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We try to bring you the stories you want to read, but could really use your help! We know a lot of awesome things happen at the unit level those of us in Lansing just don't know about. While we are touring each armory in person, we haven't made it to everywhere yet. Do us a favor and keep us in the loop about the goings on of your unit. Have exciting training coming up next month? Awesome, let us know! Did you just get promoted, and have a great selfie to prove it? Sweet, let us tell the world! Email any news tips, pictures or story ideas to
Spring is just around the corner and with that comes Alcohol Awareness Month in April.
This year National Alcohol Screening Day (NASD) is April 9th. NASD has
happened each year since 1999 and was created as an outreach initiative
to connect those at risk of alcohol abuse with treatment options. Each
year thousands of participants get screened for substance abuse
disorders on NASD. Keep watching for more information.
Don’t want
to wait until April to see where your risk level is? If you, or someone
you know, is struggling with substance abuse contact the Army Substance
Abuse Program at 517-481-7934. We can help connect you with resources.
Also, check out for a brief screening.
LANSING, Mich. -- Michigan Public Affairs sat down with the newest member of the health
support team at Joint Forces Headquarters, Mrs. Heather Nystrom, the
new director of psychological health to learn what she can do for
members of the Michigan Guard family, what brought her to Michigan, and
how she earned a commander’s coin in Korea.
Q1. MING PA – Thank
you for sitting down today, can you start by telling us what inspired
you to become a behavioral health specialist?
Heather Nystrom – I
am prior service active duty (68X – Mental Health Specialist) and my
first tour of duty was with the 2nd Infantry Division at Camp Casey,
Korea. While there I was stationed with two very good behavioral health
officers who became my mentors and really pushed me and pushed my
limits and really helped me decide what I wanted to do with my life and
my career; that is where my love for social work and working with
military was developed. My passion now is to serve veterans, families
and service members.
Q2. MP – How has your training, education
and experience prepared you to be a behavioral health specialist with
the Michigan National Guard?
HN – After my tour in Korea I
completed my active duty time serving as an assistant ward master for an
inpatient psych ward at Fort Bliss in El Paso, Texas. After leaving
active duty I earned my MSW (Masters of Social Work) at Michigan State
University and started working at Volunteers of America Michigan which
is an organization that works with the most vulnerable members of the
population; homeless, poverty, unemployed. I oversaw two of our
programs which worked with homeless veterans and really developed a lot
of relationships within the community working with organizations that
help veterans and organizations within the National Guard like Family
Programs. Being a veteran and a military spouse has really provided me
insight as to what Soldiers struggle with.
Q3. MP – What does the Director of Psychological Health do exactly?
– I am still learning the specifics of the position but the main
mission and vision is to develop the behavioral health services for the
Michigan Guard, marketing behavioral health, working together with
programs like Family Services, SARC (Sexual Assault Response
Coordinator), and ASAP (Army Substance Abuse Program) to ensure Soldiers
facing issues like mental health or substance abuse have a blanket of
services provided to them. People can also have access to me for BHEs
(behavioral health evaluation) or if there is an immediate mental health
crisis where guidance needs to be issued or a referral made, I can
provide that as well.
Q4. MP – So an individual Soldier or family member could contact you directly if they are experiencing difficulty?
– Of course, I am still really well connected (as a result of previous
employment) with community groups that help service members that are at
risk of homelessness or who are homeless or are struggling financially
or are unemployed. These resources are very valuable and could mean a
lot to a service member. Service members may also reach out to our two
psychological health coordinators, Maria Bouhard or Martin Groom. Both
have extensive experience serving National Guard service members.
Q5. MP – What would you say to a first line supervisor who identifies a potential behavioral health issue with a subordinate?
– First, I would praise that leader for supporting their service member
and wanting to do something; in some ways mental health issues are like
medical issues, if you do not do anything they will not get better.
Then, I would encourage that leader to contact me directly, I can
provide guidance and coach that leader on how to approach the Soldier
and provide resources to help. Leaders know their Soldiers the best and
I can coach them through providing assistance. I hope to eventually be
able to provide education to units about how to identify signs of
increased stress, depression and other potential issues.
Q6. MP –
There are a large number of resources available to our service members,
how is your service different than services provided by say a chaplain?
– It depends on what the Soldier wants, if they are more comfortable
going to a chaplain then I say “go see your chaplain.” I come from a
background of wrapping services together and not having silos for each
service. We should work together to provide what is best for the
service member, and his or her needs. We have a strong behavioral
health team, now it is just a matter of marketing and increasing
awareness within the Michigan National Guard.
