Feb. 29, 2024 Contact: Debbie Jensen, 517-230-6837
Join March 20 public meeting on Duck Lake State Park planning
Join the Michigan Department of Natural Resources at a public meeting Wednesday, March 20, to learn about and share feedback on a new draft general management plan for Duck Lake State Park in Muskegon County.
The meeting will take place 6-7:30 p.m. at Fruitland Township Hall, 4545 Nestrom Road in Whitehall.
DNR staff will present an overview of the draft plan, planning process and proposed park improvements, followed by an opportunity for people to ask questions and provide comment.
The DNR uses general management plans to define a long-range planning and management strategy that protects the resources of the park while addressing recreation and education needs and opportunities.
"Last fall, we sought input from visitors, community members and stakeholders through an online survey," said Debbie Jensen, park management plan administrator with the DNR Parks and Recreation Division. "That valuable feedback, along with input from park staff, helped shape the draft plan that will be presented at the March meeting."
Can’t attend the meeting?
For those unable to attend, an interactive public input survey is available through March 31. Additionally, the meeting will be recorded and made available approximately one week after the event.
A link to the project page, which includes a link to the the draft plan, interactive public survey, recorded video (when ready) and other planning resources, is available at Michigan.gov/DuckLake.
About the park
Duck Lake State Park is a popular day-use park located on the shores of Lake Michigan and Duck Lake, with a shallow channel connecting the two. The park features a boating access site, kayak rentals, a picnic area and shelter, and opportunities for paddling, fishing, hiking, hunting and cross-county skiing on the park’s 7 miles of natural-surface trails. Towering dunes on the lakeshore and a mixture of mature forests, pine plantations and pockets of open meadows inland make this park unique. The park's forest community provides critical stopover and nesting habitat for migratory birds, including the cerulean and hooded warblers.
Additional information on the DNR’s general management plan process is available at Michigan.gov/ParkManagementPlans.
For more information about the Duck Lake State Park survey or the draft plan, contact Debbie Jensen at JensenD1@Michigan.gov
Note to editors: Accompanying photos are available below for download. All photos courtesy of Michigan DNR, with additional recognition to Morgan Liskey on one photo.