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Register today for a free webinar series on air permitting and compliance reporting in the MiEnviro Portal for Air!
The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) is hosting this webinar series in December and January, to ensure all users are familiar with the new MiEnviro Portal for Air as it relates to air permitting and compliance reporting. This series will walk users through the system, how to complete and submit Permit to Install (PTI) applications, Renewable Operating Permit (ROP) applications, and how to submit all compliance related information to EGLE's Air Quality Division (AQD) through the Portal.
Webinars in the Series
December 16, 2024, 1:00 - 3:00 PM Introduction to MiEnviro for Air This session is the kick-off to the webinar series for accessing your site data and will cover some of the basics including navigating the system, finding available resources, and understanding the basics on the forms that are available. This session will provide the foundation for the later sessions.
December 17, 2024, 9:00 - 10:30 AM MiEnviro for Air - PTI Part 1: Introduction to the PTI Submission Package This session will introduce the process for submitting a PTI application. This includes new concepts, such as the PTI submission package. This session will cover the forms that are part of the package. This also includes a new form, the Equipment Inventory Form.
December 17, 2024, 1:00 - 2:30 PM MiEnviro for Air - PTI Part 2: Submission Package Forms This session will dive deeper into the PTI forms and cover various statuses for the forms and equipment and control devices within the forms. This training will also cover how to submit the forms and package to the AQD and will go over the notifications you will receive in the system from the AQD about your permit package.
January 7, 2025, 9:00 - 10:30 AM MiEnviro Portal PTI Part 3: General PTI Training This session will cover some specific actions associated with a PTI submission package. This will include submitting a construction waiver, making changes to a permit form, requesting a permit to be voided or withdrawn, and others. This session will also discuss General PTIs.
January 9, 2025, 9:00 - 10:30 AM MiEnviro Portal PTI Part 4: Non-Metallic Mineral Crusher Permits and Relocation Notices This session will cover the submission of a general permit application for a non-metallic mineral crusher and how to submit a relocation notice. This session is geared towards those involved in the non-metallic mineral crushing industry and will also include information on navigating MiEnviro Portal.
January 14, 2025, 9:00 - 10:30 AM MiEnviro Portal: Compliance Reporting This session will cover how compliance reports are submitted to the AQD in the MiEnviro Portal. We will also show you how these requirements tie back to a permit (PTI or ROP), how you submit and make corrections to them, and how you are notified of these reporting requirements in MiEnviro Portal.
January 14, 2025,1:00 - 2:30 PM MiEnviro Portal: Emissions Testing - Submitting test plans and results to the AQD This session will cover how emissions test plans are submitted to the AQD through MiEnviro Portal. This will also cover how the AQD sends approvals to the submitter and how to submit any test results to the AQD.
January 21, 2025, 9:00 - 10:30 AM MiEnviro Portal ROP Part 1: Initial Applications This session will cover the Initial ROP application process. This includes the concept of a submission package and the forms that are included in the package. This session will include how to submit and correct a form, if necessary, and how to track your application as it goes along in the process.
January 21, 2025, 1:00 - 2:30 PM MiEnviro Portal ROP Part 2: Renewal Applications This session will cover the Renewal ROP application process. This includes the concept of a submission package and the forms that are included in the package. This session will include how to submit and correct a form, if necessary, and how to track your application as it goes along in the process.
January 23, 2025, 9:00 - 10:30 AM MiEnviro Portal ROP Part 3: Life after ROP and ROP Modifications This session will cover what to do if you need to modify your ROP. This will include things such as: what to do if you received a new PTI and need to incorporate it into your ROP, adding a new piece of exempt equipment, or a change in a responsible official.
Program Questions: Kaitlyn DeVries:
Registration Questions: Alana Berthold: Joel Roseberry:
Additional instructions on submitting information through the portal will be posted on the MiEnviro for Air webpage, including:
Individuals needing language assistance or accommodations for effective participation at this event should contact Joel Roseberry at 517-599-9494 at least 2 weeks before each event to request language, mobility, visual, hearing, translation, and/or other assistance.