April 2023 MICIP Continuous Communication

MICIP Continuous Communication

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In this issue of MICIP Continuous Communication

This issue of MICIP Continuous Communication includes information about the MICIP Collaboration Series and User Group meetings, several resources that are available on the MICIP website, updates to the hexagon tool in the platform, information about Release 2.6.2, and much more!


Did you know that the Hexagon Tool can be used to do more than consider strategies and activities to your plan?

The MICIP Process Guide has recommendations on how to use the Hexagon Tool, such as:

  • Review of existing programs (p. 14)
  • Selecting strategies (p. 29)
  • Selecting activities (p.32)
  • Monitoring (p. 38)
  • Evaluation (p. 44)

Platform logoReminder: Limited Maintenance Goal Submission

A district may add a limited maintenance goal to their portfolio by Friday, June 30, 2023.

On July 1, 2023, the ability to add a limited maintenance goal will no longer exist.  If you have any questions, contact Terry Nugent (nugentt@michigan.gov) or Ben Boerkoel (boerkoelb@michigan.gov).

The MICIP platform released a new pathway to create Limited Maintenance Goal. To be a limited maintenance goal, the prior ASSIST goal and its associated strategy (or strategies) must have been approved previously in a district’s consolidated application.

For specific information, refer to Feb. 2 memo and Limited Maintenance Goal Guide. 

MICIP Collaboration Series

Thanks to all those who participated in the recent MICIP Collaboration Series. 

A special thanks to those who led the series:

  • Dave Hundt from Muskegon Area ISD
  • Mike Fine from Ottawa Area ISD
  • Hilda Irani from Dearborn Public Schools
  • Muskegon Area ISD for their logistical and technical support, including registration and SCECHs

Response to the Series was overwhelmingly positive (see pre- and post-results below).  All recordings and resources from the Series can be accessed on the 2023 MICIP Collaboration Series on the MICIP web site.

Collaboration Series Graph 1

Collaboration Series Graph 2

MICIP User Group   

The next MICIP User Group Conversation will take place on Monday, April 10 from 1:00 – 2:00 pm and will focus on Monitoring Impact.

Connecting information is as follows:  

The final Conversation will take place on May 1 and will focus on ISD and district stories regarding successes and challenges. 

If you are willing to share with the group, please contact Ben Boerkoel (boerkoelb@michigan.gov) as soon as possible. You will find the resources and recordings for the entire year at the User Group Dashboard. 

ResourcesMICIP Website Resources

The following recordings and slides from MDE webinars are now available on the MICIP web site.

Hexagon Tool Update

As part of Platform Release 2.6.2, the graphic of the Hexagon Tool has been updated to match the current design from the National Implementation Research Network (NIRN). 

The Hexagon Tool questions in the platform will also be updated in the next few months, including with questions related to equity.

In the meantime, here is the updated list of questions Hexagon Tool Questions Update Spring 2023 if your district would like to use them for work this spring. They can also be found on the MICIP web site under Current Topics as well as under Resources, MDE Resources, Guides/Tools.

The Hexagon Tool is intended to be used at several points in the MICIP Process:

  1. During the Initial Initiative Inventory to ascertain why a current strategy or initiative might not be getting the desired results.
  2. As part of the planning process to identify whether a potential strategy is right for the district because it has the requisite qualities (evidence, usability, supports) and it aligns with district indicators (capacity, fit, need).
  3. As part of the monitor and evaluation process to ensure that system indicators that were strong continue to be strong and that the activities that needed to be put in place as a result of low indicators were actually implemented.

Dearborn Public Schools Continuous Improvement Plan Recorded Presentation

As part of the 2023 MICIP Collaboration Series, Dearborn Public Schools shared how they transitioned their continuous improvement plan from having multiple individual content and student support goals to having two system goals. They are allowing us to share a recording of their presentation. 

The Dearborn Public Schools Continuous Improvement Plan Recorded Presentation can be accessed on the MICIP web site under Resources, Resources From the Field. 

For more information, contact Fatmi Faraj, Executive Director of Student Achievement (farajf@dearbornschools.org) or Hilda Irani, Director of Assessment, Research, and Evaluation (iranih@dearbornschools.org).

Platform logoRelease 2.6.2

Release 2.6.2 was launched on March 23, 2023. New enhancement and fixes include:


  • Update Hexagon Tool Graphic


  • Ability to delete Limited Maintenance Goals
  • Programs that are not a school or facility in District Builder (Administrator Settings) are able to be in buildings connected to strategy and/or activity.
  • All down arrows are visible in Portfolio Report.
  • Policy footnote updated.
  • ISD support users, MDE support users, and district users with view-only permission cannot edit impact note in monitoring.

Statewide Field Team

The Statewide Field Team is pleased to share the March Newsletter: How Principals Affect Students and Schools.

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Previous issues of MICIP Continuous Communication are available on the MICIP web page.

Feedback is Essential for Continuous Communication!

Have a question, an idea, a suggestion, or a compliment? The MICIP team is always eager to hear your feedback! Send us an email using the MICIP email address (mde-micip@michigan.gov).

Have a question, an idea, a suggestion, or a compliment? The MICIP team is always eager to hear your feedback! Send us an email using the MICIP email address (mde-micip@michigan.gov).