Air permit for Carmeuse Lime and Stone approved with changes based on public input
The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) approved an air permit for Carmeuse Lime and Stone (Carmeuse), with changes in response to public comments, on July 25, 2024. Carmeuse submitted an air permit application to add the ability to burn coke oven gas (COG) at 25 Marion Avenue, River Rouge, Michigan.
Information on the final permit, including the final conditions and the complete responses to public comments, can be found on the Air Quality Public Notice webpage, under PTI Final Decisions.
The changes in the final permit include the following requirements:
- Sulfur dioxide (SO2) emission limits were removed and replaced with a sulfur content limit in the gas of 0.35 lb/1000 scf on a monthly average.
- Added a footnote to the 470 pound per hour SO2 emission limit stating the limit includes SO2 emissions from burning the gas.
- Analyze the coke oven gas's sulfur content three times per month.
- Obtain continuous emission monitor data from EES Coke.
- Maintain the efficiency of the lime kiln burners by tuning them for proper burner operation and performance.
- Added “reasonable possibility” records requirement for SO2, which are required by Rule 1902 and had not been included in the proposed permit conditions.
EGLE sought public input during the comment period. The comment period included a hybrid (in-person and online) information session and public hearing. A recording of the informational session and hearing is available to view. The AQD does not have the regulatory authority to make every change to the permit suggested during the public comment period. Currently, existing laws, rules, and regulations may not allow such changes.
Additional questions may be directed to Andy Drury at or 517-648-6663.