Tax-Deferred Payment Notices Sent

Michigan Office of Retirement Services - Message for Public School Employers

Letters have been sent to 814 members who have entered into Tax-Deferred Payment (TDP) agreements and:

  • Could have interest charges that exceeded their annual payment amount; or
  • Their scheduled deduction amount is not enough to pay off their agreement within the recommended 15 years.

The letter encourages members to increase their current TDP deduction amount by completing and submitting the Supplemental Tax-Deferred Payment Agreement (R0654C) form. Members can use the TDP calculator on our website at,4653,7-206-36451_36488_58742---,00.html to calculate a payment that fits their budget and also pays off the agreement before they terminate employment or retire.

A sample copy of the letter sent is attached.

If you have any questions, please e-mail employer reporting staff at


Michigan Office of Retirement Services

Big Plans. Small Steps.