![Educationally Speaking](https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/fancy_images/MIMDE/2020/03/3185800/2988099/educationally-speaking_crop.jpg) Issue 4 | June 2020
Education-Related Executive Orders
On Thursday, April 30, Governor Whitmer signed Executive Order 2020-65, updating a number of actions that affect educator certification and evaluation.
Please see archived newsletters for other important information that affects licensure as a result of COVID-19.
Educator Evaluation
A new Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document about the impact of EO 2020-65 on educator evaluation has been released. Read the FAQ here.
Permit Renewals
Full-year Basic Substitute Permits, Full-year Shortage Substitute Permits, Expert Substitute Permits, and School Administrator Permits may be renewed for the 2020-2021 academic year regardless of whether the individual has received an observation and/or annual year-end evaluation during the 2019-2020 school year.
Please read this memo for more information.
IMPORTANT: Be sure your email address is up-to-date in MOECS to receive important notifications regarding YOUR certificate.
Career and Technical Education Certificate Changes
MDE is implementing a merger of standard, professional, and advanced professional teaching certificates with career and technical education (CTE) certificates. Learn more.
Michigan Tests for Teacher Certification (MTTC) Testing Centers Beginning to Open
Some of Michigan’s test centers have reopened and are operating at 50% capacity to ensure safe distancing for test-takers. These centers are located in Ann Arbor, Dearborn, East Lansing, Grand Rapids (two centers), Marquette, Southfield, and Troy. Other test centers operated by colleges, universities, and private companies are also beginning to reopen. Please visit the MTTC website at http://www.mttc.nesinc.com/ for more information on available test center locations in Michigan.
Certification Renewal Reminder
It’s time to check-in on certificate renewal, particularly for educators with certificates expiring June 30, 2020. Please review all certificate expiration dates to ensure there is no lapse in certification. Valid certification is required for placement in Michigan’s K-12 schools. Educators facing an unavoidable lapse in certification should consult with the employing school district to discuss staffing and substitute permit options.
School Administrators Must Hold Certification/Permit
It’s interview season for school administrators. For educators seeking positions and those hiring, it's important to remember state law requires many school administrators hold a Michigan School Administrator Certificate or Permit before employment.
School Administrators who are "grand-parented" must obtain an Experience-Based School Administrator Certificate. All others have six months to begin, and three years to complete an approved-program leading to School Administrator certification. Learn more.
Changes to District Provided Professional Development
The certificate renewal process has been streamlined to make it easier for both educators and districts. Beginning July 1, 2020, District Provided Professional Development used for recertification must be entered by the district into the Michigan Online Educator Certification System as State Continuing Education Clock Hours. This process replaces individual educator entry and the requirement for districts to review and sign each educator’s unique form. Learn more about how this change specifically affects educators.
In recognition of unique district and school attributes, MDE is also offering a variety of options for SCECH sponsorship, program applications and participant uploads to support a smooth transition.
Michigan Tests for Teacher Certification Content Validation Surveys
The Michigan Department of Education and Evaluation Systems are sending invitations to a sample of Michigan educators to participate in a Content Validation Survey for the following tests:
Industrial Technology
Lower Elementary Education (PK – 3)
Upper Elementary Education (3 – 6)
The purpose of the Content Validation Survey is to confirm the objectives for each test are "job-related" (i.e., they reflect content that corresponds to Michigan school curriculum and practice). Please consider participating to ensure our Michigan Tests for Teacher Certification reflect the knowledge and feedback of our teachers.
![Upcoming Opportunities - Professional Learning and Events](https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/fancy_images/MIMDE/2020/03/3195477/3107749/upcoming_crop.jpg)
New! Educator Ethics and the Law State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECHs)
Offered by the National Education Association (NEA) and the Michigan Education Association (MEA), this opportunity directly connects to the Michigan Code of Educational Ethics.
![Educator Corner](https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/fancy_images/MIMDE/2020/03/3195178/3107750/educatorcorner_crop.png) Question:
"I renewed my expiring certificate on April 1. I earned more than 150 hours in the last five years. Will I be able to carry forward unused hours toward my next certificate renewal? Do I have to wait until July 1 to begin earning new SCECHs for my next renewal?"
No and No. The accumulation of Education-Related Professional Learning hours must occur since the issue date of the most recent certificate. As an example, an educator who renewed April 1, 2020 could use any hours earned after April 1, 2020 for the next renewal application in 2025. Extra hours (in excess of 150) accumulated prior to April 1, 2020 may not be used for a future renewal.
"Has the law changed for retired teachers working in critical shortage areas for the academic year 2020-2021?"
"How can an educator get State Continuing Education Clock Hours for conferences or webinars?"
Educators must ensure that a conference or webinar is an approved State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECH) program and complete the appropriate requirements for that offering. Districts and Intermediate School Districts can choose to sponsor a conference or webinar on behalf of an educator who would like to earn SCECHs, but approval must be obtained from MDE in advance via a program application. Find approved programs here.
"What are the qualifications for being grandparented as an administrator?"
In accordance with Michigan Compiled Law MCL 380.1246, to qualify for an Experienced-Based School Administrator Certificate, an educator is required to:
Provide evidence of employment as an administrator on or before January 4, 2010.
Provide evidence that continuing education requirements were maintained.
Complete a successful application for certification, including disclosure of criminal background.
Do you want specific details or have a "good of the group" question? Submit a question and it could appear in an upcoming newsletter!
Copyright © 2020 Office of Educator Excellence, All rights reserved.
Michigan Department of Education - Office of Educator Excellence 608 W. Allegan Street, Lansing, MI 48933 (517) 241-5000 | MDE-EducatorHelp@michigan.gov