DNR creates five-year strategic plan for forest resources management

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Press Release

March 18, 2014

Contact: Bill O’Neill, 517-284-5900 or Ed Golder, 517-284-5815

DNR creates five-year strategic plan for forest resources management

The Department of Natural Resources' Forest Resources Division (FRD) has released its new five-year strategic plan that will guide the division’s work in sustainably managing and protecting Michigan’s forest resources. The plan – titled "Seeing the Forest, the Trees & Beyond” – is available on the DNR website www.michigan.gov/forestplan.

Michigan DNR Forest Resources Division Strategic Plan Cover (2014-2018)The plan covers 2014-2018 and outlines a mission, vision, values, goals and objectives to guide decisions that will best influence the health of Michigan’s state forest resources and the land-based industries that depend on them.

“Michigan’s world-class forest resources are a Pure Michigan treasure,” said FRD Chief Bill O’Neill. “They contribute to local economies, provides vital habitat for wildlife, and give people beautiful spaces in which to enjoy many kinds of outdoor recreation.”

O’Neill said that throughout the strategic planning process, staff and stakeholders focused on inclusivity and transparency. “Releasing this plan to the public is one more way we’re showing residents, partners and customers how we plan to best manage the 4 million acres of state forest land for the state’s diverse recreational, economic and social needs.”

The strategic plan was developed through a facilitator-led process that included a team of FRD employees with different responsibilities and experience levels from across the state. Throughout plan development, the division collected feedback from its customers, stakeholders, partners and other DNR program areas.

“Feedback was important because we wanted to be sure that folks with different interests in our state forests felt represented in the plan,” said O’Neill, who also serves as state forester. “We used what we learned from our review processes to create a comprehensive guide for growing our state’s forest products industry and supporting our many programs, including wildfire protection, forest health monitoring, urban forestry and land management.”

FRD staff is currently at work developing specific action steps designed to meet the plan's goals and objectives.

Learn more about the Forest Resources Division and Michigan’s forests by visiting the DNR website www.michigan.gov/forestplan. 

The Michigan Department of Natural Resources is committed to the conservation, protection, management, use and enjoyment of the state’s natural and cultural resources for current and future generations. For more information, go to www.michigan.gov/dnr.