MiEnviro Portal for Air: Important Updates
The Air Quality Division (AQD) is continuing to move closer to launching permitting and compliance reporting in MiEnviro Portal (MiEnviro).MiEnviro is an electronic database designed to streamline environmental reporting and compliance processes. There are some things to know as we prepare to go live in the next few months:
Semi-annual compliance reports: MiEnviro Portal will not be ready for companies to submit required reports through the system for the September 15, 2024, deadline. Therefore, companies should submit reports in the same manner as done previously
Up-coming MiEnviro Training: Stay tuned for information on upcoming training sessions. Proper training will ensure that you can utilize the MiEnviro to its fullest potential. Be sure to subscribe for updates on MiEnviro and to hear about upcoming training opportunities.
Our team is diligently working through some final configurations to ensure that MiEnviro delivers the best possible user experience. We understand the importance of a smooth transition into MiEnviro and are actively considering additional transition items. We appreciate your patience and will communicate updates on our progress as they become available.
Additional questions or topics related to MiEnviro that you are curious about? Send them to EGLE-Air-MiEnviro@michigan.gov