Issue 3 | May 2020
Educator Prep Institution Performance Score
The 2020 Educator Preparation Institution (EPI) Performance Score results were released to each traditional preparation institution. All institutions have met the minimum cut-score to be classified as “satisfactory.” Due to ongoing satisfactory performance over multiple years, no institutions are in the accountability (or continuous improvement) pathway.
Title II, Section 208(a) of the Higher Education Act (HEA) requires that each state establish criteria and identify and assist EPIs that are not performing at a satisfactory level. States must also report annually to the United States Department of Education (USED) a statement of their procedures, along with a list of low-performing and at-risk teacher preparation institutions. This score is calculated using pass rate data from the Michigan Tests for Teacher Certification, satisfaction surveys from teacher candidates and their supervisors, and educator effectiveness labels from program graduates in their first three years of teaching.
Congratulations, Michigan's 2020-21 Regional Teachers of the Year!
Ten teachers from across the state received a welcome surprise when they learned from their school communities that they were each named a 2020-2021 Regional Teacher of the Year (RTOY) by the Michigan Department of Education (MDE).
Video of each RTOY’s surprise announcement, as well as details about each of the teachers can be found on MDE's website.
Education-Related Executive Orders
On Thursday, April 30, Governor Whitmer signed Executive Order 2020-65 which updated a number of actions that affect educator certification, evaluation and licensure.
MDE is diligently working to determine how best to change procedures to implement these directives. Many of the mechanisms to implement the directives will take time to enact. More information about the process will be provided to affected educators as it becomes available.
IMPORTANT: Be sure your email address is up-to-date in MOECS to receive important notifications regarding YOUR certificate.
Temporary One-Year Certificate
Candidates who have completed a preparation program, completed all institutional and MDE requirements, and who are unable to take the Michigan Tests for Teacher Certification (MTTC) due to test center closures may apply for a temporary, one-year certificate. Right now, we are verifying information provided by our preparation providers to determine who is eligible for the temporary certificate and will be reaching out to candidates directly. If you think you are eligible, you should contact your institution.
Educator Evaluation
Educator evaluation requirements have been waived for the 2019-2020 school year for some educators. Educators who are in probationary status or who are tenured and have an individualized development plan must be evaluated. The absence of an evaluation will not adversely affect an educator's ability to renew or progress their certificate. Learn more.
Educators: Professional Learning Reduction for 2020 Certificate Renewal
Educators must still renew their certificate if it expires June 30, 2020. Professional learning requirements for educators renewing certificates this year have been reduced. When you log-in to MOECS for renewal/progression you will see thirty completed hours entitled “MDE Professional Learning for Executive Order 2020-35” added to the State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECHs) tab. This will reduce the total 150 hours of professional learning required by 30, bringing the total you need to earn to 120.
School Counselors: Professional Learning Reduction for 2020 Certificate Renewal
School Counselors must still renew their certificate if it expires June 30, 2020. Professional learning requirements for school counselors renewing certificates and licenses expiring June 30, 2020 have been reduced. When you log-in to MOECS for renewal/progression you will see fifty completed hours entitled “MDE Professional Learning for Executive Order 2020-35” added to the State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECHs) tab. Twenty (20) of the hours were added to the career category; twenty-five (25) hours were added to the college category; five (5) hours were added to the military category. This reduces the total 150 hours of professional learning required by 50, bringing the total necessary earn to 100 and fulfills the requirements for the specific professional learning previously required by law.
Please see the April edition of this e-newsletter for other important information that affects your licensure as a result of COVID-19.