June 4, 2020 MICIP Continuous Communication
Michigan Department of Education sent this bulletin at 06/04/2020 03:49 PM EDT
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Getting Ready for Continuous Improvement – Working as a Team
As districts are getting ready for continuous improvement, it is important to have essential perspectives represented on the improvement team (see the May 21 edition of Continuous Communication for more information about essential team member perspectives).
It is also important that members of the team have the necessary knowledge and skills as well as a commitment to continuous improvement. Districts should consider and communicate the following:
The expectations for team members, including:
- attending and actively participating in meetings
- providing input based on their perspective(s)
- following through on assigned tasks
- communicating information as requested
- Team norms for how to share and solicit input based on the perspective they represent.
- The district vision, mission, and beliefs and how they impact the work of continuous improvement.
- The continuous improvement mindset, process, and platform—including the technical, financial, and legal requirements.
- Change processes and how they impact the continuous improvement process.
- Multiple sources and types of data and how data will be used for decision-making.
- How decisions will be made and how those decisions will be communicated to both internal and external audiences.
Districts should ensure that these expectations and norms are established and communicated through professional learning prior to engaging in the formal process. This will significantly increase success in the continuous improvement process.
How is Your Organization Getting Ready for Continuous Improvement? – Share With Us!
What is your organization doing to get ready for MICIP? Send your ideas to mde-micip@michigan.gov so we can share them in future issues of MICIP Continuous Communication.
New Professional Learning Resources on the MICIP Website
Resources are continually being added to the MICIP website. The newest additions are three presentations on the Whole Child by Mary Teachout of the MDE School Health and Safety Unit. These include Overview, Data, and Next Steps and can be found in the Mindset section of Professional Learning. Coming soon will be a presentation on Funding Your Continuous Improvement Plan.
Fall 2020 Michigan Continuous Improvement Conference
This year’s Continuous Improvement Conference will be a one-day virtual event on Tuesday, October 20, 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Under the theme “Equity for Continuous Improvement”, the conference will feature a keynote address and breakout session by Dr. Seena Skelton, Director of the Great Lakes Equity Center and equity consultant to MDE. It will also include a presentation of the MICIP process in the new platform by the MICIP team as well as opportunities to attend two breakout sessions. All sessions will be recorded and will be available to registrants for three weeks following the conference. Registration is $125 per person and includes a SCECH fee. More information about registration and submitting requests for proposals (RFPs) can be found at this conference information link.
REMINDER: DIP/PET/SIP Reporting Requirements
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) has determined the District Improvement Plans (DIP) and Program Evaluation Tools (PET) submitted in the ASSIST platform on or before June 30, 2019 and School Improvement Plans (SIP) submitted in the ASSIST platform on or before September 1, 2019 will meet all current reporting requirements. No further action is required for a new DIP/PET/SIP. However, districts and schools may still choose to update the current DIP/PET/SIP, or they may submit a new DIP/PET/SIP in ASSIST.
Please note that updated or new plans must be submitted in ASSIST on or before September 1, 2020. This is necessary because after September 1, 2020 COGNIA and MDE will begin the process of downloading PDFs of the most current submitted version of the DIP/PET/SIP for eventual upload into the MICIP platform. Any changes to the DIP/PET/SIP after September 1 will not be reflected in what is uploaded to the MICIP platform. Note that plans that are only edited but not also re-submitted will not be reflected in the upload; you must re-submit any changes. Thanks for your patience and understanding as we transition from ASSIST to the MICIP platform.
MiDataHub is an Essential Component of the MICIP Platform
MiDataHub is an essential component of the MICIP Platform for local districts, charter schools, and ISDs. The platform relies on MiDataHub for district staff information to access the system and will provide a growing array of up-to-date data objects about the current school year to inform MICIP planning directly in the platform. See the attached GIF for a three-year history of district adoption of MiDataHub.
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Feedback is Essential for Continuous Communication!
Have a question, an idea, a suggestion, or a compliment? The MICIP team is always eager to hear your feedback! Send us an email using the MICIP email address (mde-micip@michigan.gov).