Oct. 4, 2017
Contact: Chad Fedewa or Chad Krumnauer, 517-641-4092
Important waterfowl hunting updates for Maple River State Game Area
Maple River State Game Area – stretching from south-central Gratiot County through northwest Clinton County and into northeast Ionia County – is one of the premier waterfowl hunting destinations in mid-Michigan.
While waterfowl hunters typically can find good spots along the river throughout the state game area, some of the best waterfowl hunting opportunities are found in the wetland impoundments near U.S. 127.
Due to abnormally dry conditions, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources advises hunters to do some preseason scouting before planning a hunting trip at Maple River this year. With very dry conditions over the summer and leading up to the hunting season, water levels will not be as high as some hunters are used to seeing.
The DNR relies on water from the Maple River to refill these wetlands before waterfowl hunting season. Water levels in the Maple River currently are too low to run the pumps that are designed to refill the wetlands. With no significant rainfall in the area since late June, water levels will remain low in the wetland units into the October duck season opener. In years with adequate water levels in the river, the DNR fills all the wetland units to provide suitable conditions for waterfowl during the fall migration as well as ample hunting opportunity.
The state game area’s Unit A, on the west side of U.S. 127, had a scheduled drawdown this summer. Periodic drawdowns are designed to provide optimal conditions for a variety of wetland plants. Diverse emergent wetland vegetation provides excellent natural food sources for waterfowl. When water is added back to the wetland, the production of algae and invertebrates also increases, adding to the food supply for brood-rearing and migrating waterfowl.
Unless there are some significant rainfall events between now and waterfowl season, hunters should expect much lower than normal water levels and should plan their hunting trips accordingly. Water levels may not be suitable for all types of boats, but conditions should be adequate for walk-in hunting and for smaller boats designed for shallow water. Because waterfowl prefer shallow water conditions, use of the area by ducks and geese remains high and should increase as the season approaches.
/Note to editors: Accompanying photos are available below for download. Suggested captions follow.
Maple River: Maple River State Game Area is one of the premier waterfowl hunting destinations in mid-Michigan.
Maple River_Unit A: The water level at Maple River State Game Area’s Unit A, on the west side of U.S. 127, was drawn down this summer to help provide food sources for waterfowl./
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources is committed to the conservation, protection, management, use and enjoyment of the state’s natural and cultural resources for current and future generations. For more information, go to www.michigan.gov/dnr.