Use this recently updated Back-to-School Checklist to ensure you aren’t missing or forgetting any important reporting tasks as the new school year gets underway.
Important reminders found on the checklist:
- Be extra careful with entering social security numbers for new employees.
- Employees who are new to MPSERS should not receive a plan election form. New materials are available to help them decide on a plan, but they make their plan election through their miAccount, not with a paper form. If you still have election forms, please throw them out.
On Aug. 20, your reporting unit will receive the last UAAL rate stabilization payment (designated 147c on your School Aid statement) for fiscal year 2020. ORS will send the corresponding UAAL rate stabilization invoice shortly thereafter. The invoice will post to the Invoice History page, found on the View Employer Statement page. The invoice amount will post, as usual, on the “Additional retirement contributions” line of the next available pay cycle statement on the Employer Reporting website.
Reminder: The next UAAL rate stabilization payment and invoice will be issued in November 2020 and will include the October and November 2020 amounts.
If you already responded to our summer survey, thank you! If not, you still have time to do so. The survey will close at midnight tomorrow (Thursday, Aug. 20). If you are payroll staff (employer reporting, payment processor or web administrator) please complete the survey for payroll staff. If you are an administrator (superintendent, business official or human resources) please complete the survey for administrators.
We have had a good response so far, but the more feedback we get, the better we can understand how to provide excellent service and support.
When participants with a Defined Contribution component to their benefit plan make deferral percentage changes, the View DC Feedback File screen provides reporting units updates on those changes from Voya.
Using the search criteria will allow you to find any feedback from a specific social security number, name, date range, or record status. Be sure to keep up with the Unread Feedback and update your payroll records accordingly.
In March, your payroll calendars were made available on the Employer Reporting website. ORS requested that any changes should be submitted by May. However, we realize later changes may occur because of contract negotiations or other factors.
If you need to change your payroll calendar, please complete and submit the Payroll Calendar Submission and Change Request (R1073C) as soon as you are aware a change is needed. ORS must receive any changes prior to the pay period end date that needs to be edited. We will not be able to complete any requests received after that date.
ORS does not accept changes in the event a pay period end date falls on a weekend or holiday. Our policy allows calendar changes only due to a change of payroll frequency (biweekly to semi-monthly, for example) or in the case of a fiscal year with 27 pay periods.