June 2023 MICIP Continuous Communication
Michigan Department of Education sent this bulletin at 06/01/2023 03:00 PM EDT
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In this Issue of MICIP Continuous Communication
This issue of MICIP Continuous Communication includes informative articles about MICIP resources, the limited maintenance goal submissions, MICIP and accreditation, an important survey to learn about your MICIP training and resources needs, and several partner news resources and informative articles.
Summer is Here!
MICIP Continuous Communication takes a break during July each year. The next issue of MICIP Continuous Communication will be the August issue on August 3, 2023. Have a great summer break!
Integration is available between the MICIP platform and the MiMTSS Data System so that your district can easily assess needs and monitor progress related to an MTSS systems goal.
The MiMTSS Data System houses MTSS fidelity data, district capacity data, and student outcome data in the areas of reading and behavior. 280 districts and 34 ISDs are already using the system. Consider signing up or learning more about the system.
Terry Nugent Retires
Congratulations to Dr. Terry Nugent who is retiring from the Michigan Department of Education and as MICIP lead.
Terry has provided extraordinary vision and leadership in all areas of MICIP since its inception, and she will be missed.
Under Terry’s leadership:
- 100% of districts have signed on to MICIP
- the continuous improvement mindset has moved from writing an annual plan to one of district-focused continuous improvement with equity as a lens
- the MICIP process has been supported through new and continuing professional learning offerings and resources
- the platform has been constructed for use by all districts and enhanced for use by schools identified for additional supports
In addition, the MICIP Continuous Communication has now reached 12,000 subscribers, and the state of South Carolina has become the first state to request MICIP for its own use.
You can still contact Ben Boerkoel (boerkoelb@michigan.gov) for MICIP process support and Renie Araoz (araozr@michigan.gov) for MICIP user management support.
Those wishing to send Terry a note of congratulations can do so at nugentt@michigan.gov.
New MICIP Tool
Thanks to Kent ISD, there is now a fillable PDF document version of the NIRN Hexagon Tool that can be used to rate and document the conversation around the six categories of the tool.
It contains both the questions for each category as well as the rating definitions. Ratings can then be transferred into the MICIP platform. The entire document can also be uploaded into the platform as part of evidence.
Districts have expressed appreciation for the flexibility of the tool. You will find it on the MICIP website under Resources/Resources from the Field/Plan.
If your ISD, district, or school has developed a tool that you have found useful, please consider sharing it with the rest of the state. Send it to Ben Boerkoel at boerkoelb@michigan.gov.
MICIP User Group
Following the final MICIP User Group session on May 1, we surveyed attendees and found:
- Of the seven sessions, most respondents reported having attended 3-5 sessions, followed by 1-2 sessions.
- The greatest factor affecting attendance was time, followed by interest in or the relevance of the topic for that month.
- The largest group of attendees was district leaders, followed by ISD personnel.
When asked about what was most helpful or useful from the User Group Sessions, respondents most frequently identified the following:
- Networking, collaboration, sharing resources and ideas.
- Real examples, best practices, and practical applications
- The opportunity to ask questions while going through the process.
- The opportunity to hear what is happening from viewpoints other than one’s own
- Sharing struggles and celebrations
- Gauging where we are at compared to others in the process.
- Seeing models of best practice
- Better understanding the nuts and bolts of the platform
- Hearing directly from MDE regarding requirements or announcements about new features
- Learning information in small chunks when you are new to the process.
There was overall positive response to the idea of alternating User Group sessions with sessions of the Collaboration Series on a monthly basis.
Watch the MICIP Continuous Communication newsletter for updates on how we will proceed in school year 2023-2024.
Confusion regarding MICIP and Accreditation
There has been recent discussion and confusion regarding accreditation and MICIP plans.
In a May 18 memo, MDE clarified that it has not provided accreditation for more than a decade.
Districts are required to have plans in accordance with ESSA, Title 1 Part A, Section 1112, but not for accreditation requirements.
Accreditation is not a requirement, but districts may elect to do so.
Reminder: Limited Maintenance Goal Submission
A district may add a limited maintenance goal to their portfolio by Friday, June 30, 2023.
On July 1, 2023, the ability to add a limited maintenance goal will no longer exist.
If you have any questions, contact Terry Nugent (nugentt@michigan.gov) or Ben Boerkoel (boerkoelb@michigan.gov).
The MICIP platform released a new pathway to create a Limited Maintenance Goal. To be a limited maintenance goal, the prior ASSIST goal and its associated strategy (or strategies) must have been approved previously in a district’s consolidated application.
For specific information, refer to Feb. 2 memo and Limited Maintenance Goal Guide.
MDE Continuous Improvement Conference – Save the Date and RFP Request
The 2023 MDE Continuous Improvement Conference will be held on Thursday, October 19, 2023, at the Comfort Inn and Suites in Mt. Pleasant.
Under the theme, “Continuous Improvement: Leveraging Systems, Strategies and Supports to Impact Outcomes for All Students,” it will also feature keynote speaker Mr. Kurt Russell, the 2022 National Teacher of the Year, in addition to multiple breakout opportunities.
Registration and RFP information can be found at the embedded links.
RFPs are due by June 30, 2023. Districts who can share specific examples of continuous improvement success are especially urged to apply.