Q7. MP – You were born and raised in Indiana, how did you end up in Michigan?
– I met my husband (Sgt. 1st Class Michael Nystrom, currently the
readiness NCO for the 46th Military Police Command) while we were both
stationed in Korea. He is from the Hastings area and, when I finished
my last tour on active duty at Fort Bliss, Texas, we moved to Michigan
so I could go to school and we could start a family.
Q8. MP – I heard you earned a commander’s coin in Korea, how did that happen?
– A Soldier in a unit about to deploy was struggling to deal with the
loss of a family member. Prior to the passing, this Soldier was a solid
performer, always upbeat and really contributed to his unit. Since the
passing of the loved one, he had become withdrawn and wasn’t
contributing the way he used too. His chain of command had tried a
number of different counseling techniques but nothing seemed to help.
His company commander sent him to me and, at the time, I was going
through a similar situation in my life. We spent some time together
talking through the issue and going over some strategies and the Soldier
was returned to his unit. I honestly was unaware of what happened to
him, until a few weeks later when his company commander came into my
office and said “I don’t know what you did for that Soldier but he is
back to his old self and I would like to present you my commander’s coin
for being so much help to the unit.” I was glad to be able to help the
Q9. MP – You have been involved in helping Soldiers in
some capacity for more than 10 years, what have you noticed about
behavioral health issues?
HN – Well, there is no such thing as a
“cookie cutter” approach when it comes to mental health issues, every
situation with a service member is different and I would like our
behavior health team to be thought of as one more tool in a Soldier’s
tool box to provide assistance. There is a lot of stigma around mental
health that has been broken, which is awesome. I can tell you stories
from my active duty days where Soldiers were thought of as “crazy”
because they were stressed or depressed or anxious by people who just
didn’t understand mental health. The situation is much better now and I
am glad to play a role in continuing to improve the stigma around
mental health.
Q10. MP – Thank you for the informative interview, how does someone get in touch with you?
– They can email me ( or call my office
(517-481-8101) or call my blackberry (313-207-1651) or they can stop in
to our office in the Joint Forces Headquarters building, room 123. We
have two very experienced Psychological Health Coordinators that can
provide assistance as well. They are Martin Groom at 517-243-3116 or, and Maria Bouharb at 313-957-6595 or
Story by Lt. Col. William Humes, Joint Force Headquarters Public Affairs, Michigan National Guard
LANSING, Mich. -- Army National Guard officials at the National Guard Bureau announced
today that Michigan would host one of the first three cyber protection
teams established by the National Guard. Following an extensive
application and review process, the locations selected for activation in
fiscal year 2016 include a Michigan, Ohio, Indiana partnership group, a
team from Georgia, and a team from California.
"The selection of
the Michigan National Guard as one of the first cyber protection teams
is further evidence of Michigan's outstanding leadership in cyber
security," Gov. Rick Snyder said. "Our talented Guard members are
continually developing innovative approaches to keep Michigan residents
and businesses safe from these emerging kinds of threats. Being cyber
savvy also enhances Michigan's global marketability for training and
"The team will be an invaluable part of the force,"
said Maj. Gen. Gregory Vadnais, adjutant general of the Michigan
National Guard and director of the Michigan Department of Military and
Veterans Affairs. "Protecting infrastructure from enemies that could
potentially destroy water systems, take down electrical grids, disrupt
fuel distribution, communication lines, or transportation systems is as
much a part of national security as any munitions battle ever was. And
leading the way, at the front lines, are members of the Michigan
National Guard, Hoo-ah!" added Vadnais.
Cyber protection team
members will begin their assignment with intensive specialized cyber
training to qualify as Army Cyber Soldiers. The academically challenging
cyber courses are 4-12 months in duration and are held in multiple
locations across the country, adding another level of challenge to the
program. When fully trained, CPT members will be responsible for
conducting defensive cyberspace operations, readiness inspections and
vulnerability assessments as well as a variety of other cyber roles and
"The Army is actively developing a total force of elite,
trained, trusted and disciplined cyber professionals. The Army National
Guard's CPT stationing decision is another step in the right direction
as we build and
field the cyber force across the Total Army," said
Lt. Gen. Edward Cardon, commanding general of the U.S. Army Cyber
Command at Fort Belvoir, Va. "Citizen Soldiers are already an essential
part of the Total Army, so these cyber professionals, many of whom bring
private sector experience, will enhance the Army's cyberspace
capabilities and capacities."
