February 2022 MICIP Continuous Communication

MICIP Continuous Communication

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In the February Issue of MICIP Continuous Communication

This issue of MICIP Continuous Communication includes information about the upcoming MICIP User Group meeting on February 7, the MICIP Collaboration Series, a MICIP Data Survey, Voices from the Field, the first of a new Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) series and how it relates to MICIP, and more!

User Group ImageMICIP User Group

The next MICIP User Group will meet on Monday, February 7, from 1:00—2:00 pm and will continue the focus on the relationship between the district and school in the continuous improvement process. To prepare for the meeting, participants are urged to review the District-led Continuous Improvement Toolkit, particularly Section 3 on pages 4-6 on Maintaining Balance in the Continuous Improvement Process. Note that toolkit resources must be opened in Adobe Acrobat.

New attendees are welcome to join us. To do so, please complete the survey at this link so we have your contact information: MICIP User Group Questionnaire (google.com) Connecting information is as follows:

The meetings are being recorded and are available to attendees following each session. Future dates include March 7, April 11, and May 9 from 1:00 – 2:00 pm. Please contact Ben Boerkoel with any questions.

MICIP Collaboration SeriesMICIP Collaboration Series

MDE is again offering a four-part MICIP Collaboration Series allowing participants to engage with colleagues across the state as well as with their own district teams in the MICIP process.

The series provides choices for where to onboard with the learning and provides opportunities for district teams to learn and collaborate around their own MICIP plans.

You are invited to participate as a district team or as an individual. District teams will be given their own breakout rooms that will allow them to work on their own plans. Individuals will be placed in a breakout room with other single participants to allow them to share and brainstorm ideas and challenges.

The series is taking place on alternate Tuesdays from 8:30—11:30 am using the zoom platform. The first session met on February 1, with over 160 participants; remaining sessions are as follows:

  • Session 2 – February 15, 2022 -- Strategies and Activities - The first two hours will focus on strategies and activities, with the final optional hour will focus on the basics of MiStrategyBank.
  • Session 3 – March 1, 2022 – Monitoring and Adjusting - The first two hours will focus on monitoring and adjusting while the final optional hour will focus on several case studies regarding building a culture of continuous improvement.
  • Session 4 - March 15, 2022 - Facilitated Work Time and Team Coaching - Content for the first part of the session will be determined by participants; the additional time will provide opportunities for team work as well as time to work with coaches on a 15-30-minute rotation.

Participants are encouraged to attend all sessions; however, the ability to be present at every session is not a requirement for participation. SCECHs will be offered based on attendance. All sessions will be recorded.

Registrations can be made at this link: MICIP Collaboration Series Registration Link.

Questions may be directed to Dave Hundt or Ben Boerkoel.

MICIP Data Use SurveyData Use

The MICIP team is gathering information about users’ experience with MICIP to better understand how we can support your continuous improvement process.

This short, four-question survey seeks to understand the data continuous improvement teams used before and since MICIP implementation (https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MICIPDataUse).

This survey should take fewer than five minutes to complete.

Voices from the FieldVoices from the Field Logo

The January User Group conversation focused on how to move a district from a culture of isolation, where the district and its schools operated independently of each other, to one of collaboration, where there was a strong partnership between the district and its schools.

The conversation was based on the MICIP District-led Continuous Improvement Toolkit.  Participants responded to the following prompt: What might your district/the districts you support need to do to shift the culture? 

  • The district and school must work together on changing the continuous improvement mindset
  • Unlearn practices that are not working
  • Invest in well-researched, evidence-based processes for systems
  • Implementation is easier when all members own the task of building the structure and plan
  • Leadership sets the tone
  • MICIP honors collaboration - it is built into the process if everyone follows the process
  • Adopt district-wide a collaborative inquiry with data protocol and an assessment and data review calendar aligned to MICIP goals
  • Make sure that each building has an active improvement team that is monitoring the activities assigned to that building
  • Consider the barriers that prevent movement and think about how to remove those barriers
  • Include in your plan actions to move from a current state to future state regarding these concepts
  • Ensure that the systems are in place to support district-wide collaboration
  • Time to meet, plan and collaborate
  • Collecting district-wide data regarding the impact of the district vision, mission, and beliefs
  • Make sure everyone knows what the shift is and why it is needed
  • Keep open minds
  • Have a clear vision that is clearly communicated

MICIP PlatformReminder - Authorized District MICIP Administrators

District superintendents and lead administrators need to maintain a current list of authorized District MICIP Administrators.

To update your MICIP district administrator(s), contact Renie Araoz. You will need to provide the name and email address of the user. Keep in mind that MDE manages and authorizes the MICIP district administrators.

The district is responsible for managing the MICIP district users.

MICIP PlatformRelease 1.9.1

On Thursday, January 20, the MICIP platform was upgraded to include expandable table when adding evidence to evaluate page & the ability to view and edit evidence on evaluate page

SEL LogoSocial Emotional Learning (SEL)

Because of the interest in social emotional learning and its relevance to the Whole Child and the continuous improvement process, Continuous Communication is beginning a series on this topic. The first article features an introduction to SEL.

One of the MDE's primary goals, as outlined in the state's strategic education plan, is to support all students' health, safety, and wellness. The MDE feels Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is critical to achieving this goal.

According to the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL), social and emotional learning is the process of developing students' and adults' social and emotional competencies--the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors that individuals need to make successful choices.

SEL helps individuals understand and regulate their emotions, complete goals, take others' perspectives or points of view, develop positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.

For more information or questions regarding SEL, please email Leisa Gallagher with any questions.

SEL is an evidence-based practice consisting of five competencies and may contribute to a district's MICIP plan:

  1. self-management
  2. self-awareness
  3. social awareness
  4. relationship skills
  5. responsible decision making

Look for future newsletter topics which demonstrate how to work with SEL through the MICIP process of assessing needs, planning, implementing, monitoring/adjusting, and evaluating.

Michigan Department of Education's SEL web page provides a variety of resources. Visit the site at: https://www.michigan.gov/mde/0,4615,7-140-74638_72831_72834-361321--,00.html.

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Previous issues of MICIP Continuous Communication are available on the MICIP web page.

Feedback is Essential for Continuous Communication!

Have a question, an idea, a suggestion, or a compliment? The MICIP team is always eager to hear your feedback! Send us an email using the MICIP email address (mde-micip@michigan.gov).