Issue 1 | March 2020
Below you’ll find the first edition of Educationally Speaking – a new monthly e-newsletter from the Office of Educator Excellence at the Michigan Department of Education. While this may feel like a low priority in a time of such great uncertainty, please know that we remain committed to sharing important information and providing support to our educational community.
COVID-19 has already affected our lives and work in ways most of us could never imagine. If you haven’t yet done so, please take a moment to access the Michigan Department of Education’s official information about COVID-19. You may want to bookmark this link, as the website will continue to be updated regularly throughout this health crisis.
And if you need a distraction, take a skim through our first e-newsletter below – or save it in your inbox for later when you’re back to work. Thank you for all you do for your students and community, and for being a #proudMIeducator!
Take care,
Leah Breen Director, Office of Educator Excellence Michigan Department of Education
We've heard your feedback! The goal of this new monthly e-newsletter is to be an efficient round-up of important information, delivered directly to your inbox! You should expect to see details about law/rule changes that affect your certification, featured professional learning opportunities, requests for submission for our recognition programs, and much more!
We're here to help! Do you need information about something specific or want to ask a "good of the group" question for an upcoming newsletter? Let us know by submitting a question via our new Educator Corner.
Stay connected! You can always stay up to date on important education workforce information from the Office of Educator Excellence on social media! Be sure follow @MIeducator on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
ICYMI: PIC Numbers Can Now Be Easily Looked Up Online!
You asked; we listened! Educator PICs are now more easily accessible and can be found online via the MOECS Public Credential Search. This addition to the database will benefit educators and State Continuing Education Clock Hour (SCECH) coordinators when registering for SCECHs. It will also assist administrators and central office personnel with data entry, reporting, and quality assurance for local systems and reporting to the state.
DPPD as SCECHs Starting July 1
We're working to streamline the certificate renewal process for educators. That's why MDE is implementing a change to the process educators currently use to report District Provided Professional Development (DPPD) for recertification. Beginning July 1, 2020, DPPD to be used for recertification must be entered by the district into the Michigan Online Educator Certification System (MOECS) as State Continuing Education Credit Hours (SCECHs). This process replaces individual educator entry and the requirement for districts to review and sign each educator’s individual form. Learn more about how this change specifically affects educators.
In recognition of unique district and school attributes, MDE is also offering a variety of options for SCECH Sponsorship, Program Applications and Uploading Participants to support a smooth transition.
Public Comment Now Open for Proposed Teacher Prep Standards
We're seeking feedback on three sets of proposed Michigan Standards for the Preparation of Teachers. The proposed standards – which include Professional Knowledge and Skills, English Language Arts, and Mathematics in Middle Grades (5-9) and High School (7-12) – can be viewed here.
Public comment is open through April 5 at 5 p.m. Comments will be reviewed and considered in the final recommendation to the State Board of Education.
New QR Code Quicksheets
We've put together three thematic flyers with QR codes in an effort to help our educator workforce better locate important resources on our website! Feel free to share them with your staff and other interested stakeholders.
(Click the images below to view and download the flyers.)
State Law Now Requires School Counselors to Complete Specific College and Career Prep PD
Beginning February 6, 2020, law requires individuals holding the School Counselor License and/or a Standard or Professional level teaching certificate with the School Counselor (NT) endorsement to complete 50 professional development hours specific to college and career preparation in order to renew a school counselor credential as required by Michigan Compiled Law (MCL) 380.1233 (6-8).
Educators who hold the School Counselor (NT) endorsement on a teaching certificate, regardless of current assignment, must meet the requirements of law to renew that teaching certificate. Learn more.
Submit a Social Media Shout-Out for Teacher Appreciation Month Coming in May
Join us in shining the spotlight on Michigan's outstanding educators by recognizing a teacher who has made an impact on you! Submit a social media shout-out and we'll publish it throughout Teacher Appreciation Month in May using #MIteachAppreesh. Learn more.
Free Online Learning Modules Empower Teachers to Take Ownership of Their Evaluation
We've partnered with Michigan Virtual to develop a set of free, online, on-demand, self-paced modules to empower teachers to take ownership of their evaluation by equipping them with the knowledge and practices to become the driving force behind their own professional growth. Learn more.
Legislation That Matters to You
The information below outlines bills that have been introduced in the Michigan Legislature that may affect you, your staff, and/or your district. Click each respective link to learn more about each bill, including where it currently is in the legislative process.
Are you interested in being updated about all legislation brought before the House and Senate Education Committees? Click here to sign up for the state's legislative listservs.
Would waive certification fees for active duty military, veterans, and spouses.
Would continue the practice of allowing retirees to substitute teach without risking their retirement.
Would require districts to have a salary cap for administrators.
Would modify the law that describes alternative routes to teacher preparation programs to allow for special education endorsements to be earned through this pathway.
A bill is proposed legislation that must move through both the House of Representatives and the Senate and be signed by the Governor before it becomes a law. When a bill is introduced, constituents across Michigan often reach out to their legislators to describe their support or opposition. A public act is a bill that has been signed into law. Public Acts, Michigan Compiled Law, and law are often used interchangeably though there are slight distinctions. Learn more.
Click to watch our most recent #proudMIeducator video.
This social media driven, multi-media campaign aims to acknowledge, elevate, and celebrate the work of great educators across the state. Know a Proud Michigan Educator who would be a great choice for a future #proudMIeducator video? Download our form to submit a nominee!
March 26
DPPD Reporting Changes
Webinar (AdobeConnect)
April 15
DPPD Reporting Changes
Webinar (AdobeConnect)
May 4
Education Workforce Job Fair
Traverse City (West Bay Beach)
Are you looking for specific details or have a "good of the group" question? Submit a question below and it could appear in an upcoming newsletter!
Copyright © 2020 Office of Educator Excellence, All rights reserved.
Michigan Department of Education - Office of Educator Excellence 608 W. Allegan Street, Lansing, MI 48933 (517) 241-5000 | MDE-EducatorHelp@michigan.gov