Large trout stocked in Clinton, Huron rivers create new fishing opportunities

Brown and rainbow trout broodstock comes from state fish hatcheries.
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Press Release

April 6, 2015

Contact: Jim Francis, 517-284-6244 or 248-666-7444

Large trout stocked in Clinton and Huron rivers and Spring Mill Pond create
additional fishing opportunities for Southeast Michigan

The Department of Natural Resources recently stocked adult trout in the Clinton River at Riverside Park, Huron River at Proud Lake Recreation Area, and Spring Mill Pond at Island Lake Recreation Area. Close-up of brown trout

The Clinton River was stocked with just over 400 brown trout from 16 to 18 inches and 300 rainbow trout ranging from 20 to 22 inches. The Huron River was stocked with 1,500 brown trout sized 16 to 22 inches and nearly 1,500 rainbow trout sized 16 to 22 inches. Spring Mill Pond was stocked with nearly 200 brown trout sized 16 to 18 inches and nearly 600 rainbow trout sized 16 to 22 inches.

This annual stocking activity uses unneeded brown and rainbow trout broodstock from Michigan’s state fish hatcheries. Every year there are surplus adult trout in the hatchery system, which are stocked in special regulation areas.

Huron River at Proud Lake Recreation Area is closed to fishing Oct. 1 through March 31. From April 1-24, anglers are limited to flies-only, catch-and-release fishing. Youth under the age of 12 may keep one fish between 8 and 12 inches. Beginning April 25, all baits are allowed and anglers may keep up to five trout over 8 inches, but only three over 15 inches.

Spring Mill Pond at Island Lake Recreation Area is closed to fishing March 15-31. From April 1-24, anglers are limited to artificial lures only, catch-and-release fishing. Youth under the age of 12 may keep one fish between 8 and 12 inches. Beginning April 25, all baits are allowed and anglers may keep up to five fish over 8 inches, but only three fish over 15 inches.

The Clinton River upstream of Dequindre Road is not classified as a trout stream. Therefore, trout fishing is open year-round with an 8-inch minimum size limit and a five-fish daily possession limit, no more than three of which may be 15 inches or greater.

See the 2015 Michigan Fishing Guide for complete regulation details. For more information about this stocking effort, please contact the DNR offices at Proud Lake (248-685-2433) or Island Lake (810-229-7067) or the Waterford Fisheries Office (248-666-7445).

The Michigan Department of Natural Resources is committed to the conservation, protection, management, use and enjoyment of the state’s natural and cultural resources for current and future generations. For more information, go to