Issue 8 | October 2020
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Michigan eLibrary Resources are Available to Schools
Michigan eLibrary (MeL) resources are provided to all schools and libraries across Michigan. MeL offers reading and research materials for students who are either at school or learning at a distance. Whether the focus is on content-specific curriculum, essential instructional practices in literacy, or Michigan Integrated Technology Competencies for Students (MITECS), there are online resources that support teaching and learning at every grade level. Learn more.
Prohibition on Aiding and Abetting Sexual Abuse
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) includes a provision entitled the “Prohibition on Aiding and Abetting Sexual Abuse.” The intent is to prevent school employees who have engaged in sexual misconduct with students from being passed from one school district to another. Specifically, the provision requires local school districts that receive federal funding to have policies that prohibit anyone from assisting a school employee, contractor, or agent in obtaining a new job if there is probable cause to believe that such person had engaged in sexual misconduct regarding a minor or student in violation of the law. The provision discourages the practice of school districts entering confidentiality agreements with sexual predators. Learn more.
MEMO #084-20 New State-Approved Observation Tool for Teacher Evaluation
The Michigan Transformative Framework for Professional Growth has been added to the list of state-approved educator evaluation tools for teachers.
MEMO #085-20 Important Registry of Educational Personnel Fall Data Request
The Michigan Department of Education (MDE) is requesting that local education agencies (LEAs), both traditional public and public school academies, ensure that field 12 (Funded Position Status) and field 25 (Employment Status) are reported accurately during the fall 2020 registry of educational personnel (REP) collection.
Local education agencies (LEAs), both traditional and charter, may count up to 38 hours of professional development for teachers as hours/days of pupil instruction in accordance with the State School Aid Act (MCL 388.1701(10)) if all requirements are met.
There is no application process to use professional development as instructional hours/days. However, the LEA must maintain documentation demonstrating all legal requirements have been met and must provide documentation to auditors as requested. To aid LEAs in collecting the required documentation the above-linked documentation tool will assist LEAs in collecting required documentation. The tool is not required.
Dave Bunn, 2020-21 Region 2 Teacher of the Year, and Owen Bondono, the 2020-21 Michigan Teacher of the Year, presented at the State Board of Education meeting on October 13, 2020. Please click on the link below to see each of their outstanding presentations. #PME
Check out Owen Bondono’s monthly blog he writes for the Michigan Department of Education and the Meemic Education Foundation. #PME