#MiStateParks: share the woods, colorblind viewers, awards & more

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Michigan state parks news - October 2022

Sharing the outdoors: Hunter orange when in the woods

hiker with blaze orange hat on trail

Did you know there's an open hunting season at all times on public and private lands Aug. 1-March 31 each year?

With that in mind, please consider wearing blaze orange (often referred to as "hunter orange") when you're out on the trails, especially during archery and regular firearm deer seasons. 

Generally speaking, hunters are looking out for hikers, bikers, horseback riders, runners and others using the trail, but they are especially in tune with this highly visible color.

New viewfinders for visitors with colorblindess unveiled in three state parks

visitor looking through specially adapted scenic viewer

Newly installed viewfinders will help people with colorblindness see the entire color spectrum at three Michigan state parks.

The addition is part of a larger effort to make state parks accessible for visitors of all abilities.

These specially adapted EnChroma lenses help people who have red-green colorblindness to see color more clearly, distinctly and vibrantly. Visitors will find viewers in specific locations in Ludington State Park, Porcupine Mountain Wilderness State Park and William G. Milliken State Park and Harbor.

Read more about these viewers in a recent Showcasing story.

Concession opportunities available in state parks

two visitors standing at food concession

You could make Michigan's outdoors your office! From beach concessions and food trucks to park stores and riding stables, we're offering unique opportunities to establish a small business in many state parks. 

Bidders have through Nov. 2 to bid on Tahquamenon Falls and South Higgins state parks, but opportunities are also available in Maybury, Pontiac Lake, Sleepy Hollow, Tawas Point, Van Riper and Wilson state parks. Other opportunities will be added in October, including Warren Dunes and Muskegon state parks. Visit Michigan.gov/StateParkConcessions.

DNR's new overnight lodging wins national award for innovation

wooden cabin with corrugated metal on front

To meet the needs of the modern traveler, we introduced an innovative approach to offer new and unique lodging options in state parks just two years ago. The effort involved building tiny houses, "reimagining" aging mini cabins and forging partnerships with third-party partners to offer geodesic domes, full-amenity cabins and safari-style tents.

The outcome has been a hit, with many destinations already booked out for the next 12 months. Next year, the program moves into a second phase by expanding opportunities for third-party investment at additional locations.

Overnight lodging reservations can be made up to a year in advance. Explore these and other lodging options at Michigan.gov/DNRLodging.

The effort earned the DNR Parks and Recreation Division the 2022 National Association of State Park Directors President’s Award for Innovation.

Photo ambassador Blair Celano announced as America’s State Parks Photo Contest winner

pier and lighthouse during winter

Michigan state parks photo ambassador Blair Celano has been announced as the 2022 America’s State Parks Photo Contest grand prize winner!

Selected from more than 8,000 entries, Celano's award-winning photo "Winter Frosting" was taken at Grand Haven State Park. The Aspira-hosted contest is in partnership with National Association of State Park Directors and Black Folks Camp Too.

Photo ambassadors work hand in hand with the DNR to share and curate beautiful images at Michigan state parks, trails and waterways, including print and social media. Follow @MiStateParks on Instagram to find more beautiful imagery by our photo ambassadors.

Interested in becoming an ambassador? Visit Michigan.gov/DNRVolunteers.

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