May 2022 MICIP Continuous Communication
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In This Issue of MICIP Continuous Communication
This issue of MICIP Continuous Communication includes the fourth installment of the Social Emotional Learning series focusing on Monitoring and Adjusting, Release 2.0, the Early Warning Intervention and Warning System (EWIMS), Fall 2022 Continuous Improvement Conference, new summer opportunities, and more!
MICIP and Social Emotional Learning
This is the fourth in a multi-part series on MICIP and Social Emotional Learning Competencies and focuses on the Monitor and Adjust Process.
Scaling up Social Emotional Learning at the district level, though complex, is an important and critical effort that can amplify the success of continuous improvement process.
As Social Emotional Learning is being implemented, district teams need to use the planning process to identify how they will monitor implementation and select what evidence needs to be collected to measure impact. The District Rubric, the adult self-assessments, and baseline survey information will also help the district team determine how to adjust their professional development and capacity-building efforts.
The Michigan Department of Education Social Emotional Learning team has been supporting a Social Emotional Learning community of practice with 19 school districts. The district work with the hexagon tool and their assessment of their district’s need, fit, and capacity helps answer questions about how they might assess the effectiveness of their implementation efforts.
As the MICIP guidance for monitor and adjust recommends, teams also need to consider scale and reach. The hexagon tool can help determine in which buildings they might monitor pilot efforts. Equally important, it can help teams adjust their efforts when they take a principled approach to listen to student, family, teacher, and community voices to improve the implementation of Social Emotional Learning.
The following resources are tools that will help teams monitor for success:
- District Wide SEL Rubric - For a customized the CASEL rubric for Michigan email Leisa Gallagher or Amy Wassmann.
- Adult Self-Assessment
- Building Walk Throughs
Impact on Students
- Student Voice
- Formative Assessment I Can statements
- MiPHY Survey pre- and post - results for middle and high school learners
- Academic Outcomes - for example, how did students’ progress when Social Emotional Learning was taught during academic content?
For more information, email Leisa Gallagher or Amy Wassmann.
MICIP User Group
The final MICIP User Group for this school year will take place from 1:00 – 2:00 pm on Monday, May 9 and will focus on the monitoring process.
The session can be accessed at:
The MCIP User Group dashboard for the entire year is available to anyone, whether or not you participated in the sessions.
Release 2.0 Update
“The best laid schemes o' mice an' men,” - Robert Burn.
No matter how carefully a project is planned, something may still go wrong with it. Thus is the case for Release 2.0. As you can see from the screenshot below, Portfolio Report will the newest, and possibly, the biggest release yet.
It is possible based on the various configurations that a district user could produce thousands of different reports.
Due to its complexity, development needed more time.
Although it was slated to go out by the end of April, we now are looking for mid-May release. When it is released, a Reporting Guide will be sent to those who receive release notifications.
The Reporting Guide will also be posted on our website under Resources.
We thank you for your patience.
Early Warning Intervention and Monitoring System (EWIMS)
EWIMS is an evidence-based, data-driven, decision-making process that can be leveraged as part of a district’s Multi-tiered System of Supports framework.
Within the process schools use a continuum of tiered supports for students (at Tiers 1, 2, & 3), each with demonstrated evidence of effectiveness. At Tier 1, schools implement evidence-based practices to support attendance, positive social emotional and behavioral well-being, and high course performance for all learners.
- EWIMS also helps educators systematically identify students who are showing signs that they are at risk of dropping out of school.
- EWIMS examines the underlying causes of risk, matches student needs to interventions, and monitors student progress and the success of the interventions.
- Fundamentally EWIMS is an ongoing cycle of examining data and making decisions about supports and interventions to help students get back on track for graduation.
- EWIMS meets the MTSS implementation requirements at the secondary level.
Districts interested in exploring EWIMS implementation are encouraged to reflect on the Michigan Continuous Improvement Process (MICIP) Activity Planning Tool, consider adding a systems goal related to EWIMS in the MICIP platform, and to check the MDE EWIMS webpage for additional information.
For information on upcoming training opportunities, please contact
Fall 2022 Continuous Improvement Conference
The Fall 2022 Continuous Improvement Conference will take place on Tuesday, October 18 at the Lansing Center under the theme:
Continuous Improvement: Providing Connectedness, Safety, and a Sense of Belonging in Today’s World.
