates table.

Oct. 4
Scheduled system maintenance (Employer Reporting website unavailable)

No UAAL rate stabilization invoice in September or October

Recent Communications

Recent Communications

No communications have been sent since the last newletter.

Recent RIM updates

Recent RIM updates

4.03.01 NSI for Superintendents 1110

4.03.02 NSI for Assistant Superintendents 1120

4.03.03 NSI for Administrative Assistants 1130

4.03.04 NSI for Colleges and Universities 1110, 1120, 1130

Helpful Tip

Helpful Tip

When sending email correspondence to Web Reporting regarding an employee, provide only the last four digits of the employee’s social security number and not their full number, as the email may not be secure.