Story written by Angie Simpson, Joint Force Headquarters Public Affairs, Michigan National Guard

LANSING, Mich. -- The 156th Brigade Signal Company, Michigan Army National Guard,
based in Adrian, has the mission to provide satellite-based
communication. The 35 assigned members are challenged to provide a
battlefield communications network to the troops in the field. The unit
falls under the 631st Troop Command in Lansing, but their lineage is the
65th Fires Brigade, Utah National Guard.
The original 156th Signal Battalion dissolved on Sept. 1, 2006. After
several changes, the 156th Brigade Signal Company stood up Sept. 1,
“The 156 is a fairly new unit in its name,” said Sgt 1st Class
Clinton Roe, operations noncommissioned officer assigned to the 156.
“But the history goes back to the original 156th Signal Company that has
been in the Adrian community for over 50 years.”
On Oct. 1, 1961, the 156th Signal Battalion was federalized at its
home station in response to the Cuban missile crisis. The unit reported
to Fort Benning, Ga., on Oct. 13, 1961, for one year of service.
On May 14, 1980, the 156th BSC responded with 150 members and equipment after a tornado destroyed large portions of Kalamazoo.
Today’s military operations require reliable, high-data rate
communications to quickly deploy and control field units. The 156th BSC
is one of the units providing those communications for the Michigan
National Guard.
The 156th BSC uses the Joint Network Node, a system which was
developed to replace the Mobile Subscriber Equipment the 156th formerly
used. It provides beyond line of sight capabilities for the battle
The JNN is commercial equipment packaged in tactical shelters that
may be linked to an internet department on wheels. JNN consists of
vehicles equipped with satellite communications as well as voice-over-IP
and dynamic IP technologies that connect to military networks.
The U.S. Army is changing communications equipment faster than it can
deploy forces equipped with that gear. Training is evolving and the
Soldiers of the 156th BSC not only must continually learn new hardware
and capabilities, but they must also continue to train on basic soldier
skills so they can operate the equipment under battlefield conditions.
According to Roe, “The 156 has been and continues to be up to the
Story written by Sgt. 1st Class Helen Miller, Joint Force Headquarters Public Affairs, Michigan National Guard

Fifteen thousand rounds to the good.
200 Michigan Airmen engaged in a series of exercises - primarily
focusing on combat search and rescue utilizing the A-10 Thunderbolt II -
centered at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base in Tucson, Ariz., and the
nearby Barry M. Goldwater Air Force Range over the two weeks ending Feb.
7, 2015.
The Snowbird exercise allowed the Airmen of the 107th
Fighter Squadron, 127th Maintenance Group and other supporting elements
of the Michigan Air National Guard's 127th Wing to practice the major
movement of their aircraft and personnel from home station at Selfridge
Air National Guard Base and then to be able to engage in a simulated
combat environment.
"When you make a big movement like that,
there's always issues that have to be worked through," said Chief Master
Sgt. Wayne Fetty, aircraft maintenance superintendent on the trip. "But
our Airmen worked together in a professional manner - acting like the
true Airmen they are - and had a successful trip."
During the
exercise, the A-10s from Selfridge fired nearly 15,000 rounds from the
30mm GAU-8 gun that is the aircraft's primary weapon. In addition,
almost 500 bombs, rockets and missiles were fired by the aircraft's
pilots during training missions in the Goldwater range. In many of the
missions, Selfridge pilots worked closely with local Air Force rescue
helicopters and other assets in a complex and realistic series of
scenarios. Originally designed for close air support, the A-10 provides
an ideal platform to provide support to rescue operations in potential
close proximity to opposition ground forces. The A-10 can also provide
airborne command and control support to rescue operations, as well as
serve in air interdiction and intelligence, surveillance and
reconnaissance capacities.
"This exercise gave everyone a chance
to see that when we come together - Wing Commander Brig. Gen. (John D.)
Slocum calls it 'One Team, One Fight' - that we can pack a serious
punch," said Lt. Col. Shawn Holtz, 107th Fighter Squadron commander.
and Fetty said that as a result of the training during Snowbird,
numerous pilots, maintenance personnel and others were able to be
"signed off" in a variety of upgrade training, further widening the
skill set of 127th Wing personnel.
