CLOSED DMUs for early antlerless firearm season, Sept. 19-20
The early antlerless firearm deer season is this weekend! Below are the deer management units (DMUs) that are open and closed for this private-land-only hunt. Visit or call your local DNR Customer Service Center for more information.
Don’t forget – hunter orange must be worn both days.
Be sure to check the 2015 Michigan Antlerless Deer Digest for hunting rules and regulations. All hunting digests may be viewed online or can be picked up anywhere licenses are sold.
Early Antlerless Firearm
- Season: Sept. 19-20
- Open, on private lands only, within DMUs:

CLOSED DMUs include:
024 067 016 018 069 026 040 361 020 329 083 341 057 034 072 003 065 308 053 311 043 312 245
NOTE: All of the Upper Peninsula is closed to the early antlerless firearm season.
OPEN DMUs include:
005 006 009 010 015 019 025 028 030 033 037 038 044 045 046 047 050 051 056 058 063 073 074 078 081 082 115 332 333 487
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