January 6, 2022 MICIP Continuous Communication
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In this Issue of MICIP Continuous Communication
The January issue of MICIP Continuous Communication includes important information about the four-part MICIP Collaboration Series, the MICIP User Group, a link to the updated MICIP Master Slide Deck, Platform Release 1.9, a new Data Set Template, and more!
MICIP Platform Release 1.9
On Tuesday, December 21, the MICIP platform was upgraded to include access to Eidex data (for Eidex customers), ability to adjust data story/goal/strategy/activity and add evidence when evaluating a goal.
Please note: The ability to add evidence when monitoring strategies will be included in the next release.
MICIP Collaboration Series
MDE is again offering a four-part MICIP Collaboration Series allowing participants to engage with colleagues across the state as well as with their own district teams in the MICIP process.
This is a follow-up to the 2021 MICIP Collaboration Series and is intended to address the variation in readiness and capacity for districts across the state to engage in continuous improvement work. The series provides choices for where to onboard with the learning and provides opportunities for district teams to learn and collaborate around their own MICIP plans.
You are invited to participate as a district team or as an individual. District teams will be given their own breakout rooms that will allow them to work on their own plans. Individuals will be placed in a breakout room with other single participants to allow them to share and brainstorm ideas and challenges.
The series will take place on alternate Tuesdays from 8:30—11:30 am using the zoom platform.
Dates and focus areas are as follows:
- Session 1 – February 1, 2022 – Continuous Improvement 101 - This is a condensed version of the 2021 series where participants will build understanding of the current state of their own MICIP plans and will have collaboration time to discuss areas of strength and improvement with their systems, processes, and plans.
- Session 2 – February 15, 2022 (Note date correction from December 9 CC) – Strategies and Activities - The first two hours will focus on strategies and activities, with the final optional hour will focus on the basics of MiStrategyBank.
- Session 3 – March 1, 2022 – Monitoring and Adjusting - The first two hours will focus on monitoring and adjusting while the final optional hour will focus on several case studies regarding building a culture of continuous improvement.
- Session 4 – March 15, 2022 – Facilitated Work Time and Team Coaching - Content for the first part of the session will be determined by participants; the additional time will provide opportunities for team work as well as time to work with coaches on a 15-30-minute rotation.
Participants are encouraged to attend all sessions; however, the ability to be present at every session is not a requirement for participation. SCECHs will be offered based on attendance.
Registrations can be made at this link: MICIP Collaboration Series Registration Link. Zoom information will be sent after registration.
Questions may be directed to Dave Hundt (dhundt@muskegonisd.org) or Ben Boerkoel (boerkoelb@michigan.gov).
MICIP User Group
The next MICIP User Group will meet on Monday, January 10, from 1:00—2:00 pm and will focus on the relationship between the district and school in the continuous improvement process.
The purpose of the group is for MICIP users to learn from and support each other and includes a mix of MDE, ISD/ESA, district, and school personnel. Previous sessions have been very well-received and included over 80 participants. To prepare for the meeting, participants are urged to review the District-led Continuous Improvement Toolkit, particularly pages 1-3. Note that toolkit resources must be opened in Adobe Acrobat.
New attendees are welcome to join us. To do so, please complete the survey at this link so we have your contact information: MICIP User Group Questionnaire (google.com) Connecting information is as follows:
- https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89511875314?pwd=dFVWNEo3UzIxTit4OGFPODRPaVhTZz09
- Meeting ID: 895 1187 5314
- Passcode: RjBw6Y
The meetings are being recorded and are available to attendees following each session.
Future dates include February 7, March 7, April 11, and May 9 from 1:00 – 2:00 pm.
Please contact Ben Boerkoel (boerkoelb@michigan.gov) with any questions.
Updated MICIP Master Slide Deck
The MICIP Master Slide Deck complete with notes has been updated and is available for use for presentations. It can be found on the MICIP Website under MICIP Resources, MDE Resources, Overview and Setting the Stage.
New Data Set Template
Check out the new data set template entitled, "District-wide MTSS". The guiding question for this data set is "How well are schools implementing MTSS, and is the district providing adequate support to schools?"
To find this new template, you need to select "Discover Data" and scroll down to the "Explore Data Templates" section. From there you click on "Systems" then select "Leadership":
MiMTSS E-Newsletter
The Michigan Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MiMTSS) November-December eNewsletter is now available. Each edition keeps you up-to-date about the Michigan Department of Education’s (MDE) efforts to support effective implementation of a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS). Please share this newsletter and subscribe at MDE Email Lists, to keep informed of all the latest MiMTSS information. For this and other MTSS information, visit the MDE MTSS website.
Voices from the Field
At the November 29 MICIP User Group, participants were asked to share tools they have used or evidence they have been collecting for monitoring regarding implementation with fidelity, scale/reach, capacity, and impact.
The following are several of the responses:
- Our goal was to implement MTSS Tier 1 Curriculum. We have used the Strategy Implementation Guide for fidelity, and we will use it for each card marking.
- The guiding questions from the Hexagon Tool
- Google form summary of walk-throughs around math practices in classrooms
- Panorama surveys around math efficacy, part of our math equity strategy
- Professional learning community notes
- Benchmark assessment data and spring state assessment data
- Fidelity inventory needs for trauma-informed care, suspension data, and disproportionality
- Completion of activities chart from MICIP resources
- Two by two grid from School Improvement Timeline
- District Capacity Assessment relating to MTSS
- Attendance/sign-in sheets from each building
- Early Warning Indicator (EWIMS) measures – attendance/behavior/academics scale
Michigan Recognized for Instructional Material Evaluation Tool
In a peer reviewed publication*, Michigan was noted as having the only tool to receive a “yes” ranking. This tool’s purpose is to help district review K-12 instructional materials using an implementation lens when deciding to adopt new materials. For the full article, click on link below.
*Rolf, K, Pinkelman, S. and Bundock K. (2021) Reviewing Tools for Evaluating K-12 Instructional Materials Through an Implementation Lens, Global Implementation Research and Applications volume 1, pages 5–16 (2021).
Please Share Continuous Communication
Please feel free to forward Continuous Communication to anyone you feel would like to receive information and updates about MICIP. To subscribe or unsubscribe, please click on this link.
Previous issues of MICIP Continuous Communication are available on the MICIP web page.
Feedback is Essential for Continuous Communication!
Have a question, an idea, a suggestion, or a compliment? The MICIP team is always eager to hear your feedback! Send us an email using the MICIP email address (mde-micip@michigan.gov).