Story and photo by Tech. Sgt. Dan Heaton, 127th Wing Public Affairs, Michigan Air National Guard
Jackson-based 272nd Regional Support Group was founded on Sept. 2,
2007. One of the youngest Michigan Army National Guard units, the
Regional Support Group’s primary mission is contingency and
expeditionary base operations support. Responsibilities include:
managing base facilities; providing administrative and logistical
support and other soldier services for base tenants; and base security.
The RSG provides Command and Control (C2) of assigned units during
homeland security and homeland defense missions and civil support
missions within the United States and the State of Michigan. When not
deployed, the RSG provides Command and Control structure for Aviation,
Medical, Transportation, Quartermaster, and Maintenance Army Guard units
throughout the State of Michigan ensuring they meet training,
readiness, and deployment requirements.
From August 2008 to July
2009 the 272nd deployed a Logistics Military Advisory Team (LMAT) to
Iraq. The 272nd RSG LMAT was divided into six separate teams upon
arrival in Iraq and served at the following five locations: Taji, Al
Kasik, Tallil, Shaiba, and Baghdad. The LMAT was originally deployed to
“advise” the Iraqi Army on logistical procedures throughout the area of
operations; however the teams did everything from contract oversight to
plumbing, in addition to their duties as logistical advisors.
deploying to Iraq, the 272nd RSG has had the opportunity to participate
in a large Regional Training Exercise in South Dakota, Served on
Training Teams to Latvia and Liberia, and participated in various other
training events throughout the state.
In June 2014, HQs 272nd RSG
and two subordinate units, the 1463rd Transportation Company and the
464th Quartermaster Company participated in Operation Golden Coyote in
South Dakota. The exercise was conducted in the Black Hills of South
Dakota in cooperation with Custer State Park, the Black Hills National
Forest Service, the Oglala Sioux Indian Tribe, and other organizations.
One of the primary objectives of the exercise was to transport timber
to various drop points within the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation.
from Michigan to South Dakota was a major training event in itself.
Approximately 130 personnel in 60 vehicles convoyed more than 1,000
miles in three days (each way) testing vehicle reliability,
communication equipment, and supply protocols.
During the actual
Golden Coyote Exercise, the 272nd RSG served as the Governor cell for
five geographically dispersed operating bases; conducted Reception,
Staging, Onward Movement and Integration (RSOI) for more than 3,700
service members to include international partners from Denmark, Canada,
and Great Britain; and provided command and control to assigned units.
April 2015, the RSG will participate in Operation Arctic Eagle. HQs
272nd RSG will serve as the Joint Force Land Component Command (JFLCC)
for the Joint Multinational Exercise, which will take place in several
geographical locations in the northern part of Lower Michigan.
Story by Angie Simpson, Joint Force Headquarters Public Affairs, Michigan National Guard
LANSING, Mich. -- The Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 146th Multifunctional
Medical Battalion, Michigan Army National Guard, is based in Ypsilanti
and has the mission to provide a scalable, flexible and modular medical
battle command to support deployed troops. The 70-plus assigned members
are skilled in administrative assistance, logistical support and
technical supervision. The146th Medical Battalion has eight full-time
support staff for the battalion with two as HHD staff. The 1171st Area
Support Medical Company, MIARNG, is task-organized under the MMB and is
co-located with the battalion in Ypsilanti.
Capt. Tina Corner was
recently assigned as the 146th battalion officer in charge. On drill
weekends she serves as the force health protection officer.
have the normal [military occupational specialties] a battalion would
have: human resources, mechanics, supply, legal, signal support,
chaplain, food service, etc., but more of the medical low density MOSs
[medical occupations held by a smaller number of Guard members] such as
health care specialists, behavioral health and bio-medical equipment
NCOs,” said Corner. “We also have patient administrative specialists,
dental and practical nurse NCOs, and several medical service corps
officers with specific medical [areas of concentration]. In general, the
146th is organized with personnel who are skilled in a wide-range of
medical capabilities.”
According to the unit’s full-time
operations NCO, Master Sgt. Frank Flores, the 146th has a lot to bring
to the fight. Flores has more than 16 years of combat medic experience
in the active Army and the Michigan National Guard.
“The 146th is a
unique unit, Army-wide,” said Flores. “With so many different MOSs and
AOCs, there’s a vast knowledge base in various medical fields, as well
as operational, administrative and logistics expertise. That’s what
makes the MMB so distinctive in its capabilities.”
The unit stood
up Oct. 1, 2004 as Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 146th
Medical Evacuation Battalion, based at the Army Aviation Support
Facility in Grand Ledge. According to Corner, the 146th was designated
to provide command, control and logistical support of assigned and
attached air and ground medical evacuation units within a theater of
operation. At the time, the 146th MEDEVAC did not have their own unit
crest or patch and wore the Headquarters, State Area Command, MIARNG
On Oct. 1, 2005, the unit was reorganized as HHD, 146th
MMB. Within a year, the unit deployed to Balad, Iraq as the Army's first
fully transformed multifunction medical battalion. They served as a
task force with five area support medical companies, two dental services
companies, two ground ambulance companies, one forward surgical team
and one headquarters detachment organized under them. The 11 units
totaled more than 750 Army, Army Reserve and National Guard Soldiers.
Iraq, the task force dispersed its medical and dental assets among 23
strategic locations, encompassing the entire theater of operation. In
addition, TF146 MMB provided 36 combat medics who were attached to the
Multi-National Security Transition Command – Iraq. The medics provided
medical support and served as medical educators for Iraqi Security
During their deployment, the unit had several external
missions, including postal operations, instructing at combat-medic
training centers and multi-national coalition personal security details.
Two ground ambulance companies were integral in providing medical
support to the daily combat logistics patrols throughout the theater of
The task force encountered more than 125,000 patients;
8,000 laboratory procedures, 35,000 immunizations and anthrax
initiations, among many other medical duties. The medical evacuation
force provided base evacuation as well as 1,400 convoy logistical patrol
missions covering more than 260,000 combat miles to evacuate patients.
During their deployment, one 146th Soldier was awarded the Purple Heart
“In 2010, HHD 146th was on the [chemical, biological,
radiological, nuclear, and explosive consequence management response
force] mission as the medical battalion command and element comprised of
active, Reserve and National Guard units,” said Corner. “Their mission
was to provide command and control and as required, level-two health
service support, preventative medicine, veterinary services, medical
logistics, and blood services to facilitate critical life support and
recovery operations,” she continued. “The unit participated in the joint
exercise Vibrant Response at Camp Atterbury, Indiana as their
validating exercise for this mission.”
The 146th MMB currently has
13 personnel on duty status with the Michigan National Guard command
and control response element to civilian authorities (more commonly
known as C2CRE). The medics provide first responder support, medical
support to chemical reconnaissance, the medical support to mass patient
decontamination during CBRN response operations for civil authorities in
order to save lives and minimize human suffering. In 2014, the unit
participated again in the joint validation exercise Vibrant Response at
Camp Atterbury.
“Since its reorganization as the first-ever
multifunctional medical battalion, the 146th has had a pretty
significant operational tempo serving on three different missions;
Operation Iraqi Freedom 06-08, CCMRF, and C2CRE-B, as well as an
outstanding performance during two Vibrant Response exercises,” said
Corner. “We can attribute this success to our Soldiers within this
battalion. Although these catastrophic events are horrific to think
about happening; our Soldiers are trained, prepared and committed to
their unit and its mission success.”
Story by Master Sgt. Denice Rankin, Joint Force Headquarters Public Affairs, Michigan National Guard
SELFRIDGE AIR NATIONAL GUARD BASE, Mich. -- About 200 Airmen and 10 aircraft from the 127th Wing deployed to
Davis-Monthan AFB, Ariz., on Friday, Jan. 23, to Operation Snowbird.
men and women from various units of the 127th Wing support, operate and
maintain the A-10 Thunderbolt II mission. Operation Snowbird allows
military flying units to take advantage of the optimal weather
conditions and live-fire ranges available in southern Arizona during the
winter months, when home station training may be hampered by snow and
By deploying to the Air Force Base in Arizona, Selfridge
Airmen also have an opportunity to train and work together in a
high-tempo environment. The 107th Fighter Squadron will have more
opportunities for sorties during the two week deployment, almost
doubling the number of flights performed each day at Selfridge. The
Michigan Air National Guard unit's focus will be on search and recovery
training with local rescue squadrons stationed at Davis-Monthan.
at Davis-Monthan in Snowbird is like a scrimmage before playing in the
big game. Everybody gets a chance to sharpen their skills and build up
the team," Lt. Col. Shawn Holtz, 107th Fighter Squadron commander.
A-10, originally designed for close air support, provides an ideal
platform to provide support to rescue operations in potential close
proximity to opposition ground forces. The A-10 can also provide
airborne command and control support to rescue operations, as well as
serve in air interdiction and intelligence, surveillance and
reconnaissance capacities.
Story by Tech. Sgt. Dan Heaton, 127th Wing Public Affairs, Michigan Air National Guard
Caption: A-10 Thunderbolt II aircraft line up for taxiing as the 107th
Fighter Squadron prepares to takeoff to Operation Snowbird at
Davis-Monthan AFB, Ariz., on Friday, January 23. Operation Snowbird
allows military flying units to take advantage of the optimal weather
conditions and live-fire ranges available in southern Arizona during the
winter months, when home station training may be hampered by snow and
ice. About 200 Airmen and 10 aircraft from the 127th Wing deployed and
will support this year's operation. (U.S. Air National Guard photo by
Brittani Baisden)

BATTLE CREEK, Mich. -- The Michigan Air National Guard’s 217th Air Component Operations
Squadron has the unique challenge of planning 21st century warfare
through innovative processes. It is one of the youngest units in the Air
National Guard, having stood up at the Battle Creek Air National Guard
Base on April 1, 2009. Though part of the 110th Attack Wing, the 217th
ACOS mission diverges sharply from the rest of the base by being a
distributive/augmentation staff, specifically addressing warfighter
staff concerns of U.S. Air Forces in Europe.
Col. Eric Ely, the
217th ACOS commander, formerly commanded the 110th Maintenance Group and
brings a diverse background of experience to the 217th.
“All of
the positions in which I have served throughout my career have been at
the wing level, which is at the tactical level of warfare,” said Ely.
“The impact of the 217th ACOS at the operational and strategic level of
warfare brings a significantly higher scope of responsibility. Our
personnel are second to none at developing and providing products which
support combatant commanders.”
Much of what the 217th ACOS does is
highly classified and deployments are generally publicly acknowledged
after they happen rather than as they occur. The 217th ACOS trains
monthly, assisting USAFE general staff on solving real world issues
based upon four-star level guidance and by leveraging or devising new
plans to solve European and African continent issues. This type of
training provides 217th ACOS Guardsmen different challenges as well as
individual satisfaction of completing tasks, which may be in future
global news. All of this takes place in Southwest Michigan at the Battle
Creek Air National Guard Base.
“The 217th’s mission is generally
geared towards more senior, experienced Airmen,” said Ely. “Many on the
team combine the aspects of their civilian jobs with military expertise
to come up with innovative solutions to solve complex global issues.”
a headquarters-planning element, it functions at the operational and
strategic levels of war, providing direct, integrated support to U.S.
Air Forces in Europe and two geographic combatant commands: U.S. Africa
Command and U.S. European Command. The 217th ACOS works in coordination
with other four squadrons in the 217th Air Operations Group to provide
theater-wide planning and command and control capabilities for overseas
and domestic operations.
Starting from nothing, the 217th ACOS now
has 18 full-time and 54 traditional Airmen drawing from more than 42
different career fields. In addition to their skills’ training, 217th
ACOS personnel implement joint processes, cross functionally aligning
its nine directorates to support the development and study of
strategic/operational plans.
“I doubt if there is anything like it
in terms of the scope of knowledge and career fields we bring
together,” said Chief Master Sgt. James Trainor, the ACOS
superintendent. “Pilots, maintainers, firefighters, logistics, force
protection, intelligence, communications, manpower, etc. – it’s all
The 217th ACOS is the only Air Force unit currently
assigned to U.S. Africa Command. Upon its initial activation, the 217th
ACOS was paired with 17th Air Force, headquartered at Ramstein Air Base,
Germany, from whom it derived its number. In 2011, 17th AF was absorbed
into 3rd AF supporting USAFE, which has assumed responsibility for Air
Force operations in Africa.
The 217th ACOS members have deployed
to more than a dozen nations, including Botswana, Djibouti, Ghana,
Liberia and Nigeria. Most notable was the 2011 participation in
Operation Odyssey Dawn, the international military operation in Libya,
which successfully enforced United Nations Security Council Resolution
1973, and the 2013 participation in Operation Juniper Micron that was
responsible for synchronizing all Department of Defense efforts in
support of French operations in Mali including the intra-theater
airlift, air refueling and intelligence sharing mission-sets. In
addition, 217th ACOS personnel regularly rotate to Ramstein for real
world augmentation and training.
Story by Master Sgt. Alec Lloyd, 217th ACOS Public Affairs, Michigan National Guard
Photos by Master Sgt. Sonia Pawloski, 110th Attack Wing Public Affairs, Michigan National Guard