Update on:
- Club Registration
- 4-H Online Sign-Up
- County Awards
- Virtual 4-H Opportunities
- Financial Accountability
- and more.....
Hi 4-H Club Leader,
It’s that time of year again when we collect the year-end paperwork from club leaders and re-enroll the club for the new program year! If your club is returning for the 2020-2021 program year please fill out these forms. Some things to remember before submitting paperwork:
Fill out all forms completely.
- Information from the Club Profile Sheet will be included in our Club Directory.
- If the club has any membership restrictions (i.e. maximum number of members, member ages, enrollment deadline), please let us know.
- Reminder: there will be no participation fees this program year, 9/1/2020 - 8/31/21.
- If the club has a bank account (required for treasuries over $100), please make sure bank statements are being mailed to the main office (MSU Extension, Oakland County 4-H, 1200 N. Telegraph Road, Pontiac, MI 48341). This is a REQUIREMENT for ALL 4-H bank accounts. Copies of all bank statements will be requested if they have not been received in our office.
- If you need assistance in completing the Annual Financial Report, or if you do not have the Financial Manual to reference, please let Ari, Deb or Jason know.
If the club is disbanding, please contact your program coordinator asap so we can discuss next steps.
 For students in grades K-2 this fall, we'll explore The Secret Life of Trees as we investigate big ideas - how trees have amazing features that help them survive and grow. Kids act out the life cycle of a tree, collect and organize leaves, create bar graphs, explore why leaves change colors, play games about tree needs, create a model of a tree, and much more! https://events.anr.msu.edu/TollgateVirtualTreesWeekly/
 For grades 3rd and up, an exciting interactive series called Follow the Nutrient Trail explores how plants and animals depend on other living things to help them survive. We’ll follow the nutrient trail of consumers, producers, and decomposers as we meet our plants, goats, chickens, and red wiggler friends, the worms! Visiting the garden, greenhouse, orchard, and animal barn, students will investigate how the energy of the sun and nutrients travel through the nutrient cycle. Designed for learners in grades 3rd and up. https://events.anr.msu.edu/TollgateVirtualNutrientCycleWeekly/
 These programs are being run for teachers and their in-person and hybrid students, too! Start dates and times can be tailored to meet teacher’s class schedules. Teachers, register here: https://events.anr.msu.edu/TollgateGroupVirtualFarmSeries/
As Michigan 4-H staff, volunteers and youth continue to practice safe social distancing, 4-H programs have moved online and many 4-H clubs are connecting virtually. To help both 4-H staff and volunteers view the 4-H Guiding Principles through a virtual lens, MSU Extension recently developed “Michigan 4-H Guiding Principles for Positive Youth Development: Virtual Programming Focus.” This resource is a great tool for adults interacting with 4-H’ers to review as the consider they best ways to optimize 4-H programming for the online world.
View the Michigan 4-H Guiding Principles for Positive Youth Development online at www.canr.msu.edu/resources/michigan-4-h-guiding-principles-for-positive-youth-development-virtual-programming-focus.
National 4-H Week to be celebrated Oct. 4 - 10
For the 78th consecutive year, millions of youth, parents, volunteers and alumni across the country will celebrate National 4-H Week from October 4-10. The theme for this year’s National 4-H Week, Opportunity4All, is a campaign that was created by National 4-H Council to rally support for Cooperative Extension’s 4-H program and identify solutions to eliminate the opportunity gap that affects 55 million kids across America.
With so many children struggling to reach their full potential, 4-H believes that young people, in partnership with adults, can play a key role in creating a more promising and equitable future for youth, families and communities across the country. In 4-H, we believe every child should have an equal opportunity to succeed. We believe every child should have the skills they need to make a difference in the world.
To help bring awareness to the many positive youth development opportunities offered by 4-H, Michigan 4-H is encouraging 4-H youth, volunteers, staff and supporters to celebrate National 4-H Week in their communities. A few ways to do that while maintain safe social distancing include:
- Share how 4-H has inspired you or your kids on social media channels and with individuals in your community.
- Show your 4-H pride by wearing your 4-H apparel on Wednesday, Oct. 7, the official 4-H Spirit Day.
- Write an op-ed for your local paper to tell your Michigan 4-H story or submit it to MSU Extension for the Meet Michigan 4-H’ers series.
- Decorate an Opportunity4All sign and share your pictures and captions of what opportunity means to you using the hashtag #Opportunity4All on social media.
- Use a National 4‑H Week Zoom background on your virtual meetings.
Outstanding Michigan 4-H members who are involved at county, regional, state, national or international levels are eligible to apply for Michigan 4-H scholarships to help fund their college experience.
A number of scholarship opportunities exist, ranging in value from $500 to $2,500. All applications are due by November 1.
Learn more and access applications materials at: www.canr.msu.edu/4_h_scholarships_and_recognition_program/4_h_scholarships.
Tractor Supply Company (TSC) customers across the nation will have the opportunity to support 4-H youth by purchasing a $1 clover at checkouts when shopping both in stores or online at www.TractorSupply.com from Oct. 7-18.
Funds raised will support county, state and national 4-H programming. To learn more regarding the campaign, visit https://www.tractorsupply.com/tsc/cms/4h.
October 8: MSU Tollgate Farm Follow The Nutrient Trail Interactive Weekly Series Online Follow the nutrient trail of consumers, producers and decomposers as you meet Tollgate’s goats, chickens and worms during this 5-week series that occurs each Thursday. Students will interact with staff and question, hypothesize, experiment, analyze data, conclude and question again through hands-on STEAM challenges. https://www.canr.msu.edu/events/msu-tollgate-farm-fall-virtual-follow-the-nutrient-trail-interactive-weekly-series
October 10: 4-H Coding Weekend Workshop - An Intro to Coding Online via Zoom Students will spend four days (weekends of October 10-11 and 17-18) learning how to code and develop an application to solve a technical problem that they define. This workshop is for any high school students of all coding skill levels and experience. https://www.canr.msu.edu/events/4-h-coding-weekend-workshops-an-intro-to-coding
October 12: Adulting 101 Online via Zoom The exciting Adulting 101 series is offered to high school youth to help prepare for life on their own. This 3-week series will occur each Monday and cover Interviews for Success, Household Tasks, and Making a Spending Plan. https://www.canr.msu.edu/events/adulting-101-fall-series-mondays
October 17: 4-H in the Kitchen Live! Ultimate Grilled Cheese Online via Zoom Participants , ages 5 –19, will learn how to make Ultimate Grilled Cheese Sandwiches using low and non-fat ingredients. Participants will receive the recipe two days in advance. https://www.canr.msu.edu/events/4-h-in-the-kitchen-live-ultimate-grilled-cheese
For the most up-to-date events listing, go to http://4h.msue.msu.edu/events.