Reminder: Last chance to get an elk license plate for your car or truck

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Get your elk license plate before the end of December

A Michigan's license plate featuring an image of an elk and the words Conserve Wildlife Habitat

Since December 2017, Michigan's wildlife habitat license plate has featured an elk to mark the 2018 celebration of 100 years of elk in our state.

If you’re interested in getting the elk plate before it’s gone, you have until the end of the month.

You can buy the wildlife habitat license plate through the Secretary of State for $35, with $25 of that fee going to the Nongame Fish and Wildlife Trust Fund.

A Michigan license plate featuring an image of a Kirtland's warbler and the text Conserve Wildlife Habitat on the bumper of a vehicle.

Beginning in January 2022, the plate will feature the Kirtland’s warbler to celebrate the recovery of this unique bird

Questions? Contact the DNR Wildlife Division.

Wildlife plate ►

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