The conference will feature a virtual keynote presentation by Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond, Professor of Education Emeritus at Stanford University as well as a virtual featured presentation by Shane Safir and Dr. Jamila Dugan, authors of the popular book, Street Data.
Attendees will hear in-person presentations from State Superintendent Dr. Michael F. Rice and the MICIP team and will also have an opportunity to participate in two series of breakout sessions.
All conference sessions will be recorded and will be available for ninety days following the conference for in-person attendees. There will also be an option to register only for access to the conference recordings.
RFPs for breakout presentations are now available at MDE Fall 2022 Continuous Improvement Conference RFP | Michigan Association of Superintendents & Administrators ( and are due on June 30.
Registration information will be available shortly.
MiMTSS District Implementation Team Installation Series
This series supports District Implementation Teams in installing a district implementation infrastructure to effectively implement, scale up, and sustain educational innovations encompassed within an MTSS framework.
Developing capacity for implementation at the district level allows for the sustainability of effective practices, thus improving students’ outcomes.
The target audience for this series is the District Implementation Teams. The series will include 5 sessions for the teams and 5 additional sessions for the district coordinator. There will be a fall series and a winter series offered for this professional learning opportunity.
More information is to come from the MiMTSS TA Center. If you are not already on the listserv, please email and ask to be added.
2022 Systems Summit
Join the Statewide Field Team for their upcoming Virtual Summer Learning Experience.
The Summit is a one-day virtual event designed to engage and support leaders in excelling their systems work over the next school year and beyond.
With the critical thread of equity intertwined in our work, we are excited to welcome Dr. Jay Marks to deliver a morning keynote that will ignite and inspire us in “Leading for Equity: An Approach to Building Sustainable Systems.”
The keynote will be followed by 90-minute learning and application sessions providing relevant examples, tools, and/or protocols that will support our efforts to sustain equitable systems for continuous improvement.
We will close the summit with an afternoon keynote from author and educator Elena Aguilar as she guides us in “How to Cultivate Emotional Resilience So That We Can Build Equitable Schools.” Expect to be inspired and equipped to improve systems to achieve equitable outcomes for each student!
- Date: August 4, 2022, 8:30 am to 3:30 pm
- Recommended Audience: Teams made up of district, building, teacher leaders, and their ISD & MDE partners
- 2 Keynote Speakers
- 8 breakout sessions around systems implementation; topics to include: Best Practices for Working with Data, Embedding Social and Emotional Learning, Impactful Leadership Partnerships, Teacher Collaboration, and more!
- One breakout session will be facilitated in collaboration with our Systemic Support partners: NIRN, MiMTSS and MDE
- SCECHs: Up to 5.5 hours can be earned
- Registration and the most up-to-date information: on the Systems Summit page of our websit
New Toolkit Shines a Light on Summer Learning
The Michigan Afterschool Partnership and National Summer Learning Association (NSLA), both partners with the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) on the topic of summer learning, have developed a new resource from an equity-driven lens for local leaders to guide their planning for summer learning 2022.
Youth across Michigan are fortunate when they are able to access extraordinary opportunities for growth and learning during the summer months, thanks in large part to the skilled, resourceful adults who work so hard to build them.
These adults need ongoing supports and fresh ideas based on the latest research and best practices. From new program visionaries to seasoned teams looking to hone their craft, this new resource, the Michigan Summer Learning Toolkit (January 2022), is meant to assist local leaders in developing their programs as well as providing them with valuable insights and resources to make a positive difference in the lives of children and youth this summer.
The toolkit covers key elements of quality summer programs, the NSLA Quality Improvement Cycle, the Michigan State Board of Education adopted Michigan Out-of-School Time Standards of Quality (2021), outreach strategies for attendance, and finally a matrix of state/federal funding streams identified for blending and braiding to fund programs.
The Michigan Afterschool Collaborative is also planning a virtual Summer Learning Conference on June 3rd from 9 am – 3 pm at a cost of $30. SCECHS will also be available. For more information contact
Maintaining an accurate roster of MICIP district administrators is important because it is from this list where release notifications are sent and suggested changes can be approved.
Districts who have a change in leadership should contact Renie Araoz ( to update their MICIP district administrators.
Please note that a district maintains its district user access and MDE manages the district administrators.
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Previous issues of MICIP Continuous Communication are available on the MICIP web page.
Feedback is Essential for Continuous Communication!
Have a question, an idea, a suggestion, or a compliment? The MICIP team is always eager to hear your feedback! Send us an email using the MICIP email address (