Issue 10 | December 2020
Be sure your email address is up-to-date in the Michigan Online Educator Certification System to receive important notifications regarding YOUR certificate.
Please see the archived newsletters for other important information that affects licensure.
Workforce Resource for Superintendents
The fall edition of our Superintendent’s Workforce Guide is available here. Within the fall edition you will find guidance on topics related to:
- Educator Certification, Placement, and Permits
- Professional Learning
- Educator Evaluation Systems
Keep an eye open for the winter edition to be released in February 2021.
Educator Evaluation Highly Effective Exemption
In absence of a legislative amendment, this year’s requirements remain:
- If an educator’s evaluation was skipped in 2019-20 due to three consecutive highly effective ratings, or an educator received a “No Eval Emergency Order” rating in 2019-20, they are legislatively required to be evaluated in 2020-21.
- If a teacher received their third consecutive highly effective rating during the 2019-20 evaluation cycle, this teacher would be eligible for their biennial “skip” year during the 2020-21 academic year, at the district’s discretion.
- If an educator received a highly effective in 2017-18 and 2018-19 and a “No Eval Emergency Order” in 2019-20 AND THEN receives a highly effective in 2020-21, the evaluation for 2021-22 can be skipped (i.e., the “No Eval Emergency Order” does not interrupt three otherwise consecutive ratings.)
If a legislative change to educator evaluation is introduced, the Michigan Department Education (MDE) supports allowing a “skip” year in 2019-20 due to consecutive highly effective ratings to carry forward to 2020-21 if a “No Evaluation Emergency Order” was received in 2019-20.
Check back monthly to receive updates on the status of educator evaluation for 2020-21.
New Michigan Test for Teacher Certification (MTTC) Testing Centers are Opening
Do you or someone you know need to take the MTTC to earn a substitute permit, teaching certificate, or endorsement? Evaluation Systems of Pearson has approved seven new testing centers to offer the MTTC. Four are in the Detroit metropolitan area, two are in Grand Rapids, and one is in Newberry.
T. Labs of Garden City has over 500 open testing appointments in December and over 1500 each in January and February 2021.
Use the seat availability tool on the MTTC website to look for open appointments:
It's Recertification Season!
Schools/Districts: Tis’ the season to review educator credentials! Schools/districts should begin the annual review of staff credentials for 2021. Remind educators with a credential expiring June 30, 2021 to log into the Michigan Online Educator Certification System (MOECS) to begin updating account information. Certificates can be renewed beginning January 1 without any loss of validity! Remember, districts can face costly state-aid deductions for employing educators without appropriate credentials.
Educators: Work with your employer to ensure you are ready for the 2021-2022 academic year! Log into the Michigan Online Educator Certification System (MOECS) to check the status of a credential and professional learning to proactively prevent an accidental lapse. While there is no state issued or legal penalty to an educator for a lapsed credential, educators are responsible for maintaining valid Michigan credentials for employment and may face district contract issues for lapses. Check out the Free and Low Cost Professional Learning for Certificate Renewal and Progression regularly for new professional learning opportunities.
Learn more about Federal Educator Loan Forgiveness.
Check out the latest blogs from our Michigan Teacher Leader Advisory Council.
Michigan Teacher of the Year, Owen Bondono’s blog:
Region 4 Regional Teacher of the Year, Barb Huston’s blog: