Share your ideas on future of Proud Lake Recreation Area

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- DNR News -

June 23, 2021
Contact: Debbie Jensen,

Help guide future management of Proud Lake Recreation Area

wooden walkway with trees in background

The Michigan Department of Natural Resources is seeking public input on development of a new general management for Proud Lake Recreation Area in Oakland County. 

Visitors, local community members and stakeholders interested in sharing their opinions and ideas about the park are encouraged to participate in an online survey available through Thursday, July 22, at

“Public input is a critical component of the DNR Parks and Recreation Division's planning process," said Debbie Jensen, DNR park management plan administrator. "There will be several options for people to get involved, including the initial online survey option and then a public open house in the fall. The open house will provide opportunities to review the draft general management plan that will be developed in response to this first phase of public input."

parents holding baby in front of tent and camper cabin

General management plans are used to define long-range planning and management strategies that protect resources, while addressing recreation and education needs and opportunities.

“Proud Lake is a diverse recreation area offering something for everyone, from developed facilities to quiet natural areas,” said park supervisor Jennifer Etienne. “I am excited to learn what people think about the recreation area and what they would like to see in the future.”

Proud Lake Recreation Area is about midway between the communities of Milford, Wixom and Walled Lake in southeastern Michigan. The park is home to a 2-mile stretch of the scenic Huron River, which is managed as a Designated State Natural River, a modern campground, more than 20 miles of trails, and land open to hunting. The park also features two camper cabins and the year-round River Hawk Complex meeting facility. The park supports a wide variety of plant and animal life, and includes the 105-acre Proud Lake Nature Study Area that encompasses a floating bog and associated woodland vegetation.

Additional information on the DNR’s general management plan process is available at

For more information about the survey or the proposed plan, contact Debbie Jensen via email at

Note to editors: Accompanying photos are available below for download. Caption information follows.

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