Issue 23 | January 2022
Be sure your email address is up-to-date in the Michigan Online Educator Certification System to receive important notifications regarding YOUR certificate.
Please see the archived newsletters for other important information that affects licensure.
Certificate Renewals Have Begun!
Schools/Districts: Schools/districts should begin the annual review of staff credentials for 2022. Remind educators with a credential expiring June 30, 2022 to log into the Michigan Online Educator Certification System (MOECS) to begin updating account information. Certificates can be renewed beginning January 1 without any loss of validity! Remember, districts can face costly state-aid deductions for employing educators without appropriate credentials.
Educators: Work with your employer to ensure you are ready for the 2022-23 academic year. Log into the Michigan Online Educator Certification System (MOECS) to check the status of a credential and professional learning to proactively prevent an accidental lapse. While there is no state issued or legal penalty to an educator for a lapsed credential, educators are responsible for maintaining valid Michigan credentials for employment and may face district contract issues for lapses.
Future PME Grant Opportunities
The Future Proud Michigan Educator (PME) initiative will continue in 2022 with two new grant opportunities aimed at “Grow Your Own” (GYO) efforts. The first GYO grant, for school personnel seeking initial certification or additional endorsements, will provide up to $10,000 to pay for teacher preparation coursework and fees.
The second GYO grant, for students in grades 6-12, will provide $2,500 to fund preparation and recruitment activities for new Explore programs. This represents Phase 1 of the Future PME grants for 2022, which will only run until July, 2022. Phase 2 Future PME grants will launch around April 2022, and will provide more support for both school personnel and Explore courses in the 2022-23 academic year. For mor information, visit the Future PME website.
Reminder of Mandated Reporter and Michigan Code of Educational Ethics Resources
In support of safe school environments for students, the department suggests that all local education agencies (LEAs), both traditional public school districts and public school academies (PSAs), provide annual professional learning to address the requirements of mandated reporting, handling disclosure, and the responsibilities set forth in the Michigan Code of Educational Ethics.
A variety of training materials including PowerPoints, legal language, video vignettes, and podcasts can be located on the Michigan Department of Education Code of Educational Ethics website.
For questions about the resources, the Michigan Code of Educational Ethics, or mandated reporting, please contact the educator helpline at 517-241-5000 or
New Michigan Teacher Website!
The key features are assisting visitors in finding the right preparation program to become a teacher, explaining certification requirements in Michigan, and resources for financial support options for completing preparation programs for any level of educator. Once teachers are ready to find a job, they are able to explore Michigan’s regions and their school districts.
Explore and share with colleagues and Future Proud Michigan Educators to ignite a passion for life long learning!
New Substitute Teaching Legal Requirements
The state legislature passed, and Governor Whitmer signed in law, Public Act 129 of 2021 amending subsection 10 of Michigan Compiled Laws (MCL) 380.1233, effective December 27, 2021 through June 30, 2022. The added subsection 10 provides new flexibilities for substitute teachers. Learn more about these requirements.
Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST)
Sunday, February 6, 2022 is the deadline to nominate educators teaching math or science content to students in grades K-6. To nominate an educator or begin an application, visit the program website, Additional information, including application support and more information about the program can also be found at the website.
If you are not a science, technology, engineering or math (STEM) educator who works directly with students in grades K-12 and are interested in sharing your expertise with the PAEMST program, we would welcome your involvement as a mentor or reviewer. Mentors are individuals who use their knowledge of STEM teaching to assist applicants in crafting a compelling application, and reviewers score submitted applications.
NASDTEC is Pleased to Jon AASPA and Other National Organizations in Offering the National Educator Shortage Summit
The National Educator Shortage Summit is an interactive event that convenes focused groups of PK-12 and higher education stakeholders to address the challenges of the national shortage of educators and the educator pipeline to share ways to replicate practices via a national strategy. Central to this conversation will be the use of data and collaboration in sharing promising practices. Above all we hope this Summit will start comprehensive conversations among these groups in the education community and serve as a place where they can pool different perspectives.
Code of Educational Ethics Video Series
The National Association of State Directors and Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC) Executive Board and the National Association for the Advancement of Educator Ethics (NCAEE), has released a new video series and accompanying discussion guide, The Power of Professional Conversations: Model Code of Ethics for Educators.
This free video series is a downloadable resource for pre-service and in-service educators to foster conversations about ethical decision-making in a complex, fast-paced profession. It is composed of five video segments and a discussion guide related to professional ethics, and more specifically, the Model Code of Ethics for Educators (MCEE).
Branching Out: Using Decision Trees to Inform Education Decisions
Classification and Regression Tree (CART) analysis is a statistical modeling approach that uses quantitative data to predict future outcomes by generating decision trees. CART analysis can be useful for educators to inform their decision making. For example, educators can use a decision tree from a CART analysis to identify students who are most likely to benefit from additional support early—in the months and years before problems fully materialize.
This guide introduces CART analysis as an approach that allows data analysts to generate actionable analytic results that can inform educators’ decisions about the allocation of extra supports for students. Data analysts with intermediate statistical software programming experience can use the guide to learn how to conduct a CART analysis and support research directors in local and state education agencies and other educators in applying the results. Research directors can use the guide to learn how results of CART analyses can inform education decisions.
Ensure No Child Grieves Alone
Ele's Place is a non-profit, community based organization dedicated to creating awareness of and support for grieving children and their families. Because not every family can commit to programming in an Ele's Place facility each week, and because sometimes schools are affected more broadly across the student population by the death of a fellow student or teacher, Ele’s Place works in partnership with school counselors to provide 8-week support groups in many area schools.
For more information, school administrators please contact our Ele's Group coordinators listed here. Parents interested in a group at their child's school should reach out to the school administration.
- Capital Region area school counselors interested in partnering with Ele's Place in their school should contact Chloe Silm at
- Ann Arbor and surrounding southeast Michigan area school counselors interested in partnering with Ele's Place in their school should contact Hannah Brown at
- West Michigan area schools interested in partnering with Ele's Place in their school should contact Julie DeJong at
- Greater Flint and Genessee County area schools interested in partnering with Ele's Place in their school should contact Tracy Payton-Lester at
New Ethics and Educators Blog Post - Ethos and Ethics: Giving Voice During Turbulent Times
Author: Troy Hutchings, Ed.D. Senior Policy Adviser
This past year I had the opportunity to listen to a most astonishing speaker – Ruby Bridges.
You may remember her – or at the very least you’ve seen the iconic Normal Rockwell painting that depicts the six-year-old girl being escorted to school by four federal marshals in 1960...Read more at