August 27, 2020 MICIP Continuous Communication

MICIP Continuous Communication

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Welcome to another info-packed edition of Continuous Communication!

In this installment, the MICIP team looks at getting ready to access MICIP, setting goals for continuous
improvement, changes coming to DIP/SBDIP/SIP/PET, and more.

Getting Ready to Access MICIP

In partnership with CEPI, MiDataHub, and the Michigan Collaboration Hub (MiCH) at MAISA, MDE is developing a suite of resources to help schools prepare to integrate local systems with MICIP. This will allow schools to streamline the management of user accounts and ensure district teams can support local improvement efforts by leveraging all MICIP resources.

In the coming weeks, look for several articles on this topic, along with access to emerging resources to support local efforts.

Two important steps that you can do now are:

Federate with the MiLaunchPad Single Sign On.MiLaunchapd

  1. Directions for making this connection can be found on the MiDataHub SSO Page
  2. Contact the MiDataHub support team for assistance
  3. For information on who’s already on MiLaunchPad checkout the August MiLaunchPad Adoption Map


MiStrategyBankSetup access to MiStrategyBank for your MICIP Team lead.

MiStrategyBank provides access to vetted State and National improvement strategies and allows local districts to manage their own bank of local strategies as needed to support local needs.

  1. MiStrategyBank, like MICIP, uses MiLaunchPad so that users don’t have another username and password to remember. Your local district login/email account get you signed into both systems directly. Technology departments can usually setup MiLaunchPad in less than an hour.
  2. Once MiLaunchPad is up and running, register for a MiStrategyBank account for MICIP Team members. (note: not all MICIP users are required to have MiStrategyBank accounts.) Generally it is expected that districts will have 1-2 users from the MICIP team who would work directly in MiStrategyBank if/when the team doesn’t find strategies that meet district needs in the existing statewide catalog.
  3. For more information checkout the MiStrategyBank website at MAISA


Professional LearningEngaging in Continuous Improvement – Setting Goals

Before choosing goals your team might want to consider the following questions:

  • Which goals were successful?
    • What is your evidence?
    • What patterns are there that might explain why they were successful?
  • Which goals were not successful?
    • What is your evidence?
    • What patterns are there that might explain their lack of success?
  • What did you notice about the performance of subgroups in relationship to students not included in subgroups?
  • What assets or strengths can you leverage to address goals?
  • What systems were needed to support past goals? To what extent was the success of the goal impacted by the presence or lack of systems? What systems might need to be built or strengthened to ensure the success of your goals going forward?
  • Given the conditions in your district, how many goals are realistic? How might a goal be specific yet broadly enough defined to incorporate opportunities for multiple actions?

Unlike in ASSIST where you wrote both goals and measurable objectives, in MICIP you will only be writing measurable SMART goals (specific, measurable, attainable, results-oriented, and time-bound). For example:

  • Increase the reading comprehension scores in Grades 3-5 by ___% as measured by M-STEP and NWEA by Spring, 20___.
  • Decrease student absenteeism in Grades 6-8 from ___% to ___% as measured by attendance reports by June, 20___.
  • Increase the percentage of students feeling safe at school in Grades 9-12 from ___% to ___% as measured by the annual student survey.

The measurement component of a SMART goal should align to the data considered as part of the Assess Needs process.

Next issue: Identifying Targets

For more information about MICIP Professional Learning, go to the MICIP web page.

Q&AYour MICIP Questions Answered

Here are some answers to questions the MICIP team has received. For more information about MICIP and MICIP resources, go to our web page.

Will the "Strategy Bank" include practices and not just costly and training based boxed programs?

MiStrategyBank is being populated with information from national studies that does include ‘boxed programs’ however it is in no way limited to said programs. The Department of Education has begun work to expand strategies in the system and is expected to include, as the national work does, both programs and practices. Statewide content area professional organizations have been invited to begin adding statewide strategies based on their expertise and knowledge of the needs of districts, schools, educators, families, and students. The curation of strategies in MiStrategyBank by these groups is expected to be ongoing.

Who will input data into MICIP?

There is no need to input data if a district is using MiSchoolData and participating in the MiDataHub. If a district is not on the MiDataHub, there may be a need for a district to upload local district data (in pdf form) to MICIP.


Happy woman on computerFall 2020 Michigan Continuous Improvement Conference

In the light of the worldwide pandemic, this year’s Continuous Improvement Conference will be a one-day virtual event on Tuesday, October 20. Registration is $125 per person and includes a SCECH fee. More information about registration and submitting requests for proposals (RFPs) can be found at this conference information link.


REMINDER: Changes in DIP/SBDIP/SIP/PET due by September 1

Districts, Single Building Districts, and Schools making changes to their plans or program evaluation tool (PET) in ASSIST are reminded that those changes must be made and submitted no later than September 1, 2020. After that date COGNIA and MDE will begin the process of downloading PDFs of the most current submitted version of the DIP/SBDIP/SIP for upload into the MICIP platform. Districts and schools may be receiving deadline notifications regarding their plans or PET; these automatic notifications are part of the system and can be ignored. Anyone needing assistance in completing their plan or PET by September 1 should contact Renie Araoz (

Note: Only current plans will be uploaded. Districts and schools wishing to archive the PET should upload and save a PDF of the PET to their own files.


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Previous issues of MICIP Continuous Communication are available on the MICIP web page.


Feedback is Essential for Continuous Communication!

Have a question, an idea, a suggestion, or a compliment? The MICIP team is always eager to hear your feedback! Send us an email using the MICIP email address (