October 8, 2020 MICIP Continuous Communication

MICIP Continuous Communication

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Welcome to the October 8, 2020 issue of MICIP Continuous Communication!

This issue of MICIP Continuous Communication includes important professional learning information about how to select strategies for your continuous improvement plan, MiStrategyBank ISD leader training opportunities, the upcoming Continuous Improvement Conference, the MICIP Readiness tool, and more!

Engaging in Continuous Improvement – What is the right strategy?Professional Learning

When adding strategies to a continuous improvement plan, there are two key questions to consider:

• What is the right thing to do?
• Can we do it the right way?

MiStrategyBank can help determine the right thing to do by connecting users to an electronic clearinghouse of strategies that can be filtered by:

• type
• domain
• outcome
• ESSA Tier
• content area

A statewide catalog of strategies curated by What Works Clearinghouse, MDE, and Michigan educational partners will be available within the MICIP Platform.

In addition to links to research, many strategies include additional resources such as implementation guides or professional learning resources that will assist districts to identify activities and complete a continuous improvement plan.

Next Issue: Can we implement the strategy the right way?

MiStrategyBank Join us for Virtual MiStrategyBank ISD Leader Training

ISD leaders wanted to contribute to MiStrategyBank!

MAISA is partnering with MDE and state organizations to support MICIP and MiStrategyBank. We are looking to establish a group of ISD representatives to serve in a regional role to support the continuous improvement work in MiStrategyBank for both your ISD and the local districts you serve.

The training will be offered three times covering the same content at each session. The presentation will center on an overview of MiStrategyBank and how to add regional and local items.

Virtual training options:

  • October 30 from 10:00 -11:30
  • November 5 from 1:00 - 2:30
  • November 10 from 3:00 - 4:30

Register Here

*Please register at least one week before the session so that we can be sure you will have access to MSB.
For information about these sessions, please contact Lisa Lockman (llockman@wmisd.org).

Virtual MeetingFall 2020 Michigan Continuous Improvement Conference

All registrants for the 2020 MDE Continuous Improvement Conference will receive a personalized meeting link the evening of Monday, October 19 to log in and create a profile.

On Tuesday, October 20, attendees enter a virtual waiting room which includes conference information. At 8:30 a.m. participants move to the virtual main stage for the welcome and opening remarks by Dr. Rice as well as the keynote presentation by Dr. Seena Skelton. 

After a break, everyone enters the breakout sessions by clicking on the banner of the session they choose, giving them access to the recording and support materials. At the appropriate time, the recording will begin. While the recording is playing, participants can interact with the presenters through the chat; following the recording, they will be able to participate in a live Q and A session. This is followed by lunch, during which time attendees can view a PowerPoint recognizing this year’s Blue Ribbon Schools.

The afternoon follows a similar format, beginning with a presentation on the main stage by Dr. Venessa Keesler and a showcase of the MICIP process in the live platform. Participants will then move to a break and one final set of breakout presentations. Fall Improvement Conference

In addition to supporting attendance at the various sessions, the conference platform will allow attendees to search for and chat with other attendees during the conference. A vendor showcase is also available to view a recorded presentation by each vendor and chat live with the vendor should they wish to do so. 

The virtual experience provides SCECHs and live tech support during the conference. Following the conference, registrants receive a code allowing them to view all presentations for 90 days.

As of this date we have about 600 registrants. There's still time to register here!


MICIP Data Usage Agreement Available

As districts prepare for the full rollout of the MICIP platform, there are a few things they can begin doing before the release date to make sure they are ready to start the process.

The first step to preparing for the MICIP process is for district leaders to read, review and electronically sign the MICIP Application and Data Usage Agreement. The agreement is located on the Michigan DataHub and information regarding how to access and sign this document can be found here.Readiness Screenshot

In the upcoming weeks, new features will be added to the DataHub cockpit that will allow districts to monitor their progress to ensure they have completed all required and optional data related opportunities to ensure the MICIP process is being fully utilized. The graphic shows development currently in progress.

There will also be automatic data readiness checks that will analyze the data loaded into the Michigan DataHub on regular intervals to ensure data quality. Any irregularities will trigger alert emails to allow the district to diagnose and correct any detected data issue. As this functionality is released, more information will be shared to familiarize districts with this revolutionary data readiness tool.

Your MICIP Questions AnsweredQ&A

Here are some answers to questions the MICIP team has received. For more information about MICIP and MICIP resources, go to our web page.


Will schools be required to complete a school improvement plan?

  • Schools will have a continuous improvement plan; however, school plans will be subsets of the district plan. District continuous improvement teams are expected to include school representatives, and school level data should be included as part of the district Assess Needs process. District plans will include goals, strategies, and activities; however each of these can be assigned to particular buildings through a tagging system. Building level plans will be produced based on this system. Implementation, monitoring and evaluation will be done at the school level with the support of the district and the data being brought back to the district improvement team.

Will schools have access to the MICIP platform to complete any school improvement work?

  • Access to MICIP will be assigned through by the district. The district will assign who is responsible for the various goals, strategies, and activities as well as for monitoring, evaluating and updating the plan. The May 21, 2020 issue of  MICIP Continuous Communication discussed team-based leadership as being essential to building a high-quality continuous improvement team who has creating and editing rights to their district plans. Building-based leadership is a key stakeholder when determining needs, creating plans, and monitoring and evaluation those plans.

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Previous issues of MICIP Continuous Communication are available on the MICIP web page.

Feedback is Essential for Continuous Communication!

Have a question, an idea, a suggestion, or a compliment? The MICIP team is always eager to hear your feedback! Send us an email using the MICIP email address (mde-micip@michigan.gov).