MICIP Professional Learning and Resources Survey
Since MICIP was released in January 2021, we have offered and archived many professional learning opportunities and have also created and collected many resources. (See the MICIP website at www.michigan.gov/mde-micip).
As you think about your MICIP needs over the next several years, we would like your ideas regarding what would be most helpful to you in these categories. We will be happy to consider any and all suggestions.
Please complete the MICIP Professional Learning and Resources Survey by June 10, 2023.
Partner News
Statewide Field Team Newsletter
The Statewide Field Team is excited to share the May Newsletter - Talent Management Part 1.
Making Connections: Systems-level Strategies to Support Accelerated Learning as Part of the Continuous Improvement Process
This series of articles regarding accelerated learning is generated from current Michigan Department of Education (MDE) memos. You can find part 1, part 2, and part 3 of the complete accelerated learning memo series posted on the MDE memos website here. For a refresher on what accelerated learning is, visit MDE’s accelerated learning website here.
Beginning with a few fundamental questions and utilizing aligned MDE tools and resources provided below, district and school leaders can initiate the continuous improvement process toward accelerated learning and success for all students.
How will we ensure that all students get what they need, including accelerated learning, rather than remediation prior to new learning? Engaging in the Michigan Integrated Continuous Improvement Process (MICIP) will support school and district teams in identifying systems-level strategies that promote accelerated learning.
The MICIP Process Guide is a helpful resource to guide that important work.
Which systems should be considered to support accelerated learning?
Within a whole-child approach, school and district teams should consider five systems to support accelerated learning. These five systems for consideration and corresponding reflection questions are:
- Curriculum - do we have identified learning targets? Do we have adequate, appropriate, and researcher-based materials?
- Instruction – do we have a coherent instructional model?
- Assessment – do we have assessments aligned to learning targets?
- Data collection and analysis – do we have a system to collect and analyze data?
- Student support – do we have a system to support students at tiers 1, 2, and 3?
How well are we implementing a strong system for accelerated learning?
A Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) model that ensures high-quality Tier 1 (universal) instruction serves as a strong foundation for all MICIP plans. This systems-level approach includes the following critical components with more detail available in the MDE MTSS Practice Profile.
- Team-based leadership
- A tiered delivery system
- Selection and implementation of instruction, interventions, and supports
- A comprehensive screening and assessment system
- Continuous data-based decision making
How is a strong MTSS model defined?
A strong MTSS model ensures that all school and district team members have a common understanding of how each level of tiered support is defined:
- Tier 1 instruction is defined as having universal supports, or those instructional practices that help all students in a school. Tier 1 instruction includes both whole group and differentiated small group instruction. Once universal supports are in place, staff can use assessment data to determine which students need additional Tier 2 and Tier 3 supports that vary by intensity and duration.
- Tier 2 support is an additional block of time targeted to small group instruction in addition to the Tier 1 block.
- Tier 3 support involves even more intensive instruction, including one-on-one. It is critical that all students receiving Tier 2 and Tier 3 support also continue to receive Tier 1 support.
What are additional considerations for creating a strong MTSS model that supports accelerated learning?
In addition to a common understanding of the MICIP process and MTSS levels of tiered support, additional tools and strategies can be used to build programming to support accelerated learning. These resources are:
- MiStrategy Bank
- Fiscal Guidance for Implementing a Multi-Tiered System of Supports
- Early Warning Intervention and Monitoring System (EWIMS)
- MTSS Practice Profile
Student success relies heavily on strong systems based on an MTSS model that supports students throughout their learning journey. By focusing on systems-level strategies to support accelerated learning as part of the continuous improvement process, school and district teams can develop programming aligned to current grade-level content and beyond.
Attention MDE, ISD and District Personnel: Alternative Education Schools and PSA Roundtables
Alternative Education Schools Roundtable
The Educational Experiences Unit in the MDE Office of Educational Supports is sponsoring a virtual Round Table/Networking meeting for all those supporting Alternative and Virtual High Schools, including MDE, ISD, and district personnel. This meeting will allow you to connect with other Comprehensive Support Improvement (CSI) Alternative Ed Programs across the state to exchange ideas and answer any questions you might have regarding the school/district plan, allowable uses of funding, upcoming deadlines, etc. The meeting will take place from 8:00 – 10:00 am on Thursday, June 8. If you would like to attend, please contact Krista Worthington. If you have questions you would like answered, please submit them via this Google document on or before June 5.
Public School Academy (PSA) Roundtable
The Public School Academies Unit in the MDE Office of Educational Supports is sponsoring a virtual roundtable meeting as a follow-up to the conversation at the recent Collaborative Partner meeting for those who support brick-and-mortar and cyber public school academies. The conversation will take place from 2:00 – 3:00 pm on Thursday, June 8 and will focus on challenges and opportunities in supporting these buildings. You are welcome to attend whether or not you attended the May 2 meeting. Connection information is as follows: PSA Roundtable Zoom Link, Meeting ID: 879 9714 9179, Passcode: kH4k2c
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Previous issues of MICIP Continuous Communication are available on the MICIP web page.
Feedback is Essential for Continuous Communication!
Have a question, an idea, a suggestion, or a compliment? The MICIP team is always eager to hear your feedback! Send us an email using the MICIP email address (mde-micip@michigan.gov).