Issue 48 | October 2023
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Please see the archived newsletters for other important information that affects licensure.
Public Comment on Proposed Disciplinary Literacy Preparation Standards
Legislative Change: Report Employment Data More Timely for Student Safety
In support of school safety and Michigan’s educator workforce needs, the Michigan legislature recently amended Michigan Compiled Law (MCL) 388.1619 to gather school employment data in a more timely manner. Districts should now submit personnel changes within 30 days of a staffing event (e.g., hiring, termination, vacancies) in addition to submitting employment data twice a year.
It is critical that the REP be updated in the new timeline to include all assignments to meet school safety and workforce needs. Further communications and trainings will be made available once procedures have been finalized. Please direct any questions to
PAEMST (Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching)
The 2023-24 PAEMST application cycle is NOW OPEN! Outstanding K-6th grade educators working in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics can be nominated/apply on the PAEMST webpage. Nominations close on January 8, 2024. Applications must be completed by February 6, 2024.
Established by Congress in 1983, the PAEMST award is the highest honor bestowed by the United States government specifically for K-12 science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and/or computer science teaching. Learn more by visiting the PAEMST webpage.
Six Michigan educators were named as finalists for the 2022-23 PAESMT award! Winners will be announced in early 2024.
The Annual Educator Effectiveness Data Appeals Window is Open
Districts and public school academies (PSAs) may submit data appeals for inaccurate educator effectiveness ratings for any of the past five years into the Registry of Educational Personnel (REP). To support teacher re-certification, it is essential that educator evaluation and assignment information entered into the REP is accurate. This appeals window is only for the purpose of updating inaccurate effectiveness ratings data within the REP. It is not a process for contesting the outcome of an evaluation. Any data corrected during the appeals window for teachers in instructional roles will appear in MOECS immediately after being entered by the district.
Districts May Opt-In to Receive Teacher Value-Added Reports
Since 2018, the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) has contracted with SAS to provide value-added reports to all districts and public school academies. These reports include diagnostic information and measures of academic growth that a teacher's students made in a selected grade and subject. These data can help educators reflect on past practices and proactively plan for current and future classes. In the 2023-24 school year, SAS will provide teacher value-added reports based on the 2022-23 state assessments, as well as NWEA MAP, STAR, and i-Ready.
Teacher value-added reports are available to districts and public school academies that provide student-teacher linkages through the Michigan Data Hub (MiDataHub). If your district or public school academy would like to receive teacher reporting in addition to student enrollment updates and the standard reports for the 2022-23 school year, follow these steps to begin the process. This opportunity to opt-in closes November 1, 2023.
Districts and public school academies can contact us to check on their opt-in status and are encouraged to opt-in as soon as possible to ensure data are uploading correctly.
Tuskegee Airmen National Historical Museum Featured in Latest #proudMIeducator Video
The newest #proudMIeducator video, features Dr. Brian Smith and Sha’Malia Willis, educators at the Tuskegee Airmen National Historical Museum in Detroit. The museum looks back to honor the Tuskegee Airmen, the first all-African American fighter pilot squadron, while recognizing the importance of looking forward to inspire and educate the next generation of aviators.
Michigan Association for Gifted Children Mini-Conference
The Michigan Association for Gifted Children (MAGC) is pleased to offer a two-night virtual mini-conference, "Navigating a Smoother Course for Gifted Students." This event will be held from 7-8:30 p.m. on Tuesday, October 24, and Thursday, October 26, 2023. Featured speakers are Dr. Chandra Floyd, "A" is for Advocate: Championing Change for Gifted Children, from the Classroom to the Capitol (Tuesday), and Dr. Matt Zakreski, Riding Out the Storm: Managing Emotional Intensity in Gifted Students (Thursday). Guests are welcome to attend for either night or for both nights. SCECHs are available. Please visit the website, MAGC Conference, for costs, registration, and other details.
Register Today for CSforMichigan Conference
Registration is now open for the Annual CSforMichigan conference on November 2-3, offering a unique learning opportunity to connect statewide work in the areas of computer science (CS), including the implementation of the K-12 CS Standards and many other technology-driven initiatives. CSforMichigan will be hosting two days of focused learning, networking and in-person tinkering on all things computer science. There will be in-depth CS Workshops and the CS Leadership Summit on November 2 with a focus on policy and implementation opportunities, or on November 3 for CS Education Day with a focus on exploring, learning from peers and sessions to expand one’s CS knowledge. Visit the event website for more information or register here.
Getting Started Workshop for New Early Middle Colleges
The Michigan Department of Education Office of Career and Technical Education (MDE-OCTE) and the Michigan Early Middle College Association (MEMCA) would like to invite any school district that is considering opening an Early Middle College (EMC) to attend the EMC Getting Started Workshop on November 2, 2023.
Military Career Options
Are you interested in learning about the career opportunities for students who are considering joining the military? Earn 5 State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECHs) by exploring military career options! Visit Understanding the Modern Military for further details.
Free and Low Cost Professional Learning Options
Looking for new professional learning opportunities? Check out the Free and Low Cost Professional Learning Options document for current offerings.