November 12, 2021 MICIP Continuous Communication

MICIP Continuous Communication

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In this Issue of MICIP Continuous Communication

This issue of MICIP Continuous Communication includes information about the MICIP User Group, New Resources from the Field, MICIP in the News, New Features in MICIP, and more!

Continuous Communication Moving to Monthly Publication in 2022

Now that 98% of districts are authorized in MICIP, and most features and enhancements are available in the platform, MICIP Continuous Communication will move to monthly publication on the first Thursday of each month beginning January 6, 2022.

Virtual Meeting ImageMICIP User Group

The first MICIP User Group met on November 1 and was attended by 26 individuals representing a mix of ISD/ESA, district, and school personnel.

The purpose of the group is for MICIP users to learn from and support each other. Attendees shared why they joined, participated in breakout conversations regarding their experiences with MICIP, and completed a survey indicating their preferences for the group.

Data gathered indicated that the majority of participants wished the group to meet monthly for an hour on Monday afternoon, with the first part focused on learning and whole-group conversation on a common topic and then dividing into role-alike groups.

The next meeting will take place on Monday, November 29, from 1:00 – 2:00 pm and will focus on monitoring. Connecting information is as follows:

New attendees are welcome to join us. To do so, please complete the survey at this link so we have your contact information as well as your preferences: MICIP User Group Questionnaire ( 

The meetings are being recorded and will be available to attendees following each session. For questions, please contact Ben Boerkoel (

Common Vocabulary for Systems Work

Feedback from ISDs/ESAs, districts, schools, and statewide groups indicated a need for common vocabulary for systems work in Michigan to minimize confusion and increase coherence.

Vocabulary from all the primary systems work was considered, including Implementation Science, Blueprint, MTSS, MICIP, MDE Way of Work, and others used nationally. MDE, MiMTSS TA Center, the Statewide Field Team, and SISEP/NIRN  reached agreement on the list.

Where there are differences currently used by a system, the transition to the recommended vocabulary will include explaining the new vocabulary in context. Much of the recommended common vocabulary is already present in the MICIP process used by 98% of the districts in the state.

The Common Vocabulary for Systems Work can be found on the MICIP website under Resources, MDE Resources, Guides/Tools.

The Systemic Supports Leadership Team is currently in the process of identifying definitions for each of the terms and will update the document when that process is complete.

New Resource from the Fieldclipboard

The Starfish group of continuous improvement consultants recently completed work on a monthly Continuous Improvement Monthly Checklist that outlines potential activities to be undertaken by district and building continuous improvement teams, respectively.

The document contains links to multiple resources that support various continuous improvement tasks and is shared in a Word format so districts can adjust it to fit their own needs and context.   

The checklist can be found on the MICIP website under MICIP Resources, Resources from the Field, Guides/Tools.

Thanks to the Starfish group for their contribution!

We are always looking for additional resources from the field. If you have a tool or resource that others might find helpful, please send it to Ben Boerkoel ( so we can share it more broadly.

MICIP Makes the News

This month’s issue of Title 1 Admin featured an article entitled, Align Continuous Improvement Plans with Goals, Funding. It discusses MICIP and what Michigan is doing to support continuous improvement.

The Title 1 Admin is a national publication regarding research and guidance regarding federal programming.

Also, Michigan State University Office of K-12 Outreach released guidance on how districts might approach resource allocation decisions tied to federal relief funds based on knowledge of theories of leadership, school turnaround efforts, participatory decision-making models, policy processes, approaches to program evaluation, and data analysis techniques.

For district and school leaders, this tool outlines a process for deciding how to spend pandemic related relief funds from the federal government. The COVID-19 Relief Dollars Process Guide aligns with MICIP process and references the MICIP Process Guide along with MiStrategyBank.

New Feature Coming to MICIPeidexmunetrix

In an upcoming push to production, districts who are customers of Eidex and Munetrix will have access to reports that can be used in assessing student needs.

Users can expect to have access to some reporting features with the intention that more reporting features will be added in the future.

Continuous Improvement Conference UpdateProfessional Learning

Those who registered for the October 19 Continuous Improvement Conference should have received information on how to access the recordings of Dr. Rice’s presentation, Dr. Mehta’s keynote, Dr. Skelton’s featured presentation, and all breakout sessions.

The information was sent from Diane Dick at MASA and contains log-ins specific to each registrant.

The recordings and any submitted presentation materials will be available for 90 days. If you did not receive the information, please check your spam/junk mail folder, then contact Diane Dick at

The Continuous Improvement Conference Planning Committee is already beginning to plan next year’s conference.

Conversation includes the style of the conference (in- person, hybrid, virtual) as well as a theme and a keynoter.

Anyone with ideas for keynote speakers they would like the committee to consider is asked to submit them to Ben Boerkoel ( as soon as possible. It would also be helpful to know why the speaker is being recommended as well as their contact information.

Voices from the FieldVoices from the Field

Last month, the MICIP team asked you to share your most successful monitoring strategy or tool. Some selected responses we received are:

“Logic modeling -- mapping out how a program or strategy is intended to work and then identifying specific outputs (direct results from implementation) and indicators of success (progress made on intended outcomes).”

“Munetrix” (take a look at the article about Munetrix and Eidex above for more information!)

“In-person on-site fiscal reviews”

This month, we are asking you to take a moment to share your experiences incorporating equity into your continuous improvement process: "How has your district addressed equity in the context of MICIP?"

Follow the link to share your MICIP success!

Please share Continuous Communication

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Previous issues of MICIP Continuous Communication are available on the MICIP web page.

Feedback is Essential for Continuous Communication!

Have a question, an idea, a suggestion, or a compliment? The MICIP team is always eager to hear your feedback! Send us an email using the MICIP email address (