January 28, 2021 MICIP Continuous Communication

MICIP Continuous Communication

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In this issue of MICIP Continuous Communication

In this issue of MICIP Continuous Communication, read about updates to the Data Readiness Tool, new Resources that are available, the new MICIP Professional Learning Bites, and more!

MiDataHubUpdates on the Data Readiness Tool

Some updated functionality related to the MICIP Data Readiness Tool was recently made available in the Michigan Data Hub . A review of those updated items is listed below along with some details about each of those items.

The MICIP Data Readiness Tool helps districts prepare to implement the MICIP Platform. The checklist contains readiness considerations and steps to ensure that district technology and data systems are configured and connected to MiLaunchPad, MiStrategyBank and MiDataHub. MiLaunchPad and MiStrategyBank are required to access the MICIP Platform. The Michigan DataHub, which is optional, enhances the district experience in MICIP.

MICIP Data Readiness Required/Optional

  • Required and Optional items are now available when expanding each of the validation parameters in the MICIP readiness dashboard tool.  This functionality should help users when trying to determine if their district has completed all required technical steps necessary for MICIP to work correctly.
  • Additionally, if districts choose to utilize any of the optional items to enhance MICIP, they will more easily be able to determine if those steps have been completed.

Required documentation

  • The Michigan DataHub Data Hosting Agreement is no longer a prerequisite for a district to be able to sign the MICIP Agreement.  The MICIP Agreement can now be authorized in the MiDataHub cockpit without the Data Hosting Agreement being authorized.

Baseline edit window

  • The ability to change the Baseline numbers provided initially by MiSchoolData can be updated now by navigating to Utilities > District Parameters in the MiDataHub Cockpit. 

Professional LearningUpdated MICIP Resources  

The following updates have been posted this week on the MICIP web site under Current Topics:

  • MICIP Process Guide Update – The front page has been re-dated to include the words, Updated 1.21.21 and a page has been added to the end entitled Updates to the MICIP Process Guide that will keep a running dated list detailing the updates that are made.


  • MICIP Template Process – The introduction has been updated to include this sentence: Each district using the template process must complete a minimum of one template. If the district is implementing more than one new goal, the district will need to complete a template for each new goal.  
    • Note that this is a change from the previous version.  A notation has also been added at the end to say Revised - January 22, 2021


  • MICIP Frequently Asked Questions – This replaces the previous MICIP Template Process Frequently Asked Questions. Rather than just being about the Template Process, in response to questions from the field, we have expanded the scope to add general questions about MICIP as well as questions about the Consolidated Application. It has been renamed MICIP Frequently Asked Questions and has been dated 1/25/2021.

Reminder ImageNew MICIP Resource for Monthly Reminders

Rather than suggest specific reminders this month, we want to make you aware of a new tool to help keep the MICIP work progressing - the MICIP Planning Timeline.  

This is a new document for district and ISD facilitators based on the work of the System Improvement Facilitator Collaborative offering some general guidelines for planning purposes.  It was originally designed to help districts meet their date of early obligation.  However, it is meant to be flexible based on the local context and based on local resources. 

Consider consulting this resource for MICIP monthly reminders.

MICIP LogoMICIP is ready when districts are ready!

Thank you to the 660 districts (ISD, LEA, PSA) which have signed the MICIP agreement in the DataHub cockpit.

The process for authorizing districts into the MICIP platform is to automatically assign the district superintendent access to the MICIP platform.

If the superintendent desires other individuals from the district to have administrative rights, please send an email to MDE MICIP Administrator, Renie Araoz (araozr@michigan.gov), containing the staff names and email addresses who will be assigned district MICIP administrator role.

Please note that the district MICIP administrator role is to manage all district users.

There may be some confusion regarding assigning administrator roles and continuous improvement functions. These are two separate items. Not all members of an administrative team need to have MICIP administrative rights.

Granting access to edit plans is done when creating a district user account. Functions must be assigned to each district user. The table below lists the functions which may be assigned to district users and the associated actions.


Action (User will be able to)

View District Data

View district data in data story and in strategy monitoring.

Create/Edit District Data

Create/Edit district data in data story

Submit Plan

Submit plan to portfolio

Open/Close Plan

Open or close plan for editing

Add/Update Strategy/Activity Status

Add/Update strategy and/or activity status as being completed. Also, ability to edit strategy and activity

Add/Update Goal Measures Status

Add/Update interim and/or end target measures as being completed. Also, ability to edit both measures.

View Goal Evaluation

View impact tool notes

Edit Goal Evaluation

Edit impact tool notes

Approve Goal Completion

Approve goal completion, determine if the goal was met or not, decide which action comes next, and add comments as to why this decision was made.

View LEA Portfolio

ISD Only – view assigned LEA portfolios

Manage LEA User

ISD Only – manage LEA user via create user account

Impersonate User

ISD Only – Impersonate user allows access and function as if they were logged in as that district user.

Q&A2021-2022 Continuous Improvement Plans - Revisions

In the January 14 edition of Continuous Communication, the following questions were answered. 

In response to the field, answers have been revised to the following (revisions in bold).  Also see the complete  MICIP Frequently Asked Questions document.

How many goals must a district have? 

  • The district must complete at least one plan for each new goal. Or if the district has not established any new goals as defined above, the district must complete a plan for at least one of its active or maintenance goals. A “new” goal is a goal that was not included in the district’s previous DIP/SBDIP entered in the ASSIST platform.  
  • There is also no requirement regarding the focus, such as the five content areas. The district should write goals based on challenges identified in its data. Goals could be focused on opportunities for growth in the areas of academics, non-academics, or systems.

Does everything for which a district needs funding have to be part of a plan?

  • New strategies and activities tied to a previous goal may be entered separately into the Consolidated Application in NexSys without completing the plan, so long as they address a need identified in the district’s previous DIP/SBDIP.
  • Strategies and activities previously funded, and for which continued funding is being requested, may also be entered separately into the Consolidated Application in NexSys without completing the plan.

Professional LearningMICIP Professional Learning Bites

The Professional Learning Bites have been collated from two popular series of the 2020 issues of Continuous Communication: Getting Ready for Continuous Improvement and Engaging in Continuous Improvement.   

Each chapter focuses on a single topic. They can be read together to understand the entire continuous improvement process, or they can be used one at a time as the user moves through each process component.

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Previous issues of MICIP Continuous Communication are available on the MICIP web page.

Feedback is Essential for Continuous Communication!

Have a question, an idea, a suggestion, or a compliment? The MICIP team is always eager to hear your feedback! Send us an email using the MICIP email address (mde-micip@michigan.gov).