When an employee works as a coach, how you report the wages and hours will depend on the employee’s coaching position.
Report the wages and hours on a DTL2 record with Wage Code 01 – Regular Wages if the employee works regularly as a coach and you pay the employee coaches wages every pay period.
Report the wages and hours on a DTL2 record with Wage Code 11 – Coaching Wages if the position is seasonal and you pay the employee coaches wages either in a lump sum or over a longer time period than the normal pay schedule.
For example: If the employee works as a coach only during football season and is paid at the end of the season in one lump sum, use Wage Code 11 and Employment Class Code 1560 – Coaches/Recreational. On a DTL2 record, enter the begin and end dates for the period the wages represent (the football season), even if this is longer than your regular pay period. This will ensure that the employee receives the proper service credit. The end date must fall within your current pay period. Enter the total wages paid and the total hours worked (as a coach) for the period.
It is important to remember that you cannot spread any type of wages over more than one school fiscal year.
If the employee requires a DTL4-DC Contribution record, the reporting period end date used on the DTL4 must match the reporting period end date used on the DTL2.
The employment class code to use when reporting coaches is always 1560 – Coaches/Recreational.
Remember to always report total hours worked for coaches to ensure that the employee receives the proper service credit. For more information please see RIM section 7.16.00: How to Report Coaches Wages on a DTL2.
At the beginning of January, employees that were contributing less than 15% to their state of Michigan 457 accounts had their contributions increased by 1%. These increases will continue once a year unless the employee either opts out or reaches the 15% savings rate.
ORS reviews metrics to track the success of the campaign. Since we last reported out in January:
- 298 have increased their contributions above the Small Steps increase
- 129 have increased to 15% or greater contribution
- 640 have decreased their contributions
- 144 have stopped their contributions
That means that more than 73,500 MPSERS employees have kept their Small Steps increase and are saving more towards retirement!
We’ll continue to provide updates in the upcoming newsletters.
Join us on Wednesday, March 11 for a one-hour webinar to learn the basics about how to successfully process retirement payroll reports for ORS.
Here’s just some of what you can learn:
- Know the differences between the detail records.
- Learn how to use the pay cycle calendar to stay on track with your reporting.
- Find the best way to load a report for your reporting unit.
The webinar is offered twice for your convenience. Sign up for the time that best fits your schedule.
Register today!
We at the Office of Retirement Services (ORS) concentrate, and rightly so, on what employees need to do at the very beginning and at the very end of their careers.
We don’t want to neglect that segment of the employee population in the middle of their careers, who might most benefit from an approach to retirement planning that ORS can offer in meetings we call Picture Your Future workshops.
The Picture Your Future workshop is intended for members hired before July 1, 2010 who are six to ten years from retirement and are beginning to think about and start planning for their future after their career. We provide basic Michigan Public School retirement plan information along with significant information on such topics as:
- The importance of planning for retirement earlier in your career.
- Setting goals and developing a plan for your future.
- Saving for retirement, the time value of money, and Social Security.
- Pension eligibility.
ORS already has some workshops scheduled. If you think your reporting unit can have at least 50 attendees for this kind of meeting, please contact ORS for more information by emailing ors‑outreach@michigan.gov.
The Picture Your Future workshop is a companion to the Planning Your Retirement workshop for employees who are retiring within the next five years. Both workshops contain information for public school employees in the defined benefit pension plan hired before July 1, 2010.
You can view a complete description of both workshops on our member website.
 When you have a question on whether a leave of absence is reportable, follow the steps below for assistance.
- Check the RIM at any time to provide guidance. See Chapter 4: Reportable and Nonreportable Compensation.
- Gather the supporting documentation below for the determination you are seeking.
• Type of leave. • Start and end dates of leave. • Applicable contract language. • Applicable grievance or settlement documents. • Current contract end date. • Is the leave for individual or multiple employees? • Any other relevant information.
- Email your question with your supporting documentation to the Web Reporting team at ORS_Web_Reporting@michigan.